More reaping the fruit of what was sowed.

It seems the incident in Uganda wasn’t isolated.  But, we knew this because that is what was planted.  I picked this up at Climate Depot who picked it up from Luboš Motl .  Apparently, some 23 Hondurans have been murdered.

“At issue are the reported murders of 23 local farmers who tried to recover land, which they say was illegally sold to big palm oil plantations, such as Grupo Dinant, in a country scarred by widespread human rights abuses.” 

The palm oil plantations are UN-accredited palm oil plantations in Honduras created by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

How long before we say this madness must stop?  How much more must be endured by the weakest of humanity before we acknowledge that the policies enacted by this green/clean movement are a direct cause for these murders and depravity?  This must stop and we must start finding those responsible.

You can read the story here.  And the report here.

This is an international disgrace and an outrage!  These misanthropists who are advocating such policies are a direct threat to humanity.

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32 Responses to More reaping the fruit of what was sowed.

  1. Mike Davis says:

    They are signers of the human rights accord from the UN, or at least every member in good standing in the UN should be. That being said, human rights issues are ignored by the security council which should be the watchdog for this. It seems the UN is not doing and has not done what it was set up to do. This is some of the things that were happening in the US in the 18th and 19th centuries. I am sure there are well meaning folks promoting these atrocities in the name of saving the world. The CDM was designed to be abused and to abuse the little people.

    • suyts says:

      I agree. Surely, they could at the very least make a cursory investigation to determine if the land ownership is in dispute or not. As it is, the U.N. is paying people to murder and displace thousands, if not millions of people across the globe. They are depriving people of their life and property……….. so we can plant trees. Johnny Appleseed must be spinning.

      • Mike Davis says:

        I should think the land situation there is like the US before the Homestead act. My ancestors moved into East Tennessee before the Revolutionary war as England wanted a presence here to keep France and Spain from claiming the land as theirs. My first relative to settle was building trading posts and moved form Virginia , along the Powell River to present day Speedwell Tennessee. At the time they thought they were in the Virginia Colony Rather than Carolina which meant they were settling were they were not supposed to.
        The land belongs to the state and the people are allowed to use it. Some are probably just squatters on unused land that may have belonged to others. Whichever way the ownership was in doubt, but that does not justify the actions taken.
        I mentioned before that people were being killed by the Global Warming agenda and this is just one way that is happening.
        I read some stories about people that had clear cut areas in the Amazon to farm. After they raised their family they evacuated the land and moved back to the city on the money they made raping the land. The story was about how fast the forest recovers abandoned land and the number of people that had cleared farms without permission.

      • suyts says:

        Some, I’m sure were squatters. But, just from what I’ve read, in both cases (Uganda and Honduras) many had legitimate claims to the land.

        As you pointed out, that doesn’t justify the actions. I would tend to believe the people being moved. Murderous people tend not to care about land laws and justice either.

  2. HankH says:

    Further evidence that U.N. sanctioned green is red.

    • suyts says:

      Yes, taking land from the people that work it is very reminiscent of other past red endeavors.

      • Mike Davis says:

        That was the entire thing about colonization of foreign lands. The land belonged to the company or the King and people were granted permission to work it in return for a fee paid in the form of taxes. That was what happened in Texas to start the war where the US stole all that land from Mexico.

      • suyts says:

        Interesting perspective on the historical events.

  3. Latitude says:

    I know orangutans are not people, but they took over most of their habitat for the same palm trees, and then shoot them when they try to eat the palm seeds……….
    That’s what did it for me and all these eco groups, they knew this was going on, and not one word.

    • suyts says:

      Exactly…….. and there seems to be some sequestering of the stories by the LSM. Remember the stories about journalists being in danger and such in the Mid-East? But, in this case, a journalist was murdered along with a photographer and not a peep.

      • Latitude says:

        …and that’s why I’m buying a few acres on the mainland and going into hiding

        It’s all so crooked, I’m sure even with our overactive vivid imaginations, we can’t even get close…………..

      • suyts says:

        It does hold an appeal, but I’m afraid if I started collecting firearms in a secluded area…………. well, that doesn’t seem to work out very well.

        Real Football coming on!!

      • Latitude says:

        Florida has the shoot first law……;-)

      • Mike Davis says:

        Lat and James:
        Check and check.
        Lat if you take a trip north stop by.
        James you are maybe 10 hours away driving.
        I do not have a television here so I do not do sports.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Lat: we have an in fear of life and limb clause. Being over 60 anyone approaching on my property without permission is putting me and mine in danger.
      It is known there are dangerous people hanging around these parts.
      Carrying this while walking the property keeps me at ease:

      • Latitude says:

        OH GOD, I love that!

        ….I have to go and get a carry permit before we move. A cop friend of mine owns the gun shop down here, so it will be easier…..then practice practice practice
        That’s my problem right now…I want a kick, but not a lot of kick back, and cheap enough ammo that I don’t freak out every time I go to the range.
        That’s for me to carry….

        …then I need a good varmint rifle too

      • Latitude says:

        Will do….once we’re off the rock, I want to travel a little bit

      • Mike Davis says:

        Stop over, I have a few varieties you can see what works best for you.I would suggest starting with 40cal hand gun. I prefer a 45 and target ammo is about the same for 9, 40, and 45.
        Depending on what you consider a varmint weapon as far as range goes they make a 9 and a 40 cal rifle so you only buy one type of ammo. They are considered effective under 100 yards. The ar-15 style being a 22 cal bullet driven with enough power to reach better than 600 yards at a fair price for ammo as it is widely available, I got some for just over 25cents a round for target. It is legal to use for dear hunting but I have heard about it going right through. A Remington pump action rifle in a few different calibers is available but the ammo runs about one dollar per shot and the 223 will probably do far an all around weapon as it as little kick. They do make an AR pistol but it is awkward and bulky.

      • HankH says:

        Very nice, Dave!

        Here in Nevada, we can use deadly force to protect our property, persons, and any other person in eminent threat of life or to stop a purpetrator in the act of a felony, so long as such action was not done in the spirit of revenge. We experienced an attempted home invasion while we were in bed two Easters ago which tested our readiness to respond. They weren’t able to kick in the steel triple bolted door but we were ready if they had – it was four armed gang-bangers in their early 20’s (caught them on camera). If someone manages a forced entry, well, they’ll realize they picked the wrong home.

        For inside the house I have a Mossberg 590 Mariner tactical shotgun loaded with double ott 3″ magnum loads. Just pumping the 590 is enough to give someone good reason to leave. It’s loud. For our travel outdoors, my wife and I both carry Glock 9mm’s loaded with 145 grain hydroshock hollow points. The wife and I are qualified sharpshooters.

        You can’t be too careful in these parts and one must remember that when seconds count, the police are only 20 minutes away.

  4. Mike Davis says:

    I also have my own 200 yard range for practice whenever the weather is right.

  5. Mike Davis says:

    Where in Nevada?
    My sister spent almost 20 years in Reno and has friends all over the northern part of the state and I grew up in Southern Nevada. Spending about 54 years there. In the mid 70s I was the range master at Desert Sportsman’s range near Red Rock off W Charleston. Back when you could open carry but needed a permit for concealed.
    I feel more comfortable with a Kimber ULTRA RCP II and can shoot better with it than a Glock. I can also carry it in a pocket of baggy pants unnoticed. With a 185 grain powerball it does the job. I have a G27 But I am more comfortable with the Kimber. I like the short crisp trigger pull and the Cock n Lock feature and for close fast response I have a CT laser grip.
    I have the Mariner but keep an AR with tactical light and laser because of the spread of the shot gun blast. I also have a 1911 with tac light / laser in my headboard.

    • HankH says:

      Las Vegas. My wife and I tried out a number of options but were looking for something that fit her hand, also something easy to break down and uncomplicated innards. It doesn’t even have a safety, just an in-trigger mechanism to prevent accidental fire when dropped. Given that we do medical research and travel out into the desert quite a bit, we wanted something that would cycle snake shot. The Glock seems to do that fairly well without jamming. So we were looking for a specific set of requirements beyond just personal defense. A185 grain power ball has got to do some damage. I can’t imagine!

      • Mike Davis says:

        For a snake gun I found a Judge to be a good option with alternate 45 Long Colt. During warmer weather I carry that as well as an AR while walking my tree farm.
        Winchester makes a 410 PDX1 that contains 3 .410 plates and 12 bbs that tear things up really nice and eliminate the need for the 45 long colt rounds. You need to strengthen your hands as the kick is about equal to a 357 but the push is straight back and the grip absorbs a lot of it. Without a fanny pack designed for concealing the weapon it is to big for concealed carry but a good hiking companion and car gun.
        I had picked up a Bond Arms Snake Slayer for the size but could not control the shot placement and the recoil was more than I was comfortable with.
        I have Glocks but fell in love with the Kimber action and performance when I first shot one so it replaced my G27 carry weapon.

      • HankH says:

        The Snake Slayer is a very nice concept but the Judge is more up my alley as I like the five round capacity. We have a lot of gun shows here in Las Vegas. I’ll have to keep my eye out for a sweet deal as the Judge is a bit pricy. I can see where the Judge would be an excellent option in a survival situation as it would be ideal for small game – ground squirrels, rabbit, and snake – which are in abundance around here.

      • Mike Davis says:

        In the 54 years I lived there I only came across a side winder once or twice.
        There are more snakes here as I have seen them during the warm season and we observe the type of snake as most are beneficial. The last time I came across a copper head my cats and dogs were in the way of shooting it so I used the walking staff I designed to use for restricting a snakes movement.
        Having a tree farm I have a variety of hard wood trees and saplings so I have a pick of woods for walking staffs. You might want to think about picking up a walking staff as it helps when walking down hill and gives you something to lean on while resting. Mine are the same height as the door frame as I have extreme slopes here. From the road to the back of the property is an elevation change of 600 ft in about 1500 ft.

  6. Mike Davis says:

    If you manage to get a Judge with a six inch barrel it would be legal for deer also and Hornady makes some nice defense rounds for it that can also be used in a lever action rifle.
    The range was to short for my needs as the carbine is good to about 100 yards and mounting a scope ruined the looks.

  7. Pingback: Systematic war on the poor? | suyts space

  8. Pingback: Heartland Institute: When Is It Inappropriate To Confront Acts Of Depravity? | suyts space

  9. Pingback: I’m Not Going To Say It Again! Stop Telling People What To Think, Write, Or Say!!!! | suyts space

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