The “White Supremist” Accusation — And, Why It Can No Longer Be Taken Seriously …… Exhibit A


I suppose no one is tired of the constant claims some make against others for being “White Supremists”.  I mean, today, it doesn’t seem to matter what you do or who you are, or what you’ve done in the past, if you happen to disagree with the dogma of the left in regards to race relations, you will be deemed a “White Supremist”, or some such idiocy, like calling a particular group a “hate group”. 

Anyone who has read the tripe which comes out of the SPLC knows this.  But, it goes well beyond the SPLC (a hate group, themselves) …….  everyone one is a hater, or more specifically, a White Supremist.  Even our president is called a WS, heck anyone associated with him is called a WS.  Even the voters for Trump are called WSs!!!!  (Forget the fact that Trump gained more Black voters than any recent Repub candidate)  It is the ultimate agrument against trying to make America great, again. 

Are there White Supremists?  Sure there are!  There’s one down in Florida giving a speech or something.  But, the fact is, the overwhelming majority of us do not personally know one, not even one.  There are also, btw, Black Supremists, Hispanic Supremists, and probably a supremist for every race, creed, or color. 

But, going back to the ridiculousness of the accusation, it doesn’t mean anything anymore if everyone is.  And, it is ridiculous.  It is now akin to calling everyone you disagree with a NAZI.  Well, not just akin, but, entirely entertwined.  If you disagree with someone, but, cannot come up with a convincing argument as to why they’re wrong, just call them a White Supremist or a NAZI ……. end of discussion, the merits of their argument are then completely and totally invalidated. 

Never mind that illegal immigration is costing the US governments (fed, state, and local) $135 billion annually, you’re a racist and a NAZI!!!!!  So, shut up about that wall!!!!  A “Values Summit?”  Well, you’re sponsored by a hate group, the Family Research Council!!!!  The SPLC says so!!!!  And, you had the NAZI/Racist speak there, so proof!!!  He said, “we don’t worship government, we worship God”.  But, because he’s been deemed a NAZI/racist, his point must be wrong. 

But, none of what I’ve stated is my “exhibit A”.  And, what has any of this have to do with the picture I’ve posted above?

The young men in the picture, I cannot identify.  The lady in the picture is Obianuju Ekeocha.  Now, Ms. Ekeocha is a lady from Africa.  She’s a devote Catholic, and fights the Western Globalists attempts of infantcide in Africa.  She’s fierce, and a fierce support of the people of Africa.  And, this is where it gets ridiculous. …….  via Twitchy …..

We’re starting to wonder if Tariq Nasheed at this point is just a professional troll on Twitter. Honestly. He doesn’t seem to garner attention unless he’s being a repugnant ass; we never see him say or do anything inspiring for his so-called movement. All we ever really see from him is crap like this:

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter

Tariq Nasheed


Callista Gingrich is the new US ambassador to the Vatican..Someone made this comparison

Stay classy, Tariq.

Pro-life warrior and all-around badass Obianuju Ekeocha understandably took issue with his tweet and tried to appeal to him as a public personality.

Obianuju Ekeocha


The mean-spiritedness that I am seeing among American public personalities is heartbreaking. Tariq u should be more dignified than this.

Not sure Tariq knows how to be dignified.

Tariq Nasheed


Unfortunately I’m not. Someone sent it to me and I was petty enough to post it #ohwell

Trolls are gonna troll.

Obianuju Ekeocha


The person that sent you that image may not have ur platform so they decided that u should be the one to spit on her & shame her publicly.

That’s all he knows.

And of course, since Obianuju called it like it is, Tariq jumped the shark and attacked her personally:

Tariq Nasheed


Obianuju, is it true that your husband is white?


Obianuju Ekeocha


But my parents and all my brothers and sisters and cousins and aunties and uncles are Africans just like me.

Tariq Nasheed


But its true that your significant other is a white person, correct?

Notice how Tariq is trying to make her opinion mean LESS because she might be married to a white man.


Obianuju Ekeocha


I have no husband sir.

Obianuju Ekeocha


I haven’t dated since I was 21! That was many many many many years ago. And that was in Africa. …

He doubled down:

Tariq Nasheed


I see why you are putting on your cape for suspected white supremacists, tho. Based on your timeline,you are the professional “Black friend”

8:14 PM – Oct 16, 2017

View image on Twitter

Did he seriously just accuse Obianuju of being a white supremacist? Oh and super classy with the ‘professional black friend’ dig, Tariq.


Obianuju Ekeocha


Those men are working for me! …

Obianuju Ekeocha


!!!!!!!!!!!! No! Nor with a black woman (just for the record books). …


Tariq Nasheed


I did a broadcast last night explaining how many of you women from Africa are the biggest saviors of whites (24:00) …

YouTube ‎@YouTube

Don’t bother watching this, just FYI.

Obianuju Ekeocha


Replying to @tariqnasheed

I’ll watch it once I can. I’m sure I’ll find it informative as long as there are no swear words or venom.


Tariq Nasheed


Its interesting you are doing EXACTLY what I pointed out. Thats a very big problem that Black people globally have to acknowledge

And here comes the thunder:

Obianuju Ekeocha


Ok! Let’s end this little soap opera. 1/


Obianuju Ekeocha


No one gets an award for their skin colour or race 2/

Obianuju Ekeocha


No one has the patent to virtue based on their race 3/

Obianuju Ekeocha


Replying to @obianuju

All I tired to do tonight was to point out the level of venom in public discourse 4/


Obianuju Ekeocha


And I was put on Twitter Trial on charges of “white supremacy” 5/

Obianuju Ekeocha


I who was born and raised in Africa. I who never stepped out of Africa until I was 24. A white supremacist . 6/

Obianuju Ekeocha


Replying to @obianuju

What is more is that the last few years of my life has been lived in service of the African people 7/


Obianuju Ekeocha


I have put my life on the line and I have risked more than I thought I could in opposition to neo-colonialism of my people 8/

Obianuju Ekeocha


When all is said and done, I would like to point out Tariq that I am more African than you could ever be 9/

Obianuju Ekeocha


Peace unto you 10/

Mic. Effing. Drop.

It’s not just a mic drop, but, a call to sensibility to the leftards …….. sadly, it will not be heeded, else, they wouldn’t be leftards.

Look, it is impossible to have a meaningful dialogue with anyone who constantly accuses you of being a NAZI/White Supremist, or stupidhead every time you say something they disagree with.  It is exactly like trying to reason with a spoiled 5 y/o who isn’t getting their way. 

We have come to a point in time in history where a fierce warrior for Africans, an African herself, can be considered a supporter of White Supremists simply because she calls out an imbecile for his horrid behavior.  Well, if she’s a White Supremist, then, I guess, so am I.  But, then, if that’s true, then all such labels are meaningless.

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29 Responses to The “White Supremist” Accusation — And, Why It Can No Longer Be Taken Seriously …… Exhibit A

  1. leftinflagstaff says:

    I think all the ‘-isms’ are just cover for Libs to despise their nation and their people, without admitting that they do. When things like Hispanic Americans also being hurt by illegal immigration, doesn’t even cross their minds. It’s just immediately ‘racism.’

  2. philjourdan says:

    I read the exchange. I love her!

    The actual number of “White Supremacists” in this country could not fill a decent size concert hall. But the left has to create more to scare their base into believing we are just one day away from some kind of racial government. The truth is, we already are. But it is called AA, not WS.

    The left does not require brains. And they demonstrate that every day.

  3. Latitude says:

    I didn’t even know this guy existed…until we evacuated for Irma. We were heading north on I75 above Tampa and he passed us….met up with him later at a gas stop….he’s a total hoot!

    I don’t know what all this black stuff is about. Thank God I’m not exposed to it personally….but then I have lots of black friends and people that are black that I associate with every day….but none of us live in some inner city black ghetto…we all speak the same language…we’re all connected somehow either it’s friends of family….and not one of us has some self generated pitty party going on. Cracked one of my neighbors up the other day…..he’s so black I tease him about opening his eye’s after dark so we can find him…..did not get the Lena Horne gene at all! Told him damned if my relatives were so savage they could be rounded up like cattle…..and me brag about it! What kind of “culture” is that???

    Anywho….this is who we ran into on the hwy when we were evacuating…no, the stuff you read is definitely NOT all black people…any more than it is all of any other people….it’s just this scum that’s allowed to have air time…and the guy doing this is black as coal

    • leftinflagstaff says:

      Heheheh…. Mocking it all, like it should be. Just shows how little about skin color it really is, and about how absurd the person inside the color is.

  4. cdquarles says:

    Thanks for the laugh, Lat.

    • Latitude says:

      LOL…you know, but not everyone knows this
      I’m so white you can’t find me in the bed! Blue eyes, freckles, very light blond hair….
      My oldest best friend that we grew up together….is the total opposite….he’s about 6’4″…built like a brick shit house…and as black as it gets…he’s a pastor now….tells everyone we’re cousins LOL

      • cdquarles says:

        :D. As I often say, I’m an American mutt and have the typical ‘dysfunctional’ American family. My family has every shade in it from the palest white to the blackest black. Now you’d think that’d make us less ‘color’ conscious; but it doesn’t :(. I guess that’s another confirmation that there’s nothing new under the sun.

        • Latitude says:

          you know…..people that say they can’t see color are lying
          Of course you see color!….it’s how you let it effect you that matters
          We all just kid each other relentlessly….and probably use the words cracker and nigg8r way too much! LOL

        • cdquarles says:

          You’re correct about letting it affect us. “Sticks and stones may break my bones; but words can never hurt me (as long as I don’t let them)” was the mantra of my youth. Also, cracker and nigg*r didn’t have much meaning until we let others have too much power. They were simple ‘insults’ and by being ‘overused’, they mattered about as much as water on a duck’s back.

          Well said, James, by the way. The answer to ‘offensive’ or ‘hateful’ speech isn’t restrictions but more speech.

        • Latitude says:

          I talked about this…..we have done the biggest injustice to black people in this country I’ve ever seen or could imagine…
          Words have meaning…they are descriptive
          It doesn’t matter if some black guy is the lowest life on this planet…he’s a black guy…just like the black guy that has a PhD….he’s a black guy
          We have homogenized and entire race of people and taken away the ability to differentiate good from bad…and in most cases even the ability to recognize the difference

        • cdquarles says:

          Yep. In a way, it is worse. There is institutional racism in the USA today. The left instituted it. The KKK and Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition were two sides of the same coin. You see it with the ‘white privilege’ stuff; but that hasn’t been true for decades. Not only have the black Americans been homogenized, so too have the white Americans.

          Two wrongs don’t make it right. Just as you can’t get justice by perpetrating injustice. Poor Dr. Martin Luther King, for his vision has been co-opted. That this has happened shouldn’t surprise anyone, though.

          Ol’ Jim Crow didn’t die, he birthed a son. His son’s name is Political Correctness; and it is just as unjust as ol’ Jim was.

          To the youth today, if you want to know what life was like in the Jim Crow era, you’re living in it now. The only difference now is that the left is destroying Western Civilization openly. They think (the PTB, the ‘liberal’ elite) that they’ll still have power once they’ve destroyed the USA. They’re wrong. Should the USA destroy itself, it won’t be ‘liberalism’ or ‘communism’ that rules. It’ll be something much worse and it’ll be the ‘useful idiots’ that get murdered first.

        • philjourdan says:

          There was an article on one of the sites about some clown screaming that only those who have experienced hate due to their color could comment on some stupid thing.

          I made the comment then, that ALL races have experienced hate based upon their color. The difference today is that it is politically correct to hate “whites” based on their color.

        • Latitude says:

          It’s not the color of someone’s skin……trash is trash and comes in all colors
          …they are just trying to get us to believe that discriminating against trash is racist
          and trying to get us to except trash

          Was having dinner at my friends house a long time ago…..his oldest son…must have been about 12 13 14 at the time…out of the blue, announced “my grandfather was a slave”…..
          We all looked at him…waited for more…nada…that was it
          I told the kid the first thing that came to mind….”well, thank God for that”
          Kid threw a fit…..I told him, if your grandfather had not been a slave, you would not be here right now

          I will never buy into this victim crap……

  5. Latitude says:

    ..and now we find out George Bush wasn’t who he said he was either….

    • leftinflagstaff says:

      Most of our politicians have forgotten which nation they serve. On either side. Or simply dinosaurs stuck in 1950.

    • Some of the many problems with former President Bush 43 were: he was very quiet when his administration was attacked–never defended himself; and he never saw a Congressional bill he didn’t like–signed all of them.

      So he’s basically quiet all during President Obama’s reign, and now he chooses to speak out? And his words are typical left-wing talking points like “white supremacists.”

      I wrote both President Bush 41 and 43 off when they said they were going to vote for Hillary.

      I saw an interesting bumper sticker yesterday. Below his “Trump” sticker was one that read “Waterboard Hillary.” I doubt that she would tell the truth even then, because I don’t think she knows what the truth is.

      I like our current President–he defends himself, our nation, and “stands up” for what is right.


      • Latitude says:

        100% agree Jim…..we’ve been had on all sides…..and the more they continue the war on Trump, the stronger he gets

  6. Latitude says:

    Show of hands… many think this guy is funded by Soros too?
    …got to have good enemy, right?

  7. Lars P. says:

    An interesting post at NTZ which covers the ‘CO2 radiation trap’ meme & falacy.
    It is refreshing to see from time to time someone pointing out the errors in the warmist theory

  8. Lars P. says:

    Liberals have lost the basis of logic, for them logic is relative… Their worldview is narrow and limited.
    This one calls herself a mathematics teacher!?
    Gutierrez argues that subjects like algebra and geometry, which relate to arithmetic, also perpetuate racism and white privilege.
    I wonder what does she do with the ones like Chandrasekhar? Indians have a strong mathematics school.

    • suyts says:

      Heh!!!! Was just thinking of writing a post on that! …….. I like this part …… ““On many levels, mathematics itself operates as whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as white,” she writes.

      Further, she says mathematics operates with unearned privilege in society, “just like whiteness.” ——- The Whiteness of Math.

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