ICYMI —– A Collage Of Stories


These are in no particular order, (please read the links) and all should probably have individual posts, especially this one …….

Barack Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

but, I’m getting lazy in my age.

Remember the great recovery from the great recession?  No one else does, either.  Given the price of oil and gas, this is an amazing feat.  Maybe if we just imported some more cheap labor, or something …….

In other news ……

I think Merkel is on her way out.  It’s a fascinating thing.  In spite of social media walking lockstep with the SJW and PC crowd, people just aren’t buying it, not just in the US, but, around the world.  I used to think the internet was the last bastion of free speech, but, Twitter and FB has shown me just how wrong I was.  We need a new website which insulates the people from the PC madness. 


It’s easy to mislead people about the US Constitution when so few actually read the document.  Or even bother to read a US history book.  I’m reminded of a quote …… “

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” —– Voltaire

But, never fear, our universities “foster a community that welcomes open discourse”.  This will protect society from believing absurdities.  Those words in quotes are nearly universal in American universities’ mission statements.  And, they’re true, except when they’re not

Lastly, but, not least, climate lunatics, once again, expose themselves for what they are ….. watermelons.  Not that there’s ever been any doubt about this.  The CO2 insanity is simply a cover for leftists trying to impose their will and their hateful misanthropist leftist ideology on the rest of humanity.  For more on the climate lunacy see above Voltaire quote. 

Well, there’s a lot to discuss in the stories presented, and more to discuss on the ones not presented, but, that’s all I’ve got for today. 

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211 Responses to ICYMI —– A Collage Of Stories

  1. Me says:

    😆 Is that the Bern Sanders Bucket full of leftarded hot heads and leftwings, or the Hellary Bucket with the same but assholes included!

    • suyts says:

      2 large thighs, 2 small breasts and one left wing. ….. 😀

      • Me says:

        I’d say it is the extra chrispy we all like, or Trump wouldn’t be eating it, but it makes a good story with leftwing and arseholes, and until, now with the extra large thighs, and tiny brest. That is a new norm for the the leftest bucket, should be a disclaimer with that leftist bucket, taste foul and no refunds. I love KFC, Too bad it’s getting so expensive.

      • Latitude says:


      • cdquarles says:

        LOL, 5 pcs of, um, finger-licking goodness, all for the low price of $50, today. Tomorrow, who knows?

  2. I guess the rights that provide our self-determination also remove our right to determine who we allow in.

  3. Me says:

    Can’t wait for the Trump spoof of this! 😆

  4. Latitude says:

    Remember how globalization was sold?….we can buy cheap crap from China
    If no one has a job, you can’t buy anything at any price.

    Yes, Merkel should be gone, but she’s probably not…muslims have infiltrated her party and they want to keep her in power

    I guess you heard all the crap on Khizr Khan, right? His ties to Sharia law, ties to the Clintons, his website where his law practice gets muslims in for a price, etc BTW he erased his website from the web…………Funny, as soon as people starting figuring out who he was….all of a sudden he said he didn’t want to be in the center and getting all this attention..and he poofed

    …way too much crap going on…but that’s the liberal way….look! elephants!!!

    • Me says:

      Yep! put the spot light on himself and now he doesn’t want it anymore! Bwaaahahaha!

    • suyts says:

      Re Merkel ….. yes, they have infiltrated, but, the majority of Germany are still Germans. From what I can see, the majority understand this has been a terrible mistake, regardless of their political stripe. ….. and yeh, I’ve seen the ties Khan has. Typical leftardism.

      • Latitude says:

        ..and it just keeps getting better
        Khan gave his big speech about the constitution…..but says Sharia trumps the constitution….
        It’s a religion…you can’t get these people to adapt to our way of life….until they change their religion…and they are not going to do that


        • leftinflagstaff says:

          Yep. Never was our responsibility to bear the burden of another culture’s violence, that they won’t cleanup, whether that violence is based on their religion or not. Nor was it ever our responsibility to bear the burden of their failed economies.

          And now, our ability to do so is gone, if we even wanted to.

        • Jason Calley says:

          Hey Latitude! “It’s a religion…”

          I know I am nitpicking a little here, but the fact is, Islam is NOT a religion. Islam is a religion PLUS a form of government. Once someone espouses the belief that Sharia Law should supersede the Constitution they are no longer talking religion, they are talking overthrow of the government. Once they say that Sharia Law demands that homosexuals be killed, they are not talking religion, they are talking murder.

          I am still at a complete mental loss to understand how anyone — even a Progressive — can be so blind that they think bringing in people who wish to destroy all notions of human rights is a good idea. Insanity! I have said it before, but I will say again, modern liberals (and note that I say “modern liberals” and not “classical liberals”) are insane. Literally insane. They have lost their grasp of reality and live in a world of frightening and irrational fantasy.

        • philjourdan says:

          Once they say that Sharia Law demands that homosexuals be killed, they are not talking religion, they are talking murder.

          Here’s the problem with that. If the law says it is ok, then it is not murder. And we have legalized murder in the US now, even for Homosexuals – as long as the mother wants it.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          Which is more proof of their insanity.

  5. philjourdan says:

    The Internet is still a haven for safe speech, but like any company, some sites are not. Just as in the US, you are free to say what you want from GOVERNMENT interference. But private businesses can restrict it because they are private. I have never been a part of twitter or FB, nor plan to be in the foreseeable future. That they were not “bastions” of free speech has never been in question. I guess the only question is why it took some people so long to realize it.

    As for Universities, they are in a death throe. As an institution, they will not go away. But many will cease to exist as they price themselves out of range. Free College for everyone, just like free health care and any other idiocy that the liberals want to give away as free, will cost too much and people will find alternatives – like ECPI and the like. Still expensive, but much less so than the waste of a 4 year college degree. There are no safe spaces in the real world.

    • dirkhblog says:

      I just watched….

      …so at the current rate she’s sinking into the hole at a rate of 7k USD a year… interest rate of about 8% – which sounds reasonable given real inflation of 7%…. as some claim the US has. I hoped for the MIT billion price project to clear that up but it got neutered, castrated and had its balls cut off in no time.

      • cdquarles says:

        There is no such thing as an inflation rate, in actuality. Sure, you can do some mathematical operations on some numbers and call it a rate of something, yet …, that does not give it real meaning. Does averaging the labels on lottery balls tell you anything actual? What is an average human and have you ever met one?

        • DirkH says:

          cdquarles says:
          August 3, 2016 at 1:48 pm
          “There is no such thing as an inflation rate, in actuality. Sure, you can do some mathematical operations on some numbers and call it a rate of something, yet …, that does not give it real meaning”

          Well so you’re criticizing that it’s an average that doesn’t apply to individual people. But it does apply to the economy of a nation and its currency – it is an aggregate. A true inflationo number would show the government deflator for GDP to be a lie – and turn claims like x % of growth in a year on its head. – That’s exactly why the MIT project had to be lobotomized, had its brain zapped, fried and eaten by zombies.

        • cdquarles says:

          No, I’m criticizing a model being applied where it can’t be applied in logic, rationally.

        • cdquarles says:

          I’ll put it another way. I agree with Ludwig von Mises that economics cannot be mathematized, especially the way money quantity theory has done it. Inflation is felt. It results in actions. Values are opinions in the minds of the actors. Putting numbers on that requires making leaps of logic at best, then reifying it as if the numbers were actual things is worse.

        • philjourdan says:

          Agreed, but it can be Quantified (mathematized) in some respects. Economics is a social science in that it does involve the actions of people. So actual numbers mean nothing, only what the people perceive the numbers to represent. That is how you get reduced spending when the media says things are bad (even when they are not) and better spending when the media says things have improved (ditto).

          And that is why Bankruptcy is still going gang busters 8 years into Obama. The media says things are good, the gullible believe them, not their bank account, and wind up in trouble.

          Have you ever read the Foundation Trilogy? IN it, Asimov came up with something called Psycho-History. In reality he was just describing “mathematizing” Economics. While you cannot predict what one person will do given a certain set of conditions, you can predict what a mass of people will do under certain conditions. That is what he was talking about with Psycho-history. And that in essence is what Economics is about.

          The conditions may or may not be based upon reality. People react to perceptions, not reality.

        • cdquarles says:

          Of course I have. I once had a paperback copy of nearly everything Asimov had written that was published. Sadly, I have subsequently lost most of my personal library.

        • philjourdan says:

          Sorry for doubting you. 😉

          But as an economist, I have always found his idea of Psyho-History to be intriguing. And it probably led to my getting a degree in it.

          I have not read all his non-fiction, but I have read all his fiction. He is my favorite author.

        • cdquarles says:

          I didn’t accept it then and I don’t accept it now, if you mean that the equations mean anything actual. Economics would work so much better if they did keep it to polling and not try to reify any mathematical relationships that can be made to fit it. It is akin to climate science. I believe that’s my von Mises was so adamant about not heading down that path, that is, reification of relationships in a mathematical form.

          The story was pretty good, though.

      • philjourdan says:

        Question #1 – Why did she not work while in college (I did – the entire 4 years – it was 4 years of hell, with class from 8-2, and work from 2-10, then study and assignments)

        Question #2 – Why not a cheaper school? LaSalle is not exactly Ivy league

        Question #3 – “Minimum” Payments? Minimum payments do not increase the principal. So she is paying a restructured payment, which is not covering interest.

        Question #4 – She grosses $2400/mn. Assuming 30% tax bracket (payroll and income, state and local) that means she is clearing almost 1700 per month. No rent. Just a car. Did she take a course in economics?

        Statement: I paid my way through college. A lot of folks do (even today), by W-O-R-K-I-N-G while going to school It means you do not have time for Frats (or Sororities) and keg parties. But it means you get an education and PAY for it. Now she wants her education PAID for. By me? You get NO sympathy from me.

    • cdquarles says:

      I have both. I don’t do much with either, but they’re great for keeping in touch with people. Did long distance telephony change human nature? /rhetorical. I find both hilarious in ways that TV sitcoms never could be. There’s a lot of dreck and there’s pure comedy gold. I just don’t put too much stock in them, just like I don’t with the ‘news’ biz, print or TV. The great thing about the Internet is that you can do forensic analyses of stories. You might have to do some digging, but you can get a fuller picture by doing comparisons. What did A leave out that B kept in. Why did C express things in the fashion they did while D didn’t.

  6. Latitude says:

    Just so we are all clear on the concept…..

  7. philjourdan says:

    It appears that Kansas is waking up – Tim Huelskamp

    Maybe we can get rid of enough republicans, but I still doubt it.

    • cdquarles says:

      My district’s congresscritter’s trying to improve his image. He’s one of the worst in the classical liberal sense, yet still, by preponderance of the evidence, better than the local Ds.

      One must not forget that the Establishment takeover happened about 120 years ago. There was a political party called the Progressive Party. It couldn’t win national elections. The bigwigs (Roosevelts and Wilson as political names and a host of other radical leftists in academia, business, and banking) decided to fold their party and transform the two major ones into their own image. The Democrats always were more susceptible to that leftist siren song, being racist since the 1820s. The Republicans, let us not forget, rose from the ashes of the appeasing Whigs. That’s the fascinating thing. The leadership bought into ‘scientific socialism’ while the rank-and-file remained more traditional classical liberals. That establishment never liked Harding/Coolidge/Reagan. They loved being ‘moderate’ leftists giving lip-service to being defenders of the Constitution. Teddy Roosevelt gave us Woodrow Wilson. Herbert Hoover gave us Franklin Roosevelt. George H W Bush gave us Slick Willie William J Clinton. George W Bush gave us Barry O.

      John Kennedy couldn’t make it in today’s “New” Alinskyist Democrat Party. Ronald Reagan had to fight the Republican Party as well as the Democrat Party, yet Reagan did get support from what little remained of the less radical left Democrats. Those have all been purged. Reagan couldn’t make it in today’s Republican Party. While there are significant differences between Reagan and Trump (Trump has never, I believe, understood Reagan’s philosophy), there are similarities. The best thing that Trump could do, in my opinion, is get a crash course in American history not from the Progressive’s sources. Dr. Arnn, try to get Donald Trump into one of your online classes, please, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillsdale_College.

      • leftinflagstaff says:

        No need for Trump’s history lesson. Just have enough common sense to know whether something is better for the family next door, or for the family half a world away. And to never be ashamed to make the right choice between the two. The required choice for that job.

        • cdquarles says:

          If only that were so. I believe Trump needs this so that he can understand what’s going on and why, so that when the time comes, he can help educate (not in its current corrupted state) the public and be a better leader. Remember, he’ll have to deal with the bureaucracy, too.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          That’s a more a Current Events lesson, which he seems to already understand and accept very well. And is attacked for accepting it, by those who reject the ‘why.’ Could a greater knowledge of the history of illegal immigration, or of Islamic violence help? Maybe. But not required to see their current results, and that they must be dealt with.

        • cdquarles says:

          I’d think that’d help him explain the why and that what’s happened before, even If not exactly so here, can happen here, with US characteristics. Human nature is what it is.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          Well, greater knowledge is never a bad thing. But if a Trump presidency occurs, and he pursues his stated platform, his battle is going to rely more on will than knowledge. His opposition have no interest in gaining any knowledge that counters their emotion-based delusions.

          I’d rather be armed with a shotgun than a history book to fight a snake.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          If you’re thinking it may help him win the job… Maybe for a few. But again, the lines are fairly obviously drawn between the realists and the delusional. And with their allies who have the knowledge, but want the damage to continue.

        • cdquarles says:

          Shotgun or book to kill a snake? It depends. Personally, a shotgun is a relatively bad choice. If the snake’s close, I’d rather have a book, a hoe, or a brick (I’ve had to do this, by the way, using a hoe and a brick). If it isn’t that close but not far enough away, I’d probably take that shotgun. Come to think of it, I’ve killed a snake with an air-gun.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          🙂 But you still didn’t try to convince, the unconvincible, with ‘knowledge.’

        • You used force. Be it a thrown history book.

        • cdquarles says:

          True 🙂
          Yet, as time and human nature has shown, some things have to be shown as unworkable now because it has never worked. Sure, you won’t convince the impervious, but you may show some undecided folk why a decision is necessary and why the unconvinced are in error.

        • Fair enough. I suppose they must be out there. Just seems like the he scale has tipped beyond the point where they could make a difference.

    • suyts says:

      Phil, Huelskamp was ousted because he didn’t play well with other Repubs and Dims and the Chamber of Commerce sank big $ into defeating him. I considered him one of the good guys. The guy they picked (different district than mine) promised to get along with establishment Repubs and Dims.

      • philjourdan says:

        He was also a never trumper. I do not know the Kansas politics now, but the national media seems to think it was for that reason. IN other words, you are either establishment or anti. And Trump represents the Anti. It is not a conservative versus moderate issue any longer (at least not in the minds of the media).

      • suyts says:

        I’m not sure how western Kansas perceived him. They’re a strange lot. But, he was most definitely anti-establishment. Yes, he never endorsed Trump, and was a Cruz supporter. But, it wasn’t the Trumpers who ousted him, it was the establishment who did. The backing of the CoM for his opponent is a huge tell. The farmers were mad at him because he lost his seat on the Ag committee in a fight with Boehner and Ryan.

  8. dirkhblog says:

    “I used to think the internet was the last bastion of free speech, but, Twitter and FB has shown me just how wrong I was. We need a new website which insulates the people from the PC madness. ”

    WordPress is famously neutral. What do you want more?

    • suyts says:

      Poorly worded complaint …… yes, WP is famously neutral, for now. And, when they get bought out by bigger fish?

      • suyts says:

        That’s my point, Phil. No one “owns” the internet. But, all the internet sites are owned. YouTube can turn it off or on at a whim, so can WP or any other site. Our free speech is subject to the whims of the owners.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, you can create your own site. That is the beauty of the Internet. The “owned” sites are merely homesteads. And as such subject to the whims of the owners. Tony Heller just created his “own” site, so is not subject to the rules of wordpress any longer.

          Freedom is never free. But is always an option if truly desired.

  9. Trump is: “Crashing, burning, and dying.” (A phrase we used in Naval Air when someone was failing spectacularly.)


    • Latitude says:

      If you could pick just one thing….what’s your favorite thing about Hillary?

    • Yes. Since the Iowa Caucuses.

    • Latitude says:

      Jim, don’t believe the polls…
      Reuters moved all the independents to Hillary, that’s how they got Hillary ahead.
      CNN left out the 18-34 age group…to come up with their poll.

      …etc etc etc

      They are doing their best to rig the polls.

      When they rig the election, they will use these polls to justify Hillary winning.

      If they show Trump way ahead….and they rig the election so Hillary wins…it’s not going to float…they have to show Hillary winning in the polls

  10. Latitude says:

    One of these if Hillary in Omaha….
    ….the other one is Trump in Omaha

  11. Latitude says:

    Jim Masterson says:
    August 3, 2016 at 6:41 pm
    Trump is: “Crashing, burning, and dying.” (A phrase we used in Naval Air when someone was failing spectacularly.)

    What a Shock=> Trump Implosion Stories Completely Fabricated by Liberal Media Hacks


    • >>
      Jim, don’t believe the polls…

      I don’t need polls–just my deteriorating, vertebrate eyes. I’m not completely blind yet.

      In a year where beating Democrats would have been a cake-walk, we have to deal with Trump. In the People’s Republic of Washington State, our governor’s record is abysmal. Is he defending his bad record? No. Governor Inslee’s attacking his Republican opponent (Bill Bryant) by demanding that he state whether he supports Trump or not. (Other idiot Republicans, like Dan Evans, have joined the Never-Trumpers.)

      I predict that Hillary will win by a landslide. Not only that, but we’ll probably lose both the House and Senate. Thank-you Trump and Trump supporters.

      I still think Trump was hired by the Clinton machine to help Hillary get elected and destroy the Republicans. I’ve not changed that opinion.

      You win elections by uniting your side and dividing the other side. Which side is united and which side is divided?

      Still, the last person on the planet who should become President is Hillary. I think Trump is next to last.


      • Latitude says:

        Jim, I don’t what what news you’re watching out there….but I know you see enough to know what I’m about to say is true.

        Hillary won the democrat nomination by the democrats doing everything in their power to trash Sanders. Trash talking him and his supporters, rigging the nomination process, etc. While all the time having to cancel Hillary’s speaking engagements because they couldn’t get enough people there and it was embarrassing… she couldn’t even fill up a broom closet and Bernie was playing to overflows. While at the same time massive demonstrations against her and the democrat party were going on..and still are. She has spent the national debt trying to get elected too.

        …and the demonstrations against the democrats and Hillary are still going on

        Trump won the republican nomination…in spite….. of the republicans doing everything in their power to try to stop him. The republicans have trash talked him, tried to get other people to run against him..they all turned it down because they knew they would lose, and even went so far as to say they would prefer Hillary. Trump has filled up every speaking engagement he’s had…to overflowing. The demonstrations against him have been small…and mostly BLM, etc

        The wrong people want Trump to lose… democrats, republicans, mega rich power brokers, liberal media…and that includes Murdoch too. They all stand to gain from this political status quo…they have all made a killing out of us…money..globalization, .by having us running around waving our little red and blue flags…thinking we’re making a difference.


        We’ve been had…stop and look at the people that don’t want Trump elected…why does he scare them so much?….because they all know he’s going to destroy their gravy train…he’s not going to play ball the way they want

        And I 100% disagree with you….Hillary is not going to get the gays, the blacks, the minorities, the youth, or even most of the women …they are just not excited about her at all….they won’t even show up at her rallies to hear her speak

        Trump just spoke in Jacksonville, Fl….filled the place up 16,000…and had to turn people away

      • leftinflagstaff says:

        ‘I predict that Hillary will win by a landslide. Not only that, but we’ll probably lose both the House and Senate. Thank-you Trump and Trump supporters.’

        If so, place the blame where it belongs. On the anti-Americans who vote for her, not the pro-Americans.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, just on the republican establishment who created Trump. They have only themselves to blame.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          Because they became as anti-American as the Dems.

        • Latitude says:

          …as opposed to the Republican establishement that created

          etc etc etc

          ..same dog, different collar

          Just like the democrats…

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          It’s absurd to place the blame for putting another globalist in charge of the country onto the people who at least want to believe that their candidate won’t be a another globalist.

        • >>
          leftinflagstaff says:
          August 9, 2016 at 7:02 am

          He’s revealing that America is losing Republican support every day.

          I have no idea what you’re saying–it makes no sense.


        • leftinflagstaff says:

          They’re rejecting an America first message in favor of enabling a globalist message. Placing their personal dislike toward an individual over the country as a whole. As well as refusing to accept Trump’s realistic vision for America, holding on to a outdated vision they were taught as being ‘who we are’, but is now destroying us.

        • >>
          . . . refusing to accept Trump’s realistic vision for America . . . .

          All I see is Trump responding to every little slight someone makes. I don’t think he has the temperament to be President. Is he going to start WWIII because some foreign leader called him a name?

          He might be able to increase his poll numbers if he stayed on message, but he can’t even do that.


        • leftinflagstaff says:

          I think our continued decline would more likely lead to WWIII.

        • Latitude says:

          All I see is Trump responding to every little slight someone makes…

          I remember Obama doing the same thing.

        • >>
          Trump: ‘Second Amendment people’ could deal with Clinton.

          Yup. That was not very smart. I thought Trump was media savvy. I guess not.


        • leftinflagstaff says:

          The uproar is a confirmation of the sad state of America. Not of Trump’s intellect. Do what our rights allow us to do to defend our way of life? Gasp!!!

          It’s confirmation that using the 2A will be required soon, if we want to remain even a semblance of our intended selves. Just like we were told would happen.

        • It’s actually probably more a confirmation that we couldn’t care less about our intended way of life.

        • Latitude says:

          naw….I think Jim would be happier with another apologizing placating president

          Someone that stands up to it…and calls them on it…makes him uncomfortable

        • >>
          Someone that stands up to it…and calls them on it…makes him uncomfortable

          I’m a life-time member of the NRA. Handing the anti-gun crowd a sound-byte about taking Hillary out is making it more difficult for the pro-Second Amendment crowd. Threatening people with guns is how you lose them.


        • Now Trump speaking honestly, merely repeating what our Constitution says, hurts him. Again this isn’t a problem within Trump. It’s in millions of voters who are no longer ‘American’.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          Wow. The more I think about this… A US presidential candidate attacked for quoting the US Constitution.

          Sure, we can vote our way out of this.

        • Latitude says:

          about taking Hillary out
          If you’re talking about Trump’s comment about “the second amendment people”…
          ….he was talking about voters….voting….
          He was already talking about voters when he said that.

          …and I know you’re smarter than that…so what’s up with you twisting and twerking?

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          I thought you were smarter than that. 🙂

          The quote: ‘He said, “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment.” He added, “By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

          He’s talking as if the voting is over. She’s won. Picking her judges. Then what can the 2A people do? Well, exactly what they’re supposed to do. What all Americans are supposed to do.

          And if there were any uncertainty of meaning, the response to the taken meaning by the Left, is what’s the point.

        • Latitude says:

          that’s the thing….I agree with him

          It’s about time someone got in all their faces

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          I know you do. We all should. Again, that this could cause such uproar against a candidate for POTUS, is just unbelievable.

        • >>
          Latitude says:
          August 9, 2016 at 6:40 pm

          about taking Hillary out
          If you’re talking about Trump’s comment about “the second amendment people”…
          ….he was talking about voters….voting….
          He was already talking about voters when he said that.

          It was nice of suyts to post the full Trump statement. I don’t see the word “vote” or “voting” anywhere in the text. I do see the following: “By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

          The Second amendment people are the ones with firearms. It looks like a goof to me. It’s being spun by the MSM as a call to arms–and not the voting kind.

          …and I know you’re smarter than that…so what’s up with you twisting and twerking?

          You already know–I think Trump is a Clinton plant. He’s going to continue to make these stupid mistakes all the way to the election. What is going to be really funny: I was against him from the beginning, and I may be the only one voting for him in the end.


        • Latitude says:

          It’s being spun by the MSM as a call to arms–and not the voting kind.

        • I think he assumed getting them, in ‘picking them’, Lat.

        • philjourdan says:

          Jim is demonstrative of the problem. He has not heard a word we have said. And he wants to blame everyone EXCEPT the Republican Establishment. Everyone of us at one time or another have said what the problem is. Clearly, succinctly, and repeatedly.

          And his response – The democrats did it. NO. The Democrats DID NOT. The Democrats did not pass 10 trillion in debt spending over the past 8 years. The Democrats did not fund Obamacare. The Democrats did not give Obama a carte blanche on his spending. The Democrats did not fund planned parenthood.

          None are so deaf as those that will not listen.

        • >>
          philjourdan says:
          August 10, 2016 at 8:11 am

          Jim is demonstrative of the problem. He has not heard a word we have said. And he wants to blame everyone EXCEPT the Republican Establishment.

          For years you’ve wanted a candidate who goes on the attack. Well, you have one–he speaks what he thinks and sometimes doesn’t think when he’s speaking. We’ll see how that works out for you guys. If he fails then I know it’ll be my fault, because you guys are never wrong.

          The media has been covering for Democrats and the left for decades–probably for more than a century. Democrats make veiled threats or actual threats and the media will cover for them. Republicans can’t. I know exactly what Trump meant. So for the next several news cycles it’ll be about Trump’s NRA statement and nothing about his economic plan or anything else.

          I’ve voted in every election since I reached majority age. The only Democrat I voted for was Dixy Lee Ray, and she was a better Republican than most Republicans (which is why the Democrats got rid of her after one term). The NRA wanted me to vote for a Democrat in the recent Washington primary and I couldn’t. Please explain why I didn’t do enough to appease your misplaced anger?

          The Democrats get angry and attack Republicans. You guys get angry and attack Republicans. I don’t see much difference in the final result.

          It’s easier to change a working party from within than it is to start a new party from scratch. I think Trump will lose in a landslide, unless something drastic changes. I also think the Republican party will collapse after this election. Since your allies must be perfect politicians, who are you going to get for your new party? It’s obvious you don’t want me.


        • philjourdan says:

          You did not read a single word I wrote.

        • >>
          You did not read a single word I wrote.

          You keep accusing me of that. And here I repeated your statement exactly:
          Jim is demonstrative of the problem. He has not heard a word we have said.

          I’m the problem because you used my name specifically. So how do I solve “The Problem?”


        • philjourdan says:

          he wants to blame everyone EXCEPT the Republican Establishment. Everyone of us at one time or another have said what the problem is. Clearly, succinctly, and repeatedly.

          And his response – The democrats did it. NO. The Democrats DID NOT. The Democrats did not pass 10 trillion in debt spending over the past 8 years. The Democrats did not fund Obamacare. The Democrats did not give Obama a carte blanche on his spending. The Democrats did not fund planned parenthood.

          You read the first line and nothing else. Your whole response was a giant non sequitur.

        • You mean this little nonsense diatribe?

          And his response – The democrats did it. NO. The Democrats DID NOT. The Democrats did not pass 10 trillion in debt spending over the past 8 years. The Democrats did not fund Obamacare. The Democrats did not give Obama a carte blanche on his spending. The Democrats did not fund planned parenthood.

          They shut down the government and lost that battle. They tried that with Clinton too–same result. The President is a Democrat. The President has the bully pulpit. If you want to win these money battles, you need to elect a Republican President. There’s only so much Congress can do. But blame the Republicans for everything (and me too apparently).

          Your whole response was a giant non sequitur.

          Basically my opinion of your comments.


        • philjourdan says:

          That is why my comment was not to you. Because it goes back to the first line:

          Jim is demonstrative of the problem. He has not heard a word we have said.

          You can ignore us all you want (and you seem to want it badly). And you can denigrate us all you want (which is the same thing the democrats do). But the reasons do not go away because of your ignoring them, and your pitiful excuses.

          The government was NOT shut down. It was barely delayed and then a total cave. Fine, That is the right of the republicans to do. We elected them, but we do not control them. But we damn well do not have to elect them again to do the exact same thing.

          But continue with your excuses, accusations, lies and waffling. It is clear you are still not hearing a damn word we have said.

        • >>
          But continue with your excuses, accusations, lies and waffling. It is clear you are still not hearing a damn word we have said.

          So it’s not about me, but it is about me. Which is it?

          But we damn well do not have to elect them again to do the exact same thing.

          And you’re saying it’s the Republican’s fault–100%. Let’s see, if you’re not voting for Republicans, then who are you voting for?


        • philjourdan says:

          Still not reading a word I wrote. I see no point in continuing this as you are arguing your straw man, and refuse to hear a thing we have said. That is part of the problem.

          And I will vote for anyone I damn well please to. But it will not be a republican until the leadership changes. And if that worries you that more democrats get elected, so what? The republican leadership has demonstrated there is no difference between them and the democrats. Might as well be honest about electing democrats.

        • Latitude says:

          If it makes any difference…

          They say Trumps not a republican…. 😉

        • philjourdan says:

          Not for me. But it is probably Jim’s latest non sequitur.

        • Latitude says:

          You’ve got to give credit…when credit is due

          Of all the things people could be talking about…..The Clintons taking bribes…Hillary taking bribes while in office..Hillary lying….Claims she can’t do email while at the same time knowing how to hide her emails..democrats rigging elections/nominations….everything from rape to possibly murder…..

          And yet, the democrats have managed to make the republicans talk about nothing but Trump

        • philjourdan says:

          The democrats did not make the republicans do that. The republicans got their marching orders from the democrats. The same as in the past 8 years (and longer). Hillary barks, and Ryan jumps.

        • Latitude says:

          oh…and let’s don’t even talk about uranium for Russia

          because Trump said something

        • >>
          But continue with your excuses, accusations, lies and waffling.

          This is the second time (that I remember) you’ve called me a liar. Last time you claimed I hadn’t responded to your comment. You can’t make that claim this time. I’m curious–what lie am I guilty of this time? (Boy! What atrocious debating skills.)

          And I will vote for anyone I damn well please to. But it will not be a republican until the leadership changes.

          I don’t care who say you voted for or will vote for. Your anger doesn’t bode well for a consistent voter. Are you one of those “so-called” voters that never votes but complains about who wins?

          The democrats did not make the republicans do that. The republicans got their marching orders from the democrats. The same as in the past 8 years (and longer). Hillary barks, and Ryan jumps.

          Then vote for someone else. No one made you vote for Republicans. If they did, you might have an argument. If you thought politics was that simple, then maybe you need some remedial civics lessons. Your anger doesn’t make any sense to me. Trump is a loon, but by all means don’t vote for him because he’s on the Republican ticket. Or vote for him. One reason I served in the military was to guarantee that you and others might have that right.

          And if that worries you that more democrats get elected, so what?

          Yeah, so what? What was your degree again? Did you take any math? Statistics?

          Remember the movie: “What About Bob?” “Tiny little Baby Steps.” That’s how you win in politics.


      • DirkH says:

        Jim Masterson says:
        August 4, 2016 at 1:11 pm
        ” In a year where beating Democrats would have been a cake-walk, we have to deal with Trump. ”

        It is NEVER easy to beat the left in the West for TWO reasons:
        – ALL of the MSM are leftist. (because anyone capable of logical thought becomes an engineer or businessman, not a journalist)
        – Women voters are majority leftist. (because of free stuff, making them independent from marriage)

        The Left could present a muppet as their candidate and , well, that would actually be a more attractive choice than what they have.

        • Latitude says:

          …it’s even harder when half of the republicans are on their side

          Trumps most endearing quality is that he was not nominated by the republican party…
          …he won by popular vote

          But rather than run with it….they are pissing and moaning about one thing after the other.

          The democrats are not going to win this election….
          …the republicans are going to lose it again

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          It’s pathetic that this thread exists.

        • >>
          DirkH says:
          August 5, 2016 at 3:15 pm
          It is NEVER easy to beat the left in the West for TWO reasons:
          – ALL of the MSM are leftist.

          True, but the MSM chose Trump. They promoted Trump, because they knew he would be easy to take out.

          Latitude says:
          August 5, 2016 at 3:45 pm
          The democrats are not going to win this election….
          …the republicans are going to lose it again

          This time there were some excellent candidates that most Republicans–even conservative Republicans–could support. Trump was not one of those candidates. The MSM simply ignored the good ones and gave us Trump.

          Have you noticed that Trump’s economic plan will hurt the economy (according to the MSM), but Hilary’s isn’t even mentioned? (And Hillary’s economic plan will thoroughly sink the economy.)

          philjourdan says:
          August 5, 2016 at 10:58 am

          Where was all the clown idiot talk when the Republican leadership gave us romney and McCain?

          As usual Phil, you have misconstrued my comments. I never called Trump an idiot. I said idiots get elected, e.g., Patty Murray of Washington State. What I did say is that clowns don’t get elected.

          As for McCain–he was always labeled a “maverick” by the MSM. He thought that meant he’d get favorable treatment by the MSM. As is typical of Republicans, he was easily taken out by the MSM when he was running against a Democrat.

          Romney was actually quite competent (compared to our current POTUS disaster), but was another MSM choice easily taken out.

          Both candidates backed-off their campaigns at critical times. Democrats don’t do that.

          I still see Trump crashing, burning, and dying. He’s losing Republican support every day. I doubt if my wife will vote for him.


        • He’s revealing that America is losing Republican support every day.

        • Latitude says:

          the MSM chose Trump…..ROTFL

        • >>
          Latitude says:
          August 9, 2016 at 7:20 am

          the MSM chose Trump…..ROTFL

          Have you seen the latest stuff about Joe Scarborough? I’m not going to post any links to Scarborough, but it’s exactly what I was talking about. Scarborough gave Trump easy media access, yucked it up with him, asked Trump low-ball questions, and both were all-around good guys and friends. All this while Scarborough’s colleagues on MSNBC were very critical of this relationship. Scarborough gave Trump free media exposure that none of the other Republican candidates had access to. And Scarborough wasn’t the only media type to do so.

          As soon as Trump’s nomination was assured, Scarborough turned on him. Scarborough now wants the Republican party to dump Trump–which is very unlikely and probably illegal in many states.


        • suyts says:

          Jim, I remember. And, I remember a lot of other media members going all Trump all the time while other candidates couldn’t get any air time. And, I said this was going to happen. This is why we see the stuff that worked for Trump during the primaries isn’t working for Trump during the general. In the primaries, Trump could say outlandish things against his opponents, and the LSM would simply report and then talk about how unruly Republicans are. Now, when Trump goes vitriolic about things Hillary, well, that’s a different story. Even if what he’s saying about Hillary is more true than say ….. Cruz having extramarital affairs. Now, the National Inquirer is relegated back to being a non-journalistic enterprise. I recall the LSM continually babbling about Trump’s attacks on the rest of the Repub field, but, in the context as to why the field couldn’t adequately respond, in spite of the fact that they all did ….. the LSM just didn’t report it, with the exception of the hands thing with Rubio.

          Now, today, it’s a different deal. The LSM is all in against Trump, even, again, if what he’s saying now is more true about his opponent than when he was campaigning against other Repubs.

          That said, Trump should stick with what brought him here. It resonates. I disagree with him on almost everything ….. except, the border, security, and foreign trade. They are all tied into one, America First. He should continually pound Obama on his Muslim love. He should do it so long and hard until Hillary has no choice but to disavow it. And, then, show how there is no distinction between Hillary and Obama. = Win. Trade is trickier because he has to articulate why. That is to say, why cheaper products from China don’t help the US economy. He has to articulate this, in detail. He also has to articulate, in detail, why importing cheap labor doesn’t help the American people while it enriches the elite in the US. He should be able to give a complete dissertation on such things, not a paragraph or two.

        • I’d never call one out of a thousand as being chosen.

        • Latitude says:

          JIm, Trump won with the popular vote….they tried to rig it to Cruz and even Rubio
          don’t you remember?

        • Latitude says:

          It resonates. I disagree with him on almost everything ….. except, the border, security, and foreign trade.
          What else is there?? <serious not kidding

          ….oh and he wants to get rid of Obamacare, might not have to, insurance companies are pulling out already

        • suyts says:

          Oh, I don’t know ….. Planned parenthood, raising taxes on the “rich”, the fact that he c(w)ouldn’t put his money where his mouth is, today, his previous statements on the 2nd Amendment, he came out in favor of a single payer medical insurance plan, his hedging with Palestinians, that he’s stated twice that he’s never had an occasion to ask for God’s forgiveness, but, claims to be a Christian, eminent domain? ….. Do you want me to go on? I can.

  12. suyts says:

    Guys, I don’t think that was the point Jim was trying to make. I’m going to write a post on this pretty soon. Even with Trump, at this point in time it shouldn’t even be a tight race. Even with the skewed polls they shouldn’t be able to show a tight race, much less a sinking Trump campaign.

    The fact is, Trump is making too many unforced errors. He’s been distracted from his message. He’s no longer dictating the media stories the media is dictated his responses to their stories. He continues to alienate the rest of the Repub party ….. I’m talking about the rank and file. He’s saying things he doesn’t need to say, doing things he doesn’t need to do, gaining nothing from these words and actions, but, losing the plot. The nation is still talking about Khan when we should be talking about the economy. We’re talking about polls when we should be talking about Hillary’s tax plan.

    Was Trump’s instincts about Khan correct? Well, yes. But, that doesn’t matter. It’s public perception which matters. By the time all that will be known about Khan seeps into the public perception the election will be long over. Khan will be a vague memory only recollected by very few people. Meanwhile he solidifies the left. He has to get on track and get on message, or he will lose in a spectacular fashion. And, that’s not the worst part of the scenario. If he loses in a spectacular fashion, the movement, the “America First” movement, will be relegated to be perceived as a “fringe” movement.

    • Latitude says:

      Even with Trump, at this point in time it shouldn’t even be a tight race. Even with the skewed polls they shouldn’t be able to show a tight race, much less a sinking Trump campaign.
      I think you and Jim are both missing it…
      They are messing with the polls….and showing it a tight race is as good as they can do without blowing their cover.

    • You’re underestimating how little Americanism means to half of America. It could be Cruz, or anyone– of course it will be close. And maybe, it’s more than half from here on out.

      ‘American’ First’ becoming fringe sure won’t be Trump’s fault. No matter what silly things he says. He didn’t give us Obama. He didn’t move the Left to the extreme. He didn’t flood us with Rinos. He didn’t create the endless un-American policy. Those with the ‘professional political-savvy’ did all that.

    • suyts says:

      I didn’t say it would be his fault. But, he said he’d be the one to carry the water. He said he’d be the standard barer. He elbowed a lot of people out of the way to be that man. The onus is on him, now. We can talk about fault and blame later.

      Look at the rhetoric. From Trump supporters and surrogates I still see more attacks on Repubs than I do attacks on Hillary. The enemy is over there! Trump isn’t running against RINOs now, he’s running against Hillary.

      • Me says:

        Then the Rinos should not be attacking Trump if they don’t want to get attacked back!

      • leftinflagstaff says:

        The masks are being removed, by someone who isn’t one of either of them. The enemy aren’t just ‘over there’ anymore. The only real parties left are America first or not.

        • It’s those whose sanctimonious desire to demand America must remain as their false vision of it as the world’s messiah, or those who realize that it no longer is, if it ever really was. And that maybe it does also need and deserve protection, for its way of life.

        • Like a border. Or taking in people who’s God wants them to kill us.

        • The age of innocence is long over. The age of us denying that, will probably never be.

          Future civilizations will study America as a nation that imported foreigners until it was unrecognizable, and then continued until it was a place foreigners no longer wanted to go.

      • suyts says:

        And what does all that matter if he loses? Exposed? What conservative didn’t know that McCain was no conservative 10 years ago? What nationalist didn’t know Romney was no nationalist last election?

        He’s beating a dead horse! But, the dead horse can actually help you win an election …… if you just stop beating them.

        If you don’t stop, then, they’ll turn into mules …. or donkeys.

        Pushing people (who would otherwise sit on the fence) to support your opponent is probably not the best way to win an election. Just sayin ………

        • Me says:

          So when will it be the next time they will all come out and complain after he now says he supports them? Seems shallow on both sides and ya know what the LSM is going to do with that now don’t you? Because being shallow in the leftards side doesn’t ammount to anything, that it the way they are with their hyprocracy, and they just don’t care and point the finger at the other side. So they better not comeout and complain after this while the left points the finger. Remember, Fight Fire with Fire!

        • Me says:

          The age of innocence is over, ya can’t do this anymore, ya have to move on..

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          I think if these people can use their spats with Trump as the reason to support Hillary (globalism), they were lost long before any spats with Trump began. They were gonna be lost at the mention of the word, ‘Wall,’ or ‘Muslim Ban’, regardless.

        • DirkH says:

          Me says:
          August 5, 2016 at 10:17 pm
          “The age of innocence is over, ya can’t do this anymore, ya have to move on..”

          I totally forgot about that one. They not only filmed a unicorn, they filmed it BACKWARDS!

          Enigma was a German/Romanian Ibiza hippie called Michael Cretu…

        • Me says:

          Dirk that’s probably why they named the song return to innocence, and are going backwards.

  13. Latitude says:

    They can show anything they want with those polls…..Reuters just proved that
    ….but you missed the point
    Even with cheating, they can only show a tight race…..when we all know they would prefer to show a Hillary landslide

    I don’t know what all this divided is about….Hillary had a rally in Las Vegas today….it was a very small crowd…and even with that….SS had to rush the stage because of the protesters

    Trump had a rally in Jacksonville Fl…..packed….over 16,000
    Trump had a rally in Portland….packed…standing room only and had to turn people away

    I don’t know how to post pics from twitter….follow this link….go down the page….there’s pictures of both rallies….Hillary empty…..Trump overflowing..both at the same time


    • suyts says:

      Lat, you’re buying into things that aren’t necessarily true.
      Yes, Trump had a huge rally in Florida.

      Yes, Hillary’s wasn’t near the crowd, but, it wasn’t as small as portrayed.

      The pic I hope you see above is a pic of Breitbart lying, for some unknown idiotic reason. It was a pic of Cleveland welcoming their NBA champs. That was the pic they originally posted, trying to portray the huge crowd in Florida. Why, when he really did have 16,000 people there? I’ve no earthly idea. But, this is what I’m talking about. These are unforced errors. There’s no need for this stuff.

      • Me says:

        Where is Hillarys Crowd?

      • suyts says:

        I tried, but, that’s what shows. But, that’s not the point, Me. The point is that Trump surrogates don’t get caught in easily exposed lies. How can one win points on calling Hillary a serial liar when you lie yourself?

        Exposing Hillary’s habitual lying is the easiest and best way to win ……. except when you get caught lying.

        • Me says:

          It seems to not matter to the Dems and the LSM!

        • Me says:

          Fight fire with fire, they can lie and get away with it, the bigger the lie the better off they are with calling it a conspiracy, but it seems we hold our own to a better standard, and wouldn’t put up with lies, and crucify our own, but in the end letting the biggest liars get away with it and run the show!

      • Latitude says:

        ..and you have to stop thinking everyone is getting their pictures from Breitbart….
        ….so they screwed up and posted the wrong picture

        Here’s the rally on UTube….

        I also posted the Twitter feed from both…and yes, that was live from Hillary’s rally..and it was that small

        • People sometimes just like to watch train wrecks. Trump’s campaign has been a train wreck from the start.


        • leftinflagstaff says:

          And sometimes people are on the train that’s wrecking. Maybe we should try to jump off.

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          The real train wreck is what those who aren’t Trump have done to us.

        • >>
          The real train wreck is what those who aren’t Trump have done to us.

          If you want to destroy the country, just vote Democrat–it would be quicker. The Trumpers have given me two choices: the Devil or the Deep Blue Sea. It looks like I’m going to have to learn how to hold my breath.


        • philjourdan says:

          You still do not get it. YOU gave us the Trumpers. The Republican leadership. Don’t blame people for calling you a liar and not believing you after you repeatedly lie to them.

          (the “you” is a general you for the republican leadership).

        • leftinflagstaff says:

          Less quick gives more chance to apply the brakes.

        • With Bozo the Clown applying the brakes.


        • leftinflagstaff says:

          At least he, and his fans, want to apply them.

        • Bozo has to get elected first. People don’t usually vote for clowns–idiots yes–clowns no.


        • philjourdan says:

          Where was all the clown idiot talk when the Republican leadership gave us romney and McCain? Oh, yea, laughing at us stupid rubes who they knew would always vote for their turds. But when those rubes said “enough”, well – just read above for what the leadership really thinks of all you rubes.

          Thank you. You will make the creation of a new party that much faster out of the ashes of the republican party. It is not Trump destroying it. It is the leadership, who would rather burn the party down than actually (choke, gasp) listen to its base.

        • >>
          You still do not get it.

          Oh, I get it. It’s like General Sherman’s March to the Sea–destroy it all–make them pay.

          Well, after we* are gone, you’ll just have the Democrats to deal with. It’ll be simpler all around.

          (* the “we” is the general we–meaning all of us stupid Republicans.)


        • philjourdan says:

          No, the “we” is the republican leadership. But I do not expect them to ever know that. They are not smart enough to know it.

        • Then there’s the times when not voting for the clown makes you the idiot.

        • philjourdan says:

          This incessant chatter about Idiots. It is from idiots. Trump is a man. A very successful man. He bleeds, he gets insulted, he gets mad, he gets happy. He is a very intelligent man, but he is human. He is not an idiot.

          The PC culture, initiated by the democrats and seconded by the republican leadership, have made being human the same as being an idiot. Why? So they can more easily convince you that you are stupid and have to turn to them to wipe your runny nose.

          You are right LIF – the idiots are the ones not voting for Trump because they were told not to by the idiots they already elected. Is Trump a clown? At times, yes. Most people aspire to be a clown at times. It is fun and harmless. Today. But not in the dystopian disaster of a future the democrats and republican leadership has in store for us.

        • And/or a hater of the place you live

        • Exactly right. I’ll take a clown who likes me over a witch that doesn’t, every time.

        • Latitude says:

          the idiots are the ones not voting for Trump because they were told not to by the idiots they already elected…..

          Lord is that ever true…..LOL

        • Me says:

          Go Air Force!

      • Latitude says:

        Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger
        Only 171 people turn up for Clinton’s rally in Florida


  14. Me says:

    The thing with a Trump Presidency, is he will force other western countries to anti up and pay their dues. Will it be good for Canada? Maybe and maybe not, but what it will do is make us less reliant on the US and more independent to do what we need to do for ourselves. It’s just like you were saying about the oil, we can sell it to our friends or we can sell it to whoever wants it, either way it will be sold. Even if we have to keep it ourselves and use it our selves, it will be used.

    • Me says:

      And If we get a Prime Minister that will take our oil off the world market and make it cheap here when we have a need for energy, then the sky is the limit!

      • Me says:

        But we have the elder Trudeau to thank for that where he put Canada’s oil in Canada to the world oil prices instead of looking after our own.

    • suyts says:

      “To be thrown upon one’s own resources, is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previously unsusceptible.” ―Benjamin Franklin

      • Me says:

        Yep, until you get the cronies and dictators runnung the show. Then it all goes down hill.

      • Me says:

        Ya know, there was a story on The Rebel about a big restraunt buying Kansas Beef and they were not supporting Alberta Beef farms, and all this came after The NDP government got in power in Alberta and did their crony thing that leftards do. I’m sure you have seen that. Well it is just like the minimum wadge thing, that that NDP government just made into law onto all the farms in Alberta. It seems we are tarriffing ourselves for some reason? Not that it matters with the Green Weenies,as it seems we have 3 leftarded parties here and one Conservative, or two in Alberta, and most of them seems to be a Vegiemite err something.

  15. Latitude says:

    I’ve said all along…..republicans are their own worst enemy

    Clinton was a rock star….packed every rally…and won
    Obama was a rock star….packed every rally…and won

    Republicans have consistently robbed the grave….and lost

    …now, finally, republicans have a rock star….over packing every rally

    While the democrats can’t pack a broom closet….and have demonstrators at every rally

    and it’s not good enough

  16. cdquarles says:

    I saw this at ChiefIO’s. Coarse language warning. https://youtu.be/oI08BKgT8MI. This one I’d rather not have the embed. I’d rather you follow the link.

  17. Me says:

    I guess this the New Day crew doing what they do best. got it from Tonys site.

  18. Me says:

    Ya know James, this was one of your better post here ina while to get people thinking. Bravo Zulu!

    • Latitude says:


    • suyts says:

      Thanks Me …… I do try to be a little provocative to generate discussion and thought.

      • Me says:

        Ya should do more of it and stay open about it. That used to the thing the MSM used to do.

        • cdquarles says:

          When was that? That’s not been true in my lifetime. The MSM has been Progressive Propaganda since the 1890s as far as I can tell. Think Hearst’s newspapers then the big radio and then TV networks. Radio in the 1930s and TV in the 1950s.

        • Me says:

          Well that is what you believe, and I doubt you followed what used to done by the MSM for probably the first 20 years of your life. So as for the MSM sure there are lots of examples of cronyism but there was a point when they got to a point of non bias, and reported, but now it is much like they don’t care anymore, Why two few people own the media and we get what they want us to hear, as oppose to free market and many out to get to the truth or the story to the people. As for going back to the 1890s, well thats because things were written in print, kinda hard to censor and remove what was written in the perspective back then, but Not to worry, that isdone now where anything can be auto censored and rewritten and no one will ever know. That is todays MSM!

        • cdquarles says:

          Me, you’re wrong. If you said the first 5, yes. I remember the Daisy ad, though the family TV couldn’t get it directly. I was *raised* reading newspapers (and more) and the TV was on for the news and *maybe* the other junk, if the grandparents were interested in it; which they were when the Atlanta Braves were playing a baseball game and losing again.

          True, I didn’t fully understand the manipulation until later; but, while in high school (hint, younger than 20), my history teacher rolled into the classroom big TVs and our class time was taken up watching the televised hearings. I know, from that, that Hillary Rodham was a young lawyer that *used* to work for Peter Rodino’s House committee. There was the Sam Ervin committee, too. You would occasionally see staffers in the picture. Well, one of those staffers was the same Hillary Rodham. Then one day, a disturbed committee had it out with their staffers. Said Hillary didn’t show up any more. Guess why she was dismissed.

          This might be giving away too much personal information, but I’ve known quite a few politicians over the years, some better than others. Ever heard of Bill Nichols? Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer. Ever heard of George Wallace? I *know* that what he was like as a real human and that the caricature of him made by the MSM are *not* congruent and never was congruent.

        • philjourdan says:

          Something else happened around that time. My history classes were taken up by current events as well, but we watched the creation of a new nation – Bangladesh. We did discuss Watergate, but it was not a major topic.

        • cdquarles says:

          Yeah, it did. My class was an American History class, so it focused on the American History being made in my/our lifetime. Bangladesh’s creation was mentioned as a current event. I also had a World History class at my high school. I don’t remember that one nearly as vividly.

        • DirkH says:

          ” but now it is much like they don’t care anymore,”

          At least in Europe there has been a clear order in 2006 by the EU commissioner Ferrero-Waldheim to not report ethnicity/religion of criminals EXCEPT when they are of the majority group, with the given reason that discrimination must not be encouraged.

          This is the key reason the EU has turned into a new DDR / USSR and lost its biggest tool: A media in which people trust.

          Before that order, Muslim riots – which at that time happened only in the Paris Banlieues – were reported as exactly that, Muslim riots. Since that time they are reported as Youth Riots – in ALL EU MEDIA.

          I am now working on a theory that is based on the observation that TRUTH is EXISTENCE ; LIES are NONEXISTENCE; and that therefore the amount of lies is equal to a vanishing act; I plan to use that as an investment criterion. This implies that Twitter will vanish; the EU will vanish; any organisation that endorses SJW values (which are lies) will vanish – and the SJW movement itself (it is now already the laughing stock).

        • They’ve been vanishing, and returning under a different name, forever, Dirk. They’ll always be people who attempt a delusional existence. And they’ll always be enough of them to form a club.

  19. Latitude says:

    This is hysterical…
    Even with Reuters lying and cheating…..and news saying how Trump’s numbers have crashed since he barked at Khan….his numbers went up when he stared barking
    ..if you subract Reuters cheating, Trump is way ahead of Hillary

    • Me says:

      That’s the LSM for ya, like climate change and the forcast we get from the weather services, they screwed things up so much that it’s not trust worthy anymore.

  20. Latitude says:

    ‘We’ve had ENOUGH Merkel’ Rest of Europe gangs up on Germany over crippling EU austerity


  21. Latitude says:

    I’m so tired of this PC crap….
    The news is calling it the Wynwood district….when everyone in Miami knows it’s called LIttle Haiti
    …and they are wondering where Zika came from

    Florida officials go into damage-control mode over Zika


  22. Latitude says:

    Well bless their hearts…

    The African nation of Angola has become the first country in the world to entirely ban Islam. Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva stated that Islam is “contradictory to the customs of Angola culture,” and so it cannot exist in the Christian nation.
    ……….Islam is not a religion, but a sect.


  23. Latitude says:

    No comment….

  24. Latitude says:

    suyts says:
    August 4, 2016 at 9:27 pm

    Lat, you’re buying into things that aren’t necessarily true.
    Yes, Trump had a huge rally in Florida.
    Yes, Hillary’s wasn’t near the crowd, but, it wasn’t as small as portrayed.
    Just so we’re all clear on the concept….
    ….Hillary’s crowd was much smaller than even the MSM portrayed it.

    The MSM photoshopped Hillary’s crowd to make it look bigger…
    …and they got caught
    Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger
    Only 171 people turn up for Clinton’s rally in Florida


  25. Latitude says:

    Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger
    Only 171 people turn up for Clinton’s rally in Florida


  26. Latitude says:

    ..and the wrong people are telling me to like Hillary!!!

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