How The Earth’s Temperature Looks On An AlcoholThermometer

Imagine that each red line is a line from a mercury alcohol thermometer which goes from 0 to 120° F as many thermometers do, except they typically go lower, often at about -40°F.


So each red line on this graph represents an annual temp as a thermometer would display it.  The source is the GISS data.


Yep, the earth is burning up.  Running a fever!!!  Quick someone give it an aspirin!!!  We should tax ourselves into oblivion because of this.

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50 Responses to How The Earth’s Temperature Looks On An AlcoholThermometer

  1. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings and commented:

  2. miked1947 says:

    Mercury is silver! Red would be an alcohol thermometer. But that is what I expect the last 100+ years to look like! 😉

  3. Latitude says:

    rotfl…….I’m a climate scientist…I see the difference


  4. cdquarles says:

    Yay. An absolute temp graph with a zero baseline. Even though it uses folded, spindled, and mutilated data with the past rewritten. Still look at that. 🙂

  5. suyts says:

    I think if people think on this for a bit, it’ll have some impact. I’m glad all enjoyed! 🙂

  6. Kev-in-Uk says:

    Just think it would be great with grey error bars of some description – I dunno – say, plus or minus 2deg F? Obviously, we know it wont make a ha’peth of difference but it will more realistic?

    • suyts says:

      But, there’s no error bars on thermometers!!! 🙂

      I was going for the thermometer look. I couldn’t figure out how to put pics of a thermometer on the spread sheet and have the alcohol rise in each one.

      But, the next time I make one of those temp graphs I’ll put some margins of error on them.

      Thanks for popping by Kev!

  7. tckev says:

    You can give it the GISS effect of having the data Hansenized by averaging, normalizing and drinking most of the alcohol then try drawing the graph.

  8. Leo Morgan says:

    Yeah, I’d be keen to see the graph from absolute zero, too. If you can’t do it yourself; do you mind if I or other readers of you blog do it?

    • suyts says:

      No, no, Leo you go right ahead if you want. It really isn’t a matter of can or can’t but rather time and the allocation of it. But, if readers really want a graph going from absolute zero to current temps, who am I to stand in the way? You guys get it and I’ll post it on the blog!

  9. Brilliant! What a useful visual aid to remind us of just exactly what all the numbers really mean. 10/10 for a great idea!

    • suyts says:

      Dave, thanks for dropping by and commenting. I’m sorry about the long wait in moderation. I got busy with a couple of posts. I’m just a one man outfit. At any rate, thanks! Now that you’ve been approved for commenting, you will no longer be moderated, provided you keep links in comments 2 or less.


  10. Pingback: 2013 in review | suyts space

  11. Pops says:

    Pure awesomeness

  12. Bob Tisdale says:

    Reblogged this on Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations and commented:
    I really enjoyed this.

  13. Anthony Watts says:

    Nice idea, but let’s look at this critically. Do you have a spreadsheet with the data and formulas for your GISS difference calcs?

  14. David A says:

    Climate scientist looks at this chart, scoffs, and paraphrasing Emmerson says, ” A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small denier minds”

  15. Pingback: How Global Warming Looks On Your Thermometer!!!!! | suyts space

  16. lorne50 says:

    Reblogged this on leclinton and commented:
    Help we be burning LOL

  17. robinedwards36 says:

    For a somewhat better picture of what’s been happening I think that the base value of the plot should be the average over the time period of interest. Clearly, you’ll get approximately equal numbers of values above and below the base, but it would not be deceptive in any way. Any base other than absolute zero is an arbitrary one, in my estimation. It all depends on whom you’re trying to influence. Here you are trying to convince people that there’s been no change of any consequence. I happen to believe that this is correct, but I’d rather do the plotting and stats myself. Actually, the best solution is to post the actual numbers (degrees F or C) and let the audience plot them for themselves. Everyone can do that these days, I suspect. I never form conclusions from other people’s plots. I always seek out the original data, make simple plots and also compute and plot its cumulative sum. That’s how you’ll be able to see what has really been happening. You will be surprised!

  18. David Smith says:

    Love it!!!!

    I’ve been unashamedly posting the link to this on comment threads. It puts it all into context and shuts alarmists up dead quick!

  19. kitemansa says:

    Try plotting it from 0ºK.

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