Climate Reminder!!! Climate Change Disrupts Food Production!!! Horrid Disaster Demonstrated!!!


This is a graph of the world’s food production per capita, indexed to the years 2004-2006 as 100 and with Mauna CO2 levels thrown in, for fun!

How stupid do you have to be to believe increased atmospheric CO2 would be bad for food production?

FAOSTAT source for food data

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6 Responses to Climate Reminder!!! Climate Change Disrupts Food Production!!! Horrid Disaster Demonstrated!!!

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    Not a real scientific cause and effect, but more than good enough for climate science.

    • suyts says:

      Well, the point was that more CO2 isn’t going to harm food production. But, I think a case can be made that it’s helping, as well. But, I was really shooting for some nutter to react……. sometimes, you just can’t get them to come out and play!

  2. extra CO2 = extra fruit and vegetables. has being already proven and accepted.

  3. Pingback: What Obama And The EPA Want To Take Away From Americans And Do To The American People | suyts space

  4. Pingback: Breaking!!!!! Climate Disruption Demonstrated In Crop Productivity!!!!!!! | suyts space

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