Climate Update!!! Climate Change Means More Wildfires!!!!

For the ecotarded alarmists, show of hands, how many of you believed the blatherings of the people claiming things are getting worse about our wildfires because of climate change and CO2 emissions without ever looking at the data?



Even if wildfires were increasing in frequency and acreage, we know there are many, many factors, which go into this, that trying to blame it on climate change is sophist and imbecilic.

Nutters are to be laughed at and mocked.

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13 Responses to Climate Update!!! Climate Change Means More Wildfires!!!!

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    You blew this one! The imbecile is going to be all over you! Don’t you know that you are not measuring the wild fires where the heat is going?

    Over 700 meters below the sea! The number of wild fires down there has risen astronomically!

    • suyts says:

      LOL!!! Yeh, I forgot to add that in! The teleconnection between teh boiling deep sea and wildfires needs further study!!

    • miked1947 says:

      At least the Wild fores they are now finding “Down There”, and this is an early estimate:

      • PhilJourdan says:

        Mike, Volcanoes are natural. Wildfires are man made.

        • miked1947 says:

          All the people on the plates are causing them to tip over, which is causing the unprecedented volcanic activity. Science has no record of this amount of volcano activity under sea until after humans started releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. If the scientists could not see the activity it must not have been there. Under sea volcanoes Must be human caused. 😉

        • PhilJourdan says:

          Speaking of which, did you catch Anthony Watt’s latest on the new submerged island chain off of Norway?

          I wonder how we caused those.

        • miked1947 says:

          That island chain was the result of the EU being formed. There was no record of that island chain before so the only way to eliminate the dangers of that island chain is to dissolve the EU ASAP to save the world from the horrors the island chain represents. The Precautionary Principle calls for it.

        • PhilJourdan says:

          I marvel at your genius! Think Dirk can sell it over there? 😉

        • miked1947 says:

          Wouldn’t hurt to try! 🙂

  2. Jason Calley says:

    Let us assume that they are correct, and that climate change does in fact lead to more wildfires. If that is the case, then the declining rate of wildfires must be accepted as evidence that climate change is getting smaller and smaller.

  3. in the distant past were much larger wildfires – there wasn’t roads dams, towns as firebreaks, wasn’t helicopters Human by rubbing two sticks made all the deserts on the planet – from Sahara to Gobi desert and Australian deserts Invention of how to make fire artificially made all the deserts and changed the climate forever.

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