Scumbag Of The Year Award Winner!!


So, they’re still pulling dead children and looking for survivors, out of an elementary school that got leveled in Moore, Oklahoma.

So, what’s on the left’s mind?

Glenn Thrush @GlennThrush

It is striking that Oklahoma’s senators are 1) a federal spending skeptic and 2) global warming denier

9:14 PM – 20 May 2013

He does the near impossible.  First, he demonstrates his lack sympathy for his fellow citizens. That’s enough to win scumbag of the day.  But, his entirely inappropriate focus is something else. He also wants to demonstrate his unfathomable stupidity by attempting to do what every other ideological scumbag does.  He tries to exploit human suffering, exposing his great ignorance of the topics he’s attempting to address.

So, what, exactly, is striking that Colburn has been tireless in his attempts to reign in wasteful government spending?  And, what is striking about Enhofe’s skepticism about the idiotic hyperbole spewed by nutty alarmists?  And how does this relate to tornadoes?

Glenn, crawl back into whatever sewer you crawled out of, humans are busy here.

h/t Twitchy

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21 Responses to Scumbag Of The Year Award Winner!!

  1. HankH says:

    Is this part of the leftist strategy to let no tragedy or crisis go to waste? They are so fettered to ideology that they will, without conscious, stand in the depths of human suffering, grief, and loss to make their soapbox speeches. Well played [Thrush]. If there were a Guinness world record for depravity, you would certainly take the shame.

    Agreed – a real scumbag.

  2. HankH says:

    Thanks, James, I appreciate the correction. My brain locked on the wrong name.

    • suyts says:

      Happens. And, yeh, it must be some strange strategy. Personally, I don’t think they’re winning any hearts and minds that way, but I don’t think they can help themselves. Many are truly exactly what they seem to be. Disgusting things.

  3. DirkH says:

    German “public” radio very happy to be able to deflect from Obama’s festering scandals ; mentions in every news snippet that he has declared emergency, will send Dollares from DC. No word about AP/Fox surveillance let alone the fascist IRS.

  4. philjourdan says:

    Just like I predicted.

  5. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Slander as hate crime.

  6. Mike Bushman says:

    Bad enough, but is it really worse than U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) attacking Republican as global warming deniers and suggesting the tornados are the result of this policy, despite NOAA admitting yesterday that there is no trend of additional tornado activity? Just a bit of Whitehouse’s comments: “We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn’t just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas. It hits Rhode Island with floods and storms. It hits Oregon with acidified seas, it hits Montana with dying forests. So, like it or not, we’re in this together.” Combine lack of class with absence of knowledge and you get Sheldon Whitehouse.

  7. copernicus34 says:

    Literally every event is yet another excuse to displays one’s political credentials. Can we even think of one event, tragedy or something recently that doesn’t get used as some some sort of vindication for somebody’s twisted worldview? As some of us predicted last night. Actually a producer for the Daily Show was the first to display nonsense as she tweeted something along the lines of this tornado ‘targeting’ conservatives (as an apparent play on words with recent events). She retracted after it started to backfire, but the damage was done. Forgot that witch name, it’s in twitchy I think.

  8. Latitude says:

    ….I guess when you stop believing in God
    you have to substitute for something

    • suyts says:

      What’s wrong with these “people?”

      • cdquarles says:

        They are sick. I might be mistaken, but my memory of 1974 was that it was relatively cool and wet in the Midwest and Southeast in April and May. We might be in for a wild ride this tornado season, even if it did start slowly.

      • philjourdan says:

        And the people -ah, the people –
        They that dwell up in the steeple,
        All alone,
        And who tolling, tolling, tolling,
        In that muffled monotone,
        Feel a glory in so rolling
        On the human heart a stone –
        They are neither man nor woman –
        They are neither brute nor human –
        They are Ghouls:

        Edgar Allen Poe

        he was prescient.

  9. Cogitans says:

    He is also wearing a hat indoors. That’s strike three.

  10. Pingback: Some One Is Crawling On Me….. Was It Something I Said? | suyts space

  11. Donttreadonmatt says:

    Thrush means a feminine yeast infection in New Zealand speak. Apropos.

  12. Pingback: 2013 in review | suyts space

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