Warmcold Strikes Again!!!! Lack of Ice Blamed For Snow And Cold! Climate Math On Display!!!! 15 is 20% of 16!!!!


Good Heavens these lunatics don’t care how insipidly stupid they sound.  They simply change their tune depending upon what is currently happening and disregard their previous idiocy.

Currently, much of the northern hemisphere is suffering from unusually cold weather.  Climate-phrenologists, instead of admitting that they are clueless as to why this is happening invent wild speculative theories in order to blame the weather on global warming.  From the Guardian…. (of course)

Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss

Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large parts of Europe and North America to the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice.

Yeh?  So, lack of Arctic sea ice causes the snow and cold?  Let’s look at the ice this year.  Now, there were examples of isolated extreme weather events prior to the cold spring which is gripping much of the northern hemisphere, but, as I said, they were isolated. 



So, the lack of ice, which we have more of now than a couple of months ago, is causing the cold and snow which we didn’t have a couple of months ago.  It all makes perfectly good sense. 

It must be a brand new phenomena.  The warming spring of 2011 in Europe was blamed on….. global warming.

Meanwhile, continental Europe had an unusually warm spring and autumn in 2011. This was partly the result of westerly winds bringing warm air from the tropics, but these circulation patterns cannot explain all the heat. “It wouldn’t have been that unusual without the long-term warming,” says Stott.

They must have had lots more ice two years ago.  What else can we glean from past comments?

“Higher spring and summer temperatures, along with an earlier spring melt, are also the primary factors driving the increasing frequency of large wildfires and lengthening the fires season in the Western U.S. over recent decades,” they summarize. “The record-breaking fires this year in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain region are consistent with these trends.”

Oddly enough, we finished the year with a near record low of the amount of fires we had last year.  Still, we must have had lots of sea ice last year to have a warm spring with an early melt!!!

Both the extent and the volume of the sea ice that forms and melts each year in the Arctic Ocean fell to an historic low last autumn, and satellite records published on Monday by the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, show the ice extent is close to the minimum recorded for this time of year.

Hmm, the NSIDC…. now where have I heard of that outfit before…… hmm.  Thinking smile  Oh, yeh!  That was the same outfit that thought ice was melting in below 0 deg C temps!  No, no.  There’s no need to question their scientific prowess just because they don’t know the melting temperature of H2O, is there?  Let’s go ask some other climate scientists just in case.  Oh, look there’s one from Rutgers now!!!

“The sea ice is going rapidly. It’s 80% less than it was just 30 years ago. There has been a dramatic loss. This is a symptom of global warming and it contributes to enhanced warming of the Arctic,” said Jennifer Francis, research professor with the Rutgers Institute of Coastal and Marine Science.

Wow!!!!  80% less than 30 years ago!!!  Surprised smile Surprised smile Surprised smile   I had no idea!!!!  That’s a huge decline!!!!  But, in the off chance our new friend, Jennifer Francis a research professor with the Rutgers Institute of Coastal and Marine Science, may be related to the mental giants at NSIDC, we should check the numbers. 

Yesterday, satellite measurements say our extent is at 14.84049 million sq km.  Wow, the sea ice must have been……  calculating ….. gusintas …… carry the zero…..  hmm….. seems it was about 74 million sq km 30 years ago.  Let me check again…..  the ice extent measurement for Mar 26, 1983 was 15.92286 million sq km.  Well, it looks like Jennifer Francis is now qualified to work for the government at NSIDC.  That’s about a 7% reduction in ice for this time of year

Last March, the UnChristian Unscience Monitor monitor said this……

A recent study by the Brookings Institution shows that unusually warm winter weather has made climate-change converts out of many Americans. Unseasonable temperatures are continuing with warm spring weather in much of the United States. In Washington DC, which just recorded its warmest winter, the famed cherry blossoms have opened two weeks early.

Maybe the US was hogging all of the sea ice which surely must have been present last spring because lack of sea ice causes cold and snow!!  The UnChristian Unscience Monitor also had this to say……

Warm spring weather can help convince Americans that global warming is happening and a problem. But scientists must change the way they talk about this subject. They must leave their ivory towers and learn to speak about climate change in a language that people understand.

They could start by familiarizing themselves with some very basic science and math skills.  They might even wish to try a bit of honesty to go along with it. 


source is same as above. 

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42 Responses to Warmcold Strikes Again!!!! Lack of Ice Blamed For Snow And Cold! Climate Math On Display!!!! 15 is 20% of 16!!!!

  1. miked1947 says:

    Tom Nelson gives us this GEM!

  2. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings and commented:

  3. Keitho says:

    I went over there to help matters along but now I am being “pre moderated”. Seems I am a bad boy sitting at the back of the class and taking the piss out of teacher.


    mind you the numbnuts over there are way beyond salvation as facts seem to unsettle them.

  4. PhilJourdan says:

    7 is close to 80 (if you are counting to a million).

    • gator69 says:

      My guess is that they were comparing our recent summer, to a winter 30 years ago. It would not be the first time alarmotardologists have done this.

  5. grumpydenier says:

    Reblogged this on grumpydenier and commented:
    Is this ever going to end? Surely someone in the MSM will realise this is all complete madness!

  6. DaveG says:

    James. Another good rebuttal/report = Slap down. I’m lovin it!

  7. suyts says:

    Thanks guys! These imbeciles just make it too darned easy.

  8. Bruce says:

    On our TV news they had this last night…it is really cold in US and Europe but its all due to global warming melting the Arctic etc. In the last year or so there’s been more of this – completely unbelieveable stuff spouted to try and justify the unjustifiable. Over at Bishop Hill the Bishop is reporting yet more hysterical attacks on David Rose’s articles about temperature flatlining for the last 16 years. We have the same here. Yesterday the (Oz) Climate Institute put out a press release saying that “Asia leads the way on climate action” and Australia is a climate sinner far behind. Are you kidding me? We have the highest carbon tax of just about anyone and the aluminium metal which used to be produced in a smelter in my town is now produced by Chinese companies in China.

    Acts 7:57 all over again. We don’t like what you say so we’ll stick our fingers in our ears and yell at the tops of our voices. And we’ll stone you David Rose and anyone else who is so inconsiderate as to tell the truth!

  9. Latitude says:

    it’s easy really…
    The lack of ice is because it’s warmer…..then that warmer humid air falls south because it heavier….and runs into frigid/freezing air coming up from the Caribbean….and that’s what makes snow

    …..course the morons didn’t realize when they were saying that…..there might have been less ice, but the air temp was below freezing….freezing air holds a lot of moisture

  10. Bernal says:

    The Warm/Cold (why do you leave out the Wet/Dry) was “in the pipeline” ready to come out when necessary.

    • suyts says:

      “why do you leave out the Wet/Dry….”
      Dr. Syme, our expert lexicologist informed me that some of the snow was a dry snow so we didn’t want to conflate the various forms of wetdry. 🙂

      But, yes, they dust off warmcold and wetdry when the weather conditions call for it.

  11. IanH says:

    When I looked on the Guardian website one of the commenters came up with this:

    It is clearly meant to worry people. Clearly there is some lying statistics going on here, but effective.

  12. ahaveland says:

    Well, with those closed replies, I’m not going to outstay my welcome and get bogged down in a futile discussion. We’ll find out soon enough what will happen.

    • suyts says:

      ahaveland, you’re always welcome, here. It’s a motley crew, but we’re open enough to read what you have to offer. Ideally, you would be, as well.

      Be sure to hurry back!

    • gator69 says:

      Well, with those alarmist claims, I’m glad you are not going to outstay your welcome and learn something. We’ll find out soon enough what will happen.

    • LLAP says:

      @ahaveland: “Having followed Arctic science and watched it evolve for over a decade …”

      Stop and think about that for a minute. One decade on the scale of geologic time is a blip. Climate cycles operate on time scales much longer than that. I see far too much of this from your side of the discussion. Satelties essentially started measuring Arctic ice when it was at a 30 year maximum, so of course there is going to be a decline. When you are at the top of a mountain, the only way to go is down.

    • philjourdan says:

      We will find out. However, that is a non sequitur. The questions are: What is causing it? And SHOULD anything be done?

      Until those 2 questions can be answered, the rest is pure sophistry.

  13. omanuel says:

    Once we awaken to the reality of official lies disguised as consensus science, we no longer need study the propaganda documents in detail, . . .

    trying to find some rational basis for the conclusions.

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