They Shouldn’t Have Bothered With The Platform Change



Well, it was a nice try to put on a fake face and pretend they weren’t a Godless bunch, but it’s probably too little, too late. 

DNC Rejects Christian Gift Baskets

The Democratic National Committee banned dozens of Charlotte churches from distributing gift baskets to delegates because the congregations hold values that are contrary to the party platform, according to local religious leaders.


“They told us our views on women’s rights are contrary to the Democratic party platform,” said David Benham, the lead organizer of the Charlotte714 religious movement.

Charlotte714 is a group of more than 100 churches across the region that mobilized to pray for the Democratic National Convention. More than 9,000 people gathered last Sunday for a time of worship and prayer in advance of the convention.

A gathering of some 200 Muslims praying in Charlotte was given extensive national coverage. The massive Christian received scant coverage.

Benham said the name references an Old Testament passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14 – calling the nation to prayer.

He said 56 churches wanted to “Adopt-a-Delegation.” They put together gift baskets featuring Carolina Pralines and a letter welcoming them to the city and offering assistance in transportation, childcare or spiritual matters.

“We were just trying to display Southern hospitality,” he said. “We wanted them to know we were happy to serve them.”

However, DNC officials conveyed to city leaders that the Christians would not be allowed to present their gift baskets.

“I got a call from the mayor’s office speaking on behalf of the convention and they asked us not to participate,” he said. “They told us our views on women’s rights are contrary to the platform.”

Benham said he was shocked because all the churches involved are mainline denominations ranging from Baptists and Methodists to Assembly of God.

“I was blown away and could not believe it,” he told Fox News.

So instead of gift baskets, Benham asked if they could send welcome letters to the delegates. Again, he said the DNC refused – because the churches hold pro-life values.

“They responded back and said no because our views on women,” he said. “They would not allow it.”

Benham said it is true that all the churches are pro-life – but the baskets did not include a single political or pro-life message. They just wanted to give them regional candies and a welcome letter.

A spokesman for the city of Charlotte referred comments to the DNC. The DNC did not return numerous calls seeking comment.

Benham said it’s no surprise that the Democrats have now removed God from their party platform

“The Democrats have spit in the face of God they spit in the face of unborn children,” Benham said. “They spit in the face of marriage. They are spitting in God’s face. Americans need to rise up and see to it they have their day and are escorted out of power in this country.”

In spite of the rebuff Benham said there are 18 different groups across the city praying at 7:14 a.m. and 7:14 p.m.

That’s going to leave a mark.  I’m not sure what political genius made this decision, but that’s a huge fail.  Regardless of how you think about religion or God, you have to recognize what part of the country you’re in. 

If you ask me, with the platform debacle and this, they just lost a very, very important swing state. 

On a personal note.  I emboldened that part which references the 9000 people.  Now, that in itself isn’t a large number.  But, many don’t show for things like that.  For instance, I’m a bit of a backsliding Christian.  I don’t like being in large crowds or making much of a scene.  So, I don’t attend many events such as that.  However, I have dear loved ones who do. 

If my mother comes back from an effort such as the basket attempt telling me that the Dems told my mother her gifts weren’t welcome?????………  They have no idea what they just did.  They just got every fence rider up off of their behinds and they are motivated.  You don’t treat someone’s father, mother, brother, sister, wife, like that!  Especially in the south.

I can’t think of a more demonstrable act of stupidity which exemplifies why the Dems should not have another shot at this.  If they’re this stupid so as to tie themselves to ideology as opposed to pragmatic awareness of their surroundings, then they can’t possibly be trusted to lead this country to where we need to be. Oddly, if they had asked Bubba, it is very likely he would have told them that the best way to handle this would be to graciously accept the gifts and then laugh at them later in private. 

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60 Responses to They Shouldn’t Have Bothered With The Platform Change

  1. Scott says:

    They told us our views on women’s rights are contrary to the Democratic party platform

    It has nothing to do with women’s rights…that’s just PC talk for the unborns’ rights…or lack thereof when they have their way.

    As a social conservative and a fiscal something-or-other, abortion is probably the #1 topic of importance to me. At this point, I don’t see myself voting for the democratic candidate ever because of that, even if I agree with almost everything else they plan (which in this election, I don’t).

    But the liberals appear to be ditching any appearance of trying to appeal to a religious base of any kind (except maybe muslims). They’re hedging their bets that the years of an established atheistic (not secular or agnostic, I mean atheistic) public school system has finally been enough that they can boldly reject God and still win the election…we’ll know if they’re right in a few months.


  2. ThePhDScientist says:

    You guys are funny! “Reject God”. Or how about choosing not to throw God in your face on every policy. As I told you before it never works for you people. You’ll use your God as an excuse for taking away women’s rights, for denying gays the right to marry and it ALWAYS gets you into trouble as you judiciously decide which sins to persecute and prosecute this year.

    How about Clinton!?! Nailed it! Home run out of the PARK!

    • suyts says:

      Clinton didn’t disappoint. But, even Clinton isn’t going to erase this mark.

      You can work yourself up all you want, but the fact is, most of the people in North Carolina believe in God. Politically, that’s a bad call. Look, I’m a backslider, but I’m aware of the dynamics.

      I’m curious, what “women’s rights” do you believe will be taken away?

      At any rate, come November, how do you think this will be remembered?

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Nobody’s even thinking about this except the partisans who frequent this board and they were already far, far in the Romney corporate basket! A woman’s right to not have the obese, middle-aged, white male make health decisions for her after incurring a “forcible” rape (is that how we define it in the Republican party these days?)

        • DirkH says:

          Given your constant railing against the obese, you must really suffer when you see Paul Ryan. You have some issues there it seems. Probably projection. What’s your BMI?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I just like to point to the sin of gluttony that our fair-minded Christians frequently ignore and that is oh so prevalent in American culture. I love the hypocrisy of Christian extremists!

        • DirkH says:

          I see. Hmm, how about you just eat a little less?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          PS For your info Dirk…I have less than 8% body fat and I ran a marathon last year and am running a 1/2 marathon next month. (Yes actually ran, not walked). But that’s really irrelevant.

        • suyts says:

          While there are extremists who pretend to be Christians, all Christians understand there is no one without sin. It is the others who define a separate relative morality and then proclaim themselves without sin.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Oh no Dirk we don’t care about gluttony here because it’s so prevalent to rail against this sin would be to incriminate huge swaths of the population. You can’t do that right? Otherwise you’re incriminating the majority. You gotta only go after those sins that affect minority groups – easier to build up your base of hate and bigotry!

        • DirkH says:

          That’s the PhdScientist I love. You’re warming up. Maybe your body dissolved some brain cells when it craved energy during one of those marathons.

        • philjourdan says:

          Actually, that is false. Women have not been granted anything new. What has happened is that there are a different set of fat old rainbow men making the decision now. But the decisions are still being made. Obamacare merely put a new layer of bureacracy into the equation. It took nothing out.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          What has happened is that there are a different set of fat old rainbow men making the decision now.

          HOMOPHOBE!!! You’re taking the symbol of gay bride (the rainbow) to slur these policy makers. Though I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about because as usual it’s a bunch of incoherent nonsense. Who said women have been granted something new?

      • suyts says:

        So, Dems are against Obamacare now? Or, is it the race of people making your healthcare decisions which matter to you?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          What matters to me is that Republicans hold a congressional hearing on women’s health and abortion issues and invite no women! The party of the white, Southern, middle age man! That seems to be what they aspire to be.

        • suyts says:

          That’s a fantastical aversion from reality but, okay. Where were they all from? Certainly, they weren’t all from South Carolina, who the Dems had attacked a minority female Republican governor….. that those sort of old southern gentlemen, right?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Just read the 2 parties platforms and the truth becomes abundantly clear about the two parties. Then you look at everything else these guys do 1) voter ID laws aimed at reducing minority voter turn out 2) crazy abortion laws in almost all states where Republicans are Governors (Governor transvaginal ultra sound wand) 3) rallies against gays at Chick Fil-A, marriage amendments, and talk of reinstating don’t ask, don’t tell.

          Honestly you have to ask yourself on two levels what is wrong with these people. First you can’t win by alienating a substantial portion of our DIVERSE country. And second, really, what the F*ck is wrong with you? Are they looking over their shoulder and trying to run back to 1940?

        • suyts says:

          Ph, you’ve got the money quote tonight. I’ll stay analytical here… you stated, “First you can’t win by alienating a substantial portion of our DIVERSE country.”

          That’s true. You can argue the merits of the issues. There certainly are topics which this nation needs to discuss. But, it’s difficult to understand the political wisdom of what happened tonight.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          What happened tonight is that Bill Clinton gave a fabulous outline of the choice before the American people. The choice between the party of tax cuts weighted toward the rich as a cure all and you’re on your own or the party of shared sacrifice and attempting to raise everyone up together. Did you see him explain the 3 potential ways you pay for a 5 trillion dollar Romney/GW Bush type tax cut – that was genius and going to really resonate with independent voters! And he wasn’t buying that “oh we have a plan to pay for it, we’re just not giving any details now – we’ll tell you after the election.” No, President Clinton wasn’t buying that line the way you seem to!?! Ignorance is not bliss.

        • suyts says:

          Ph, Clinton has always hit home-runs on his speeches. They have never helped anyone but him. The problem with his speech is that it won’t resonate with the undecided. If they are undecided, then clearly they don’t have a clue about fiscal considerations. I never liked Clinton because of his immorality. But, he was a great politician. He’s never once been able to transfer that to anyone else.

        • DirkH says:

          What’s Obama’s plan to pay back the ebt? Negate the value of the Dollar so that 16 tb debt turn into 16 tn cash?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          What’s Romney’s plan to eliminate the debt? A 5 trillion dollar unpaid for tax cut? Obama advocates for higher taxes and decreased spending.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Wishful thinking Suyts my friend. But, if that helps you sleep better tonight then keep dreamin that dream!

        • suyts says:

          I guess we’ll have to see. I’m interested in the bump Obama will get verses the one Romney got after the conventions. I think that will tell the tale.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          The GOP is at a bit of loss as they really don’t have the impassioned, skillful orators that the Dems do.

        • suyts says:

          Lol, then you didn’t watch Ryan. Repubs aren’t given to bombastic hyperbole. They’re more rational than Dems.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        What has happened is that there are a different set of fat old rainbow men making the decision now.

        HOMOPHOBE!!! You’re taking the symbol of gay bride (the rainbow) to slur these policy makers. Though I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about because as usual it’s a bunch of incoherent nonsense. Who said women have been granted something new?

        • philjourdan says:

          Suyts did not say that. I did. And I used rainbow to show that they are not all white. They are black, brown, red and yellow as well. Since I did not use it as a pejorative, it could not be construed as homophobic.

          I know you are slow in the uptake, but try to catch up. You can say gay, homosexual, lesbian, or any homosexual term. That is not being homophobic. It is when you use the term as a pejorative that you demonstrate your bigotry.

    • DirkH says:

      Rejoyce! Fluke will speak at the DNC, and if you’re really lucky and elect the right guy, you might just get your next sex change operation for free!
      ““In an academic article published last year, contraception advocate Sandra Fluke made the case that private health insurers should be required to pay for sex change operations. ”

      That’s what I call a comprehensive approach to the same sex marriage issue.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        That’s only because you don’t understand anything about science or medicine Dirk. If you did you would realize that gender issues can actually be very real, clinical problems – not someone who is “confused” about their sexuality. Not at all unexpected though from people on the right (or who live in Germany but closely align themselves with the teabaggers from America).

        • DirkH says:

          “That’s only because you don’t understand anything about science or medicine Dirk.”

          Oh come on I know you can do better. What’s up with you? Not fired up?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Until you give me something better than “Sandra Fluke calls for sex change operations to be covered by health care” that’s all you get. I’m mean who gives a $hit. And yes medical folk recognize gender identity issues as real clinical problems, but I don’t expect you to understand that.

        • kim2ooo says:

          And yes medical folk recognize gender identity issues as real clinical problems, but I don’t expect you to understand that.

          You tell em” PhD
          And yes medical folk recognize image identity issues as real clinical problems, but I don’t expect you to understand that.

          We should be paying to Michele Jackson everyone.

          Short people should be lengthened……… all girls [and guys ] should have boob jobs….. bald have hair transplants…obese have tummy tucks…………………..


        • suyts says:

          You forgot to proclaim that it should all be free!!!!

        • DirkH says:

          I hear it’s a serious medical issue in Iran.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Hahaha no Kimmie you’re wrong. There’s been no psychiatric clinical work showing that a boob job has any therapeutic benefit for women with body image issues. But of course you wouldn’t understand that being the complete scientific hack you are.

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 5, 2012 at 11:04 pm

          Hahaha no Kimmie….
          Still trying to get intimate with me??? The first act of predators.

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 5, 2012 at 11:04 pm

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 5, 2012 at 11:04 pm
          Hahaha no Kimmie you’re wrong. There’s been no psychiatric clinical work showing that a boob job has any therapeutic benefit for women with body image issues. But of course you wouldn’t understand that being the complete scientific hack you are.

          Before you lie…you should do research.

    • kim2ooo says:

      How about Clinton!?! Nailed it! Home run out of the PARK!


      • suyts says:

        Now, Kim this is all fine, but just be sure not to bet into a gender sensitive dialogue about the word “is”. I’ll have to be stern on that one!

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Hahah. Poor Kimmie, Bill Clinton just sent your teabagging butt packing for another 4 years. I can understand why you’d resort to name calling. Well you’re going to have come back and try again in 2016. But on the bright side it will give you 4 more years to conjure up all kinds of new conspiracy theories! Ooohhh what fun!

        • DirkH says:

          Obama has to resort to Clinton to attach himself to an economy that was working in the 90ies? That’s not nostalgia, that’s escapism.

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 5, 2012 at 11:06 pm

          Hahah. Poor Kimmie

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 5, 2012 at 11:06 pm

          Hahah. Poor Kimmie, Bill Clinton just sent your teabagging butt packing for another 4 years. I can understand why you’d resort to name calling. Well you’re going to have come back and try again in 2016. But on the bright side it will give you 4 more years to conjure up all kinds of new conspiracy theories! Ooohhh what fun!

          =================== hummm…the tea bagger in the oval office?
          No conspiracy….fact!!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Nope Dirk. Was it Clinton who said “Republicans argument is well we handed Obama the country in the worst shape of the last 70 years and well he didn’t clean it up fast enough so give it back to us to try the same policies that got us into that mess”….

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 5, 2012 at 11:47 pm

          Nope Dirk. Was it Clinton who said “Republicans argument is well we handed Obama the country in the worst shape of the last 70 years and well he didn’t clean it up fast enough so give it back to us to try the same policies that got us into that mess”….

          Mr Clinton is defending the economic practices of someone who couldn’t even gain 1 ONE vote from his own party??

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          hahaha lame Kimmie. Everyone knows that 0 vote budget thing was simply Republican theatre with their fake budgets and unacceptable amendments. I guess you bought it or you’re being untruthful about what actually happened. Not a big surprise!?!

        • philjourdan says:

          @ThePhDScientist says: September 6, 2012 at 7:01 am

          Actually, no. The vote was straight up or down on the presidents budget. Since the senate is controlled by the Democrats, they did not even have to vote on it. Reid scheduled the vote (a democrat) and all democrats voted against it.

          While Boehner did schedule the vote in the House, no democrat was forced to vote for or against it. But they all did chose to vote against it.

          You lose again.

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 6, 2012 at 7:01 am

          hahaha lame Kimmie.

          Once again, you prove you are a predator.
          When a girl or woman asks you not to take / make familiarity advances,,,, You ignore it.

          Do you have no self respect?

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          September 6, 2012 at 7:01 am

          I guess you bought it or you’re being untruthful about what actually happened. Not a big surprise!?!

          philjourdan says:
          September 6, 2012 at 7:22 am

          @ThePhDScientist says: September 6, 2012 at 7:01 am

          Actually, no. The vote was straight up or down on the presidents budget. Since the senate is controlled by the Democrats, they did not even have to vote on it. Reid scheduled the vote (a democrat) and all democrats voted against it.

          While Boehner did schedule the vote in the House, no democrat was forced to vote for or against it. But they all did chose to vote against it.

          You lose again.

          The PhD doesn’t like the “Public Record” of what hapened

    • philjourdan says:

      Then why have the democrats done just that? The republicans did not force them to drop then add god back to their platform. The republicans did not force them to make a stink about the gift baskets. No, the democrats are the ones throwing god into everyone’s face.

      Perhaps what you meant to say is that the democrats are not throwing love into everyone’s face, and that is correct.

  3. kelly liddle says:

    You are bit innacurate with your timelines. It is only 61 years since gross debt went down (not 70) and it is an incrimental issue so it would be fair to say that every president of either colour left the next one a bit more mess. So while you are correct the Bushes and Reagan created problems so did Clinton and Obama. Neither side can hold their head high on this one and to claim any president was better than another is to ignore fiscal issues altogether because as Ron Paul says “they are all the same”.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      When was the last time a Republican President took office at a time when an economy was losing 750,000 jobs per month and the stock market has lost 7,000 points?

      • kelly liddle says:

        I don’t doubt Obama was left in a bad position (I did suggest he was left with the worst position in history) but the position has got worse. One day the free money will stop. When I say free money I am referring to government borrowings being at or below inflation. I don’t know what the result will be but it will not be good and think it will be massive inflation or in other words the government will cut spending by giving the same numerical handouts to industry and individuals thereby cutting them massively in real terms.

      • philjourdan says:

        The former, Reagan. The latter Bush 43.

        The difference is that Bush 43 had 9 months of recession in his first year. Obama had less than 6. Bush 43 created 4.3m jobs. Obama lost 1.1 m. (source:

      • DirkH says:

        ThePhDScientist says:
        September 6, 2012 at 7:03 am
        “When was the last time a Republican President took office at a time when an economy was losing 750,000 jobs per month and the stock market has lost 7,000 points?”

        What do you worry about the stock market? Weren’t you glad that the rich lose their wealth? Each drop in the stock market reduces the distance between poor and rich.

        Please check with your party commissar for korrect interpretation of wealth redistribution.

  4. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    September 5, 2012 at 10:16 pm

    What matters to me is that Republicans hold a congressional hearing on women’s health and abortion issues and invite no women! The party of the white, Southern, middle age man! That seems to be what they aspire to be.

    Then I guess you have no matters to worry about. Fluke was not invited because she had nothing to offer except political talking points. The hearing was supposed to be on medical and substantive matters, and thus Fluke was rejected. But she is not all women. And it is kind of ignorant for you to imply it.

  5. Pingback: Lightning Round – 2012/09/12 « Free Northerner

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