Reality Check To The Profoundly Stupid: The U.S. Isn’t The Entire Globe This Year Is The 3rd Coldest In The Last 15 Years

Apparently I was prophetic when I penned It’s Sooooooo Hot!!!  The whinebags are out in full force today.  We have shocking news!

Warmest Half Year On Record for a place which amounts to 1.5% of the globe!  Together, the 48 contiguous states and D.C. occupy a combined area of 8,080,464.3 km2.   The earth is 510,072,000 km2 

HuffPo announces with many others…..

Warmest Half Year On Record For U.S. Mainland, NOAA ‘State Of The Climate’ Reports

The one page article mentions global no less than 3 times.  Now, I’ve already shown UAH’s comparison to 2010.


But, let’s see about how RSS rates this year.  In fact, let’s do a comparison of January through May for the last 30 years.  Here is the idiotic global warming.  Now, remind the children that the continental U.S. isn’t representative of the globe.


If you look at the years on the X axis, you’ll see a two digit number next to it.  That’s the rank of the year from coldest being 1 to the warmest being 30.  This year is the 3 coldest in the last 15 years. 

Data provided here.

Maybe this looks better?  Just playing. 🙂



Same data.

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29 Responses to Reality Check To The Profoundly Stupid: The U.S. Isn’t The Entire Globe This Year Is The 3rd Coldest In The Last 15 Years

  1. gator69 says:

    “Warmest Half Year On Record For (Half) U.S. Mainland, NOAA ‘State Of The Climate’ (Half) Reports (For Half Wits)”

  2. jimash1 says:

    Clearly there is nothing special going on.
    It was hotter in 1993.
    And 1993 was cold according to the chart.

    • suyts says:

      You’re right, nothing special….. slight correction….. hotter in 1983.

      • jimash1 says:

        Well yes it was warmer in general in 1983.
        But per my link there, I am being specific.
        In 1993, in New Jersey, the first week of July was hotter than this last week was.

        “The “Mother” of All Heat Waves in July 1993, when Newark hit an astounding mark of 103 or better for four consecutive days, hitting 105 on two of them, tying the all-time record for the airport. On the fourth day of the string of records, the airport never got below 84 all night long, giving July 10 an average of 95. Newark had 100-degree readings in all four months from June to September that year.”
        (silly link but there it is)

  3. Jim Masterson says:

    The Holocene Maximum was from 5000 years to 9000 years ago. The pyramid builders’ heyday was about 3500 BC or about 5500 years ago. (Cleopatra was closer to us in time than she was to the pyramid builders.) Apparently, the higher temperatures then didn’t stop the Egyptians from creating one of the Seven wonders. I think the trigger has been pulled and we’re heading for another ice age. The trip won’t be a smooth downhill descent as we have a number of climatic bumps in the road: the Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm period, and the Modern Warm period. After all, we’re dealing with a chaotic system. We may break lots of positive temperature records before large ice layers form over the northern regions. All of this hand-wringing about trip points is nonsense–it’s too late–7000 years too late.


    • suyts says:

      Agreed, what is going to happen is going to happen and we’re just along for the ride.

    • Jim, your ”Holocene, Crapocene, Eocene, Miocene” is the foundation of today’s Warmist evil. Holocene maxima was: Sahara had some swamps, some vegetation = it was milder climate in the Mediterranean system, full stop. Presenting the ”PAGANISTIC” beliefs by the fake Skeptics: as warmer the WHOLE planet is the root of the biggest crime,..

      Suyts is pointing now EXACTLY what you are blind about: part of the USA with heatwaves is NOT the globe. 2] therefore: those Holocene, Crapocenes of yours, was concocted about Europe; by the original con artists.

      Oceania needs to get colder by 0,5C – V Europe to get warmer by 10C, to be still same warmth units on the earth. Nobody knows what is the whole planet’s temp for last year – you knowing that 7000y ago, the WHOLE planet was warmer -> that doesn’t tell anything about the temperature; but about your ignorance / blindness…

      • Jim Masterson says:

        stefanthedenier says:
        July 10, 2012 at 12:08 am

        Jim, your ”Holocene, Crapocene, Eocene, Miocene” is the foundation of today’s Warmist evil.

        Why don’t you quit beating around the bush and tell us what you really think?

        Holocene maxima was: Sahara had some swamps, some vegetation = it was milder climate in the Mediterranean system, full stop. Presenting the ”PAGANISTIC” beliefs by the fake Skeptics: as warmer the WHOLE planet is the root of the biggest crime,..

        I’m not sure how we’re going to punish the whole planet for committing a crime. What crime did the planet commit?

        Suyts is pointing now EXACTLY what you are blind about: part of the USA with heatwaves is NOT the globe. 2] therefore: those Holocene, Crapocenes of yours, was concocted about Europe; by the original con artists.

        I thought I was supporting Suyts. I was just trying to make a point that past warm periods were warmer since the Crapocene maximum (great term–by-the-way).

        Oceania needs to get colder by 0,5C – V Europe to get warmer by 10C, to be still same warmth units on the earth. Nobody knows what is the whole planet’s temp for last year – you knowing that 7000y ago, the WHOLE planet was warmer -> that doesn’t tell anything about the temperature; but about your ignorance / blindness…

        I remember reading about Oceania in 1984, but I’m not sure what your use of the word in this context means.

        As for ignorance, I guess I can do something about that. The blindness may be genetic.


        • suyts says:

          Lol, Stephan is a bit forceful in his assertions. If I may, Oceania, is most often associated with the south Pacific. Definitions vary, but often includes Australia and the surrounding island. Given the way Stephan used it, I’d say that’s it extending to twice the size of Europe.

        • Oceania is between New Guinea – Midway – Easter Island – lord Howe island and Australia = 23 times larger than Europe. When the dry / cold winds come from antarctic – because they are cold = heavy – earth’s centrifugal force is puling them north, up to Port Moresby, for a week, the temp is colder by 3-4-5C; after a week they stop, gets much warmer – after another few days, another high; some year for 7 months of the year, other for 8-9 months. Nobody is monitoring the ”instant change of 2-3-4C… who was monitoring 7000years ago for the Crapocene? Mediterranean temp / climate has nothing to do with Oceania, but they pined it to Holocene – it’s same as if the doctor was taking the temp of a fish, when you are sick…. Because of those misleadings, billions are ripped off / kids brainwashed in school and university – when they become solicitors and judges -> non believers in warming will be stoned on the streets; that’s not a joke.

      • Jim Masterson, July 10, 2012 at 6:31 pm

        Jim, planet doesn’t need punishing’ ”overall” the planet wasn’t warmer 7000y ago, than today. People that mislead that the planet was warmer, need bringing to court / on a witness stand and punishing. Those people that invented about warmer ”the WHOLE planet” Holocene / Crapocene, Miocene. At that time, Sahara was producing LESS dry heat – it was destroying less humidity produced by Mediterranean system = milder / greener climate. But that had nothing to do with Fiji, New Zealand’s temperature / those places were on the same globe even then. GLOBAL temp was exactly the same as today; have trust in the laws of physics. ALL climatologist, since Darwin’s book was published – they pretend that they have abolished the laws of physics – don’t believe them; I have proven them all wrong, with real proofs beyond any reasonable doubt

        I have a post about them; on my website: ”Fake Skeptic’s Stinky Skeletons in their closed” Holocene is one of those stinky skeletons. You want lots of genuine proofs; there are 8-9 pages on my blog – when you have real proofs – Warmist start having respect and fear If you read all that is there – you will be able to judge by yourself, with confidence; what is wrong and WHY is wrong, anything that comes from the Warmist

  4. DaveG says:

    The AGW fanatics are spread worldwide like a thin veneer of slim, at least slim is useful.

    More global warming?

    Canberra’s coldest mornings since 1965

    Posted: 08 Jul 2012 10:27 PM PDT
    From the Weather Isn’t Climate department. Cue Tim Flannery, Will Steffen or David Karoly saying that this is “consistent with global warming” in 3, 2, 1… Canberra has shivered through its eighth straight freezing, frosty morning, the coldest stretch of winter mornings in 47 years. The mercury dropped to a chilly minus 4.8 degrees at 6.51am […]

  5. suyts said: ”Now, remind the children that the continental U.S. isn’t representative of the globe”

    suyts, welcome to the reality.. Not the children, but if the grown up, so called ”Skeptics” can understand the meaning of that sentence -> would have gone on the front foot / would have started getting real respect from the Warmist, instantly… for the first time in 20years.

    In Australia were heatwaves – Warmist / fakes debated that – next year heatwaves in Russia – same brainwashing – this year USA heatwaves – next year will be some other place; always will be warmer some place – it’s a big planet.

    Unless they tell: where is SIMULTANEOUSLY ”COLDER” In one voice, all Skeptics should demand: ” if you don’t tell us; where on the planet is colder than normal, simultaneously; don’t tell us where is warmer than normal”!!! Warmist ”trick” would be exposed -> Skeptics” will not look as dumb sheep in the Warmist eyes. So-far, as soon as the Warmist point some anomaly -> all ”skeptics” follow direction… no question asked. I keep telling that: Oceania is 20 times larger than Europe – ”proxy European data” for the past is the evil of all lies.. I have being actively silenced; by both camps

    Suyts, as is warmer than normal always somewhere = also is colder than normal other place – therefore; because they control the data – they can present GLOBAL cooling, if they want; without grown up opponents.

    Same as ”children’s see-saw plank” when one side goes higher than normal, ALWAYS the other side goes lower than normal – that’s what the laws of physics and my formulas say.

    So, if one gets sheep’s attention to the lower side of the plank only , or the higher side only – he is the Shepard, and the butcher, and the beneficiary. That’s the reality. From last week, we in Australia started unofficially paying to the Warmist ” carbon stupidity tax, to the smart, well organized manipulators” … are the Warmist stupid? .Why the ”skeptics” zero always, on the place, where they are told by the opponents? is it because they are smart?

    1] the amount of ice on the polar caps has NOTHING to do with the temp, but are directed there one in 10 days 2] sea temperature, heat stored in the magma, in the plutonium; is as asset, therefore: only heat in the WHOLE troposphere is as official global heat / cash. In other words: heat from the oceans / magma, in plutonium, in your oven; cannot be spent, before is released in the troposphere – when is released -> troposphere wastes all the EXTRA heat in 7-8 minutes. The truth is painful… but will need to be faced – until than; Warmist are the winners / Skeptics are the born losers. have a nice day

    • suyts says:

      Yes, it’s frustrating. U.S. is warm, Australia is cold. The magma is what is distorting the geoid, which the satellites use. And, nothing closes the window.

      • suyts, Warmist are laundering billions of taxpayer’s $$ every year – they are not stupid. They are thiefs, swindlers, criminals; BUT THEY ARE NOT STUPID! They are a dangerous Organized Crime – spreading more and more their tentacles in the media, bureaucracy, academia… They are wining by telling lies / Skeptics are losing; supposed to be on the side off the truth.

        People on the street are realizing slowly; that was ALL just a big con. Tragically, in the blogosphere; the Warmist’ parrots are referred as ”Skeptics” Suyts, until the Warmist are made to talk what the Skeptics are saying – until the Skeptics talk what the Warmist say = Warmist are the winners and the smart ones. Russian people has taken 80years; to release the Red’s grip of their throats and testicles. They will not give up on the phony GLOBAL warming – as long as the Skeptics present the Eocene, Holocene as GLOBAL warmings…!!!

    • DirkH says:

      Stefan, what you demand is honest reporting by the Old Media.

      This * WILL * not * happen.

      • DikH, in other words: wishful thinking… But, if the Skeptics present our opposite theory; instead of constantly ”PARROTING” what the Warmist are dishing – media will have to start taking notice – now they don’t need, Skeptics are doing their dirty job! If the ”Skeptics” can lie that they know what was the temp 7000y ago; why shouldn’t the Warmist lie about one warming in 100y, from now; for trillions of taxpayer’s dollars?!

        • suyts says:

          It’s difficult enough to convince people that just because there’s a thermometer reading doesn’t mean we know the temperature of the world, today.

  6. suyts says:

    I’m kinda disappointed no one commented on my sine wave. 😦 It looks to me like we’re about 3-5 years away from completing the cycle.

  7. Jim Masterson says:

    Your sine wave might be a first step in a Fourier Transform or if you want to represent the original bar graph as a series of sine waves. Presently, your sine wave doesn’t represent the underlying bar graph very well.


  8. philjourdan says:

    Did not they tell us the same thing (the US is not the world) when we were having the record cold winter?

  9. Jim Masterson says:

    stefanthedenier says:
    July 10, 2012 at 8:01 pm

    Oceania is . . . .

    Stefan and Suyts, thanks for explaining Oceania to me.

    who was monitoring 7000years ago for the Crapocene?

    I believe they call them proxies. You use substitutes for thermometers. Of course, the science behind proxies is often controversial.

    stefanthedenier says:
    July 10, 2012 at 7:37 pm

    Jim, planet doesn’t need punishing’ ”overall” the planet wasn’t warmer 7000y ago, than today.
    . . .
    I have a post about them; on my website: ”Fake Skeptic’s Stinky Skeletons in their closed” Holocene is one of those stinky skeletons. You want lots of genuine proofs; there are 8-9 pages on my blog . . . .

    ‘Tis a lot of words there on your site. Someday I may have enough time to read it.

    Personally, I think it was warmer 7000 years ago. I also think the climate changes all the time.

    How about this? The Earth’s average temperature 7000 years ago lies somewhere between 0 K and infinity (it’s hard to argue with that statement). I happen to think it was 2 to 4K hotter than today. YMMV.


    • miked1947 says:

      I agree with your position on this. All evidence provided shows the earth is not a closed system and that temperatures vary over different periods of time cycling from colder to warmer and this has been going on since the earth first experienced weather.
      The primary problem is thousands or years must have passed before we can have any confidence in what the overall climate conditions were at any particular point in time.
      We know with certainty that climate patterns were more agreeable with biological activity 7,000 years ago than today. That represents warmer overall temperatures, or milder weather, less cold, as cold/ dry is the primary restriction for biologic activity.
      I agree with Stefan on the overall quality of the recent evidence but feel he needs to have a more open mind when observing geological evidence for long term climate cycles that have affected the whole planet.

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