Oh Nooos!!!! El Nino cometh!!


In my various travels on the internets, I see a bit of nervousness about the impending El Nino.  It was a bit frustrating until I realized that most of the people who come to this blog or who I typically engage with elsewhere are old hands at the climate wars, but, many others are not. 

(Heh, stolen from Bob and Anthony!  ‘Cause that’s the way I roll.)

For those of us who’ve been there, done that, for a couple of El Ninos, this is old hat.  For some of the newer skeptics, this may be a new experience.  Or, they’re concerned about the last one.  Boy, did the alarmists make some hay with that one!  We saw and heard all sorts of garbage.  “Hottest evuh!!!”  “We’re all doomed and its your fault!!!”  “Kids will never be able to play outside again!!” 

Well, let me reassure you……. it’s all going to happen again.  The press will get stupid (well, even dumber than they are now) politicians will actually start talking about climate change again…… some of the dumbest protests and whatnot will occur. 

But, be of good cheer!  This is the fun part!  Since the last El Nino, we’ve much more information available.  You can drive these people absolutely batshit crazy if you want to!  Here’s what happened last El Nino…. they’d show you stuff like this….


Sure, you can point out how the rate is decelerating.  That’s always fun.  But, now the examples and knowledge of GISS data manipulation is so commonly known (Paul does some great work there!)  and available, you can just grab from anywhere and laugh at their data manipulation.  Or, you can spin their head with other temp series, this is how it worked a couple of years ago…..


Then you just remind them about present and past tense.  Smile  They love that!  They will, of course, scream about cherry picking.  But, that’s fun, too!  This allows for a discussion on what is the appropriate time frame, and what is the appropriate start date.  That never fails to send them into a tailspin. Crying face  This technique is particularly useful when satellite data and trends are presented.


It drives them nutty!  Confused smile  Of course, they will eventually give up on the temp argument and run to some other perceived proxy, like sea level.  Rolling on the floor laughing

You can demonstrate how they’re fraudulently altering the data.

image image image image

Or, you can demonstrate how they’re fraudulently altering the data.  (Two different links)

image image

Then, you can just show them this…..


There is no compelling reason to believe their garbage.  They’ve altered the data in the past, they are actively engaging altering the data today, and, they will continue to do so.  Lying is proof of a failed posit.  Laugh at them.  They hate that.  Rolling on the floor laughing

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12 Responses to Oh Nooos!!!! El Nino cometh!!

  1. philjourdan says:

    You do have an evil streak in you. 😉

  2. Latitude says:

    I’m going to agree with Joe on this one….
    …there’s too big of a pool of cool/cold water coming around

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