Funniest Damn Picture Evuh!!!! Wins Even Over Dukakis!!

IDK, you guys and gals decide!



Leftards should stick to prancerizing on the golf course. 

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28 Responses to Funniest Damn Picture Evuh!!!! Wins Even Over Dukakis!!

  1. HankH says:

    Too funny. Those green shooting plugs in his ears are a nice touch. The marine he’s talking to isn’t as styling.

  2. Latitude says:

    way OT…
    put this…

    Fascinating Sea Level Site To Visit And Some Fascinating Data

    together with this…

    Scientists confirm existence of largest single volcano on Earth – Massive underwater volcano rivals biggest in solar system

    …and we just explained that hot glob off of Japan we could never explain before

    You were right….well me too!…..

    • HankH says:

      Excellent work at connecting the dots guys!

      • Latitude says:

        Hank, that spot never made sense….there are no currents that would take warmer water there….sea level is always higher there (volcanoes gravity make water stand on top of them)….and it shows on every gravity map
        but every sea floor map says there’s nothing there

        oh, and it’s a huge spot!

        • suyts says:

          Let me try to have a few less beers in me and I’ll try to put a post on on that!!

          Lat, there was never any doubt. We are, now, like we were then, vindicated. “the world will little note, nor long remember ……” Clearly he was wrong if he was talking about his words. But, he was a bit prophetic if he was considering ours.

          Still, there’s something to be said about being right before the rest. Let’s take a bow, even if the rest of the world doesn’t understand why.

        • Jim Masterson says:

          Latitude says:
          September 6, 2013 at 5:54 pm

          (volcanoes gravity make water stand on top of them)

          I think Stefan will argue this point with you. 😉


        • HankH says:

          Lat, so the phenomenon is likely upwelling of warmer water from the volcano raising the sea level above it? That or thermal expansion directly above the volcano? What’s your thoughts?

        • suyts says:

          Hank, I can’t speak for Lat, but, yes, both.

          For me, this is exciting. We are just now acknowledging the energy of the earth. If we were just a rock, then some of the things the nutters have said could be true. But, we’re not. Back in the late 90s or early 2000s they tried to say that volcanoes had no lasting affect on our earth’s temps, which I always knew was bs. Now, we’ve discovered exponentially more volcanoes than we ever imagined.
          All of the papers about volcanoes pertinent to climate prior to 2007 are null and void. They assumed they knew how much volcanoes were doing, but, they didn’t know about, and didn’t take into account, all of the volcanoes we knew were really there …. spewing heat, spewing lava, spewing CO2.

        • HankH says:

          I sense a very interesting blog post coming soon 😀

        • suyts says:

          It occurs to me that there must be one even prior to the one I want before a real good discussion can occur.

          It is an open energy system, but, fueled internally and externally. Reality is a horrible thing sometimes!

        • HankH says:

          Ya’ got me curious now.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      Yea, I saw that story before Anthony ran it. But no way does it have ANYTHING to do with the warm spot off of Japan. It is not atmospheric!

  3. DirkH says:

    Even Obama’s Russian homosexuals don’t support Obama’s war.
    “One gay rights activist “added her voice to warnings against a military strike in Syria.” “

  4. jimash1 says:

    ” Which way to the Front, Soldier “?

  5. kim2ooo says:

    Obama supporter???

    • HankH says:

      Natural selection in action?

      • Jim Masterson says:

        They used to call it “Darwin Awards.”


      • HankH says:

        LOL, I used to follow them. I especially liked case of the two brothers who tossed rattle snakes back and forth to impress their girlfriends and got bitten numerous times. The rattle snakes won. I don’t remember the year though.

      • Jim Masterson says:

        There was a site that verified various rumors. One funny one was a guy attached a JATO bottle to his car and flew the car into the side of a cliff. That turned out to be false.

        Another funny one was a guy who attached several weather balloons to a lawn chair and went flying. He took a rifle along so he could pop a balloon or two to let him down. When released, he rose so fast that he was afraid to pop any balloons. I don’t remember how he got down, but he started to drift in various airways and became a navigation hazard to planes. The claim was that story actually happened.


        • HankH says:

          I recall that Myth Busters did a segment on the balloons on a lawn chair and found it plausible. It was amusing to watch.

    • suyts says:

      LOL!!!! No. He lived. There’s another vid out showing him swearing off that stupidity, as he’s laid up in some hosp. bed.

  6. kim2ooo says:

    * Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) – $60,000
    * Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) – $24,150
    * Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.) – $80,550
    * Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) – $41,872
    * Christopher Coons (D-Del.) – $19,500
    * Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) – $127,350
    * Tim Kaine (D-Va.) – $101,025
    * Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) – $70,850
    * Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) – $26,900
    * John McCain (R-Ariz.) – $176,300


    The link will explain:

  7. kim2ooo says:

    I really like the grab ass picture of Mr McCain 🙂

  8. kim2ooo says:

    Another Obama supporter?

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