Shock News!! Plants Adapt To Water Availability!!!


No kidding.  Annoyed

The USDA did a study which concluded plants can adapt to extreme shifts in water availability.  I’m pretty sure this has been done before, but mostly people can know this by observation.  It’s not all that tricky.  

From the study’s abstract…..

 Ecosystem resilience despite large-scale altered hydroclimatic conditions

We find a common ecosystem water-use efficiency (WUEe: above-ground net primary production/evapotranspiration) across biomes ranging from grassland to forest that indicates an intrinsic system sensitivity to water availability across rainfall regimes, regardless of hydroclimatic conditions. We found higher WUEe in drier years that increased significantly with drought to a maximum WUEe across all biomes; and a minimum native state in wetter years that was common across hydroclimatic periods. This indicates biome-scale resilience to the interannual variability associated with the early twenty-first century drought—that is, the capacity to tolerate low, annual precipitation and to respond to subsequent periods of favourable water balance.

Of course, that doesn’t stop Science Daily from including a proclamation of doom, anyway.

The scientists also used the data to develop predictions about future plant response to climate changes. Their results suggest that ecosystem resilience will decline as regions are subjected to continuing warming and drying trends. They project that this downturn will begin in grassland biomes because these plant communities are particularly sensitive to the hot and dry conditions of prolonged warm droughts.

Both the article and paper suggest that a drier climate is inevitable.  The study included 29 sites in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Australia.  I’m not sure how Australia looks, (see below) but in the US there is no discernable trend in wet vs dry.  If anything, it’s been a bit wetter over last 40 years or so. 


Well, okay curiosity got the better of me.  Here’s rainfall for Australia from the BOM


Notice the correlation with Australia’s temps……


Here’s a time series graphic at the bottom of this pic.  Again, from the BOM.  Notice the explicit relationship with ENSO, a naturally occurring phenomena. 


Yeh, we are all really doomed to eternal droughts.  Idiots. 

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4 Responses to Shock News!! Plants Adapt To Water Availability!!!

  1. DirkH says:

    Reminds me of the chapter in IPCC AR4 where they talk about the French heatwave a few years back and have some scare simulations showing lots of drought in the distant future due to CO2AGW.

    At the same time as we all know CO2AGW postulates a rise in water vapor and evaporation … which should lead to more precipitation… And shouldn’t CO2AGW be weakest in a desert where there’s next to no humidity…

    CO2AGW is like a New Age fair… A thousand con men peddling all kinds of magical remedies…

    They never considered the possibility that their various scare tactics could contradict each other.

    • cdquarles says:

      CO2CAGW is a New Age fair. A million con men peddling all kinds of absolutions for sinners against the latest religious fad. There Dirk, I fixed it for ya :).

  2. miked1947 says:

    Anyone that plants a garden should know that!

  3. kelly liddle says:

    One thing that does happen with above average or below average rainfall is that the trees either thin out or become thicker in the bush. I can’t find the study but there was one done in QLD in an area not touched by grazing and that is what they found (it was somewhat assumed before that, that changes were caused by grazing). So if for example 10% of trees died in an area that is nothing to worry about it is no different except for the time scales to a few floods will bring about plagues of locusts or rats.

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