Gems 2014 — June 13 Scripture Selection: Luke 3:1-20


Guest post by Jeanette Andrade

June 13 Scripture Selection: Luke 3:1-20

Food for Thought: Luke 3:8

The people that John the Baptist was preaching to had the misconception that they were “set” just because their ancestral father was Abraham. Their faith was mistakenly placed in him, his faith, and in their genealogical connection to him instead of living by faith in their heavenly Father.

People can make that mistake today. They put their faith and confidence in a pastor or in their parents. They live off of the faith of others, completely oblivious of their need to have a direct connection to the Father. This is why some children of Christians fail miserably when they begin to make decisions for themselves. They never developed true faith and a relationship with the Lord. They had a “third-party” relationship.

It is so very important to lead our children to have their own personal relationship with the Lord, and to encourage even adults not to put their faith in any man. Like those Israelites that John was preaching to, many adults have to come to the realization that their confidence has been misplaced and that they need to shift it to the Lord in order to have a truly meaningful relationship with Him.

Digging Deeper (What scriptures can further enhance today’s reading?):

Getting Personal (What has God shown you in today’s reading?):

Confession of Faith (Example: Lord, based on Mat. 1:21 and 23, I understand that Jesus is God, and I receive Him as my personal Lord and Savior.):

Important Events on This Day (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.):

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13 Responses to Gems 2014 — June 13 Scripture Selection: Luke 3:1-20

  1. suyts says:

    There’s so much to say about this consideration, I can’t in a comment. But, yes, spot on!

    It’s difficult. For a parent, teaching is only one part. Living the teaching is the other. Unfortunately, we’re human, so we’re flawed. This, I believe, is what should be taught, first. Our failures, we try to hide from our children, but, they seem to know, anyway. Children consider their parents as god-like when they grow up. You must let them know you are not God. You are, hopefully, older and wiser than your children. But, you have your own failures. And, then you teach them redemption, and how one achieves perfection …. only by the grace of God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. And, even still, we need forgiveness.

  2. Do you want your children, your kin folk, your friend
    to find Salvation? PRAY!!!!

  3. When you are praying for someone, pray this
    ‘Lord send one of your ‘Faithful’ servants to my friend’
    it’l work!!!

  4. DirkH says:

    I’m dropping this here because it is related to spirituality.
    I’ve been looking at Project Stargate (20 year CIA project trying to exploit psychic phenomena for spying) and Ingo Swann videos. Ingo Swann -a participant in Stargate-, it turns out, was an incredibly smart fellow.

    And he mentioned something of earthshaking consequences.

    The scientific method was formulated in 1845 by four guys in their twenties and explicitly reduces science to a description of the material world. It strictly and explicitly denies to describe anything other than a purely materialistic world. That’s the domain it works in.

    Therefore, Darwinism, Mechanism, Logical Positivism, Pragmatism are all names for the same thing: A REDUCTIONIST WORLDVIEW THAT DENIES ALL NONMATERIAL STUFF. (Or – is incapable of making any statement about nonmaterial stuff) (Wittgenstein has made this explicit in his foundation of logical positivism, the Tractatus Logicus-Philosophicus: “Ueber was wir nicht reden koennen, darueber muessen wir schweigen.” – what we cannot talk about, we must stay silent about.)

    BUT – and that’s the kicker – and this is not from Ingo Swann but my interpretation – this worldview HAS BEEN FALSIFIED by Einstein through discovery of quantum mechanics; introducing nonlocalility and mystical phenomena like quantum entanglement which have over time been accepted as happening all the time in real life; or as the VALID Bohm-De Broglie interpretation of QM says: The wave function never collapses. THIS IS AN INTERPRETATION OF Quantum Theory THAT IS 100% FUNCTIONAL IDENTICAL with every other interpretation – like the Copenhagen interpretation – and therefore automatically correct.

    Therefore the 1850ies mechanistic Darwinian worldview is proven to be incomplete (and Dawkins just a desparate human working with a tool – the scientific method – that only applies to a purely mechanical world – and that is why he can never leave the prison of a purely mechanical world).

    Or in other words: It looks like trying to prove the existence of psychic or spiritual phenomena with the scientific method could turn out to be a hopeless endeavour; as it is not the tool for the job. Neither is it a tool that can describe consciousness. Neither can the scientific method ever disprove the existence of psychic or spiritual phenomena – it simply does not work in this realm by its very own definition.

    Maybe I’m just reliving the crisis of logical positivism that was induced by Gödel himself through his incompleteness proof in the first half of the 20th century, which made Wittgenstein found the opposite school, modern mysthicism, and maybe I should read the later Wittgenstein now.

    Just dropping this here to help others who are struggling with the same things; if any of you has thoughts about this I’m interested to hear them.

    • cdquarles says:

      Indeed. From the first day in grade school when we were introduced to science, they clearly said that it was limited to the material, physical world that we could observe. God is outside of science. Unfortunately for biologists, evolution is a tautology that explains nothing. Darwinism is a religion. It requires faith in a materialist story ‘fitted’ to data (not the obverse by the way … something I was aware of at the University where I minored in biology and though I spouted their dogma back at them for grading purposes, I never accepted the belief system).

      • DirkH says:

        “Darwinism is a religion.”

        Thanks. A very incomplepte religion it turns out.

      • deja vu my interpretation. 10 years ago something happened that deeds to be changed
        so that a different and better end can occur for you or maybe someone else. ( Think of
        a tape recording.) the 10 years are run back and erased, takes about a second, back to
        the deja vu, all the changes are made, goes forward again, 10 years in a second, a new
        out come for you or for someone else who needed it fixed. Now you do not remember
        having deja vu.
        I know I know you thought I was weird now you………………

        • DirkH says:

          Ingo Swann mentions this as one of the psychic powers; the power of intervention. He describes it as “choosing a different timestream”. Very much like your description.

    • suyts says:

      Dirk, thanks, I should mark this comment, but, I will keep the thoughts with me.
      Many times I’ve been asked about my thoughts towards specific questions, in which they wanted a science explanation of theological notions. It’s simply impossible. The notion of God is faith based. While you must have faith to conduct science (Planck), the rest is, supposedly, empirically driven. To get to the origins, (why am I here, and how did I get here?) it’s impossible, empirically. One must assume something which cannot be proven.

  5. kim2ooo says:


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