Shock News!!!! Economic Suicide To Be Optional For The EU!!!!!


Dirk brings us this from the NTZ …….

Germany’s Der Spiegel writes here that the EU is moving to abandon its ambitious climate protection targets. This, Spiegel writes, is now a real threat to Germany’s much ballyhooed Energiewende (energy transformation to renewable energies).

The EU used to be a leading, unrelenting proponent of CO2 emissions reduction, even often ostracizing other industrial nations like the USA for not following its lead on carbon emissions. Many EU countries even implemented laws and generous subsidies to promote large-scale renewable energy systems. But now, some ten years later, EU policymakers are waking up to the exorbitantly high costs of green energies and their unpredictable, uncontrollable supply.

If you’re wondering why or how Europe has come to this sudden change of heart, the Der Spiegel article gives us a bit of insight by linking to another article …..

In addition, the authority wants, according to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” pave the controversial fracking in the EU the way .Thus, it is no strict rules for the extraction of shale gas resources give, but only sets minimum standards for the protection of environment and health.

The translation is a bit rough, but, the title pretty much says it all.

EU clears the way for fracking

What many people outside Europe and inside Europe saw as embracing lunatic green policies as some sort of altruistic motivation was nothing of the sort.  The EU and the Euro zone was set up as a economic bloc to work against their competitors.  For the most part, Europe’s energy resources have been poor.  Traditional oil and gas reserves paled in comparison to many other nations and blocs.  They’re forced to import much of their energy sources which put them at an economic disadvantage to the rest of the world’s advanced economies.  So, in this sense, embracing renewables made sense, if one didn’t understand all the implications of such a disastrous policy. 

Well, now they understand that there is a lot of energy to get at within the confines of their boundaries.  So, out goes the idiotic binding targets and in comes fracking. 

What I find most curious is how little these energy schemes are tied to the crisis of the global recession.  The nations hit the worse during the global recession were the nations who most embraced the lunatic green schemes.  The nations who rebounded most quickly were the ones who ignored or worked around the rejection of carbon based fuels.  China, India, and the like went right through the global recession.  Russia recovered rather quickly.  Our friends Australia and Canada were able to avoid the most dire impacts of the global recession mostly because of their extraction of fuel sources.  Contrast these economies, both developed or developing to the economies of the Euro zone.  No, the energiewende wasn’t the sole cause of the recession, but, it certainly exacerbated the recession.  Finally, Europe is waking up to this fact.  The US, though still ignorantly embracing these idiotic schemes, is now, through the simple weight of the abundance of resources is poised, if we have the sense to do so, for a great economic renewal through our resources, in spite of our government’s best efforts to prevent it. 

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5 Responses to Shock News!!!! Economic Suicide To Be Optional For The EU!!!!!

  1. DirkH says:

    EU can’t do ANYTHING but fight for survival ATM. So scratch that stupid CO2.

    I’ll get excited when they start culling Eurocrats.

  2. leftinflagstaff says:

    I love the smell of reality in the morning.

  3. philjourdan says:

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  4. DirkH says:

    Second attempt by activists to push abortion into EU competence (so called ESTRELA report) failed. Their tactic is to make reproductive rights a discrimination issue and discrimination is EU competence. so for now it stays in national compentence. They try again and again to have it picked up by EU parliament. Resistance is getting organized. We carpet bomb the EU parliament with petitions.

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