The Pirates Are Here!!!


Well, this is bad.

I don’t remember the exact time I became aware that in Europe there were people some called “Pirates”.  I believe frequent commentator, Dirk, was the one who first made me aware of such people, and I believe we’ve been visited by a few. 

So, what is a “pirate”?  They’re a group of people who spew extreme leftist notions while hi-jacking the Libertarian label, and sprinkle just a dash of conservatism in an effort to make them appear and sound centrist and reasonable. 

So, why is this bad?  Well, for one, they’ve infected Switzerland. 

This fall, a truck dumped eight million coins outside the Parliament building in Bern, one for every Swiss citizen. It was a publicity stunt for advocates of an audacious social policy that just might become reality in the tiny, rich country. Along with the coins, activists delivered 125,000 signatures — enough to trigger a Swiss public referendum, this time on providing a monthly income to every citizen, no strings attached.
Every month, every Swiss person would receive a check from the government, no matter how rich or poor, how hardworking or lazy, how old or young. Poverty would disappear.
The proposal is, in part, the brainchild of a German-born artist named Enno Schmidt, a leader in the basic-income movement. When we spoke, Schmidt repeatedly described the policy as stimmig.” Like many German words, it has no English equivalent, but it means something like “coherent and harmonious,” with a dash of “beauty” thrown in. It is an idea whose time has come, he was saying.

I’m hoping one of our German speaking friends may be able to add more clarity to the word.  Still, some may say “that’s Switzerland, so what?”

The notion is here, in the US, as well.  And, they’re using the same tactics as the Pirates in Europe.  Oh, I sense some skepticism, already.  Consider my recent articles about the false flag operation in Virginia, and the little black boxes

Those started with a LA Times article talking about putting little black boxes in our vehicles to track us, ostensively, for taxing purposes.  The article stated that Libertarians were on board with this.  At the time, I wrote,“[t]here’s not one self-respecting Libertarian who favors a little black box being put in your personal vehicle in order for the government to track and tax you with“.

Now, there’s a NY Times article (where the block quotes came from) which also has this to say ……

They even are whispered about in the United States, where certain wonks on the libertarian right and liberal left have come to a strange convergence around the idea — some prefer an unconditional “basic” income that would go out to everyone, no strings attached; others a means-tested “minimum” income to supplement the earnings of the poor up to a given level.

Here’s what Mike Shedlock had to say about this.

No one who can rightfully call themselves a Libertarian, can possibly support such an economically inane proposal.
To give money away, it would have to be taken, by the government from someone (via taxes) to be distributed to someone else.
Alternatively, money would be printed into existence causing inflation. Either way, it would not be “free”.
There is no such thing as “free money”, and no libertarian would support increased taxes.

Sound familiar?

Worse, if one is a shallow thinker, this proposal makes sense.  Instead of using all the federal bureaucracies as a middlemen for wealth redistribution, we could eliminate most of them and simply disperse cash payments.  Savings, right?  So, the argument would be, instead of foodstamps, HUD, welfare, etc, we’d just have one agency cutting checks.  Or, as the NY Times author referenced,

Charles Murray of the conservative American Enterprise Institute has proposed a minimum income for just that reason — feed the poor, and starve the beast. “Give the money to the people,” Murray wrote in his book “In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State.”

It’s strange.  Throughout my years, I find that many of my thoughts as a very young man are now echoed by others but, considered deeper thoughts.  Well, they’re deeper than most leftist thoughts.

I’m not sure what’s worse; thoughts from an avowed leftist or thoughts from a Libertarian incapable of more than two dimensional thought.  Like the notion of the little black boxes, this thought of a more efficient wealth redistribution lacks any depth.  Sure, on the surface, this would eliminate the many inefficacies of the federal bureaucracies.  But, one needs to take care with what we’re making more efficient.  To quote Shedlock again …..

Clearly Insane
The proposal is clearly insane on many grounds. If printing money and sloshing it around ended poverty, Zimbabwe, Argentina (and lately Venezuela) would be the wealthiest nations on the planet.
The only alternative to printing is raising taxes on the wealth producers as part of a socialist redistribution scheme.

I think what we’re witnessing isn’t just one thing happening, but a confluence of things.  There is deception here, but, mostly self-deception.  People calling themselves and their thoughts Libertarians.  We’re also seeing yet another part of our language bastardized.  People are afraid to call things what they really are because of the obvious connotations of certain words.  But, we needn’t be afraid of the words if the ideas are worth discussing. 

Let’s call these things for what they are.  This is, by definition, an extreme example of socialism.  It is one step away from the leftist utopia of communism.  You can call yourself a Libertarian all you wish, or even a conservative, but, that doesn’t make it so.  I suppose we can redefine those words to mean “wealth redistributionists”, and, I think that’s the point.  It’s a form of deception, either an attempt to deceive other people or one’s self. 

People, the pirates are here. 

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15 Responses to The Pirates Are Here!!!

  1. leftinflagstaff says:

    Count me in! Can they make me stay 21 forever, too?!?

  2. philjourdan says:

    If the word has no English equivalent, we might as well adopt it into our language.

    But yes, pirates. You cannot give what you do not have. And the money does not belong to the government. It belongs to the people they TOOK it from.

  3. Bruce says:

    If they tax the rich, divvie up the proceeds and give it to everyone, then why would the rich bother?

    They would leave. Or they would stop working and join the welfare queue.

    Then because revenue would collapse due to a sudden shortage of rich people the cheques would get smaller and smaller until everyone was destitute.

    Is there no logic left on the planet Earth?

    Something like this is happening in France. Hollande’s popularity is now down to 15% as all the people who voted him in are being hit by the taxes he brought in.

    Francois Hollande in crisis as France engulfed by ‘exasperation and anger’

    Lucky Frenchies have him in office another 6 years before his term runs out.

  4. tom0mason says:

    Sorry John you’re now out of date –

  5. DirkH says:

    As for “stimmig”; I would translate it as “workable”; “Stimmige Lösung” = “workable solution”, that’s all.

    “To give money away, it would have to be taken, by the government from someone (via taxes) to be distributed to someone else.”

    The pirates have never conclusively explained that. In Germany they came up 3 years ago or so, and promised 1000 EUR a month for every human. I asked them, that’s 80 bn EUR a month, where do you want to take it, suddenly the answers sounded more like, oh, for most people they already earn more than that so it won’t get that expensive. In other words, they just want to redistribute from the productive to the unproductive but won’t admit it.

    Last year there were local elections in my home state so I checked their party program online; I am always interested in two things, energy and economics. I found that they copied the energy program from the Greens verbatim – and under economics I found in their party program a sentence like “As soon as our economic policies have been defined they go here.”

    That was about 2 years after they were founded. I wasn’t impressed – they know what kind of money to hand out but don’t say anything about the economics of it.

    Pirates are the biological children of Green teachers; they don’t enter the Green party because their parents block all possible career paths.

    Pirates are very tech savvy – so much so that they have a wiki for their party program in which they write and write and write and debate and argue and debate… They call this the “permanent party congress”.

    They are a joke; which does not exclude the possibility that through some cosmic mishap or Lucifer’s influence one of them might find himself in a governing coalition someday, in that case, woe betide!

    • suyts says:

      I think some of the more clever US pirates have infiltrated some think tanks.

      • DirkH says:

        BTW, it would be perfectly possible to just print that money; it would be a third of GDP that would be issued annually. Let’s say it’s unbacked government money without being backed by government debt; we would get a 25% inflation. And that would be that, a new social contract and a new way of financing the welfare state. Savers would convert money into Gold or tangible assets or stocks or stable currencies like they do in Turkey, where the Turkish Lira constantly depreciates.

        And that can be explained, and if voters think that that’s what they want they can vote for it. But the pirates have never explained it that way; they know they can only win with deception.

        They are withering in Germany because the few protest voters that polled for them went over to the new AfD which channels the anger about the EU tiranny just as well but has no unicorn and pixiedust delusions.

      • suyts says:

        Well, yes, and again, on the surface, it would be more efficient than the QE we’re doing today. If eliminating some govt bureaucrat middle men is good, then how much better to eliminate banker bureaucrats?

        • DirkH says:

          I have a certain sympathy for the Greenback argument; that a directly issued government money without being debt backed is a potential solution. After all the governments don’t pay their debt back anyway, at least since the foundation of the Fed, so why even pretend.

  6. DirkH says:

    And, I gotta add one more thing as a warning. Their use of the word libertarian seems to be rooted in the misconception that a libertarian is a libertine. During this years election in the state of Hesse I saw posters with the typical genderized family; 2 men and one boy, and the words “Vater, Vater, Kind” ( I was tempted to add the word “Youtube” but I didn’t).

    So they’re basically your cardboard cutout pro EU pro redistribution pro genderization Globalist stooges party. Really doesn’t get more cliché as that.

    • cdquarles says:

      Ah yes, that makes sense. We had to go to ‘libertarian = classical liberal’ because of the damage that ‘progressives’ did to the word ‘liberal’. Yep, for a leftist, libertarian = libertine is a natural.

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