LOL!!! Kumi Bear’s Stupidity And, Greenpeace Piracy Update!!!

Oops!!!  Kumi bear is all pissy again!


What a loon.  Is he so self-delusional that he thinks he can intimidate Russia?

The NoTricksZone has given us an update to the Greenpeace piracy imprisonment.

According to the latest report from Ria Novosti, the Russians are now “hinting at drug charges against the Greenpeace activists” and that they are considering pressing charges that could lead to life sentences for some of them. The Russians aren’t fooling around and they are playing major league hardball. Obviously some people out in the ‘open and tolerant’ west are having a hard time understanding the situation.

Hat tip: John from Quebec.

Perhaps the threats of life in prison are in response to the combative tones coming from Greenpeace bosses lately. For example Greenpeace’s international executive director, Kumi Naidoo, declared that the world needs people who are “prepared to go to prison, put their lives on the line if necessary, in the struggle for climate justice and addressing the reality of runaway catastrophic climate change.”

Apparently, the potential life sentences stem from the lunatics ramming Russia’s coast guard people. 

This all looks pretty harmless, like a game of “bumper cars”, but it isn’t.  Ramming little boats in such waters is life threatening.  The slightest mistake and someone could end up in the cold waters. 


Here’s another video showing their disregard for life in a greater extent.


The fact is, those lunatics need prison, until they learn how to act and conform to international law and societal norms. 

h/t Dirk

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23 Responses to LOL!!! Kumi Bear’s Stupidity And, Greenpeace Piracy Update!!!

  1. DirkH says:

    Well nice goons the EU has there. How did that work out, Barroso and Van Rompuy?

  2. DirkH says:

    And you know what’s interesting? The controlled leftist media bloc in Germany has for days now lambasted a catholic bishop for spending 30 million of the churches money for his housing. NO PEEP about Greenpeace. (on the frontpages)

    That means the EU commission has ordered them to stay as quiet as possible.

    • Keitho says:

      Thats no good DirkH. Mind you I see the Brits are heading down the same road with regards to their media.

      Kumi Naidoo is a fool with his statements thinking he can intimidate Putin. If I read him correctly Putin will push back harder and harder and the 30 GP folk will pay.

      GP need taking down a peg or two, they are not above national laws and not everybody is as well mannered as the Japanese.

      • DirkH says:

        Keitho says:
        October 15, 2013 at 12:02 pm
        “Thats no good DirkH. Mind you I see the Brits are heading down the same road with regards to their media.”

        EU wide hate crime legislation. Like our media, your media called the Stockholm Muslim riots “Youth Riots”, all of them. EU-wide censorship.

        They don’t do this because the problem is SMALL – and as other problems will also fester, we can expect an explosion in censorship.

  3. kim2ooo says:

    Send more Green Peace…….. 🙂

  4. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Liberalism really all boils down to fear of responsibility. They won’t even own up to their responsibility for their self-righteous indignation.

  5. Latitude says:

    I can’t look at Kumi, without thinking of Animal…
    ..maybe it’s the mouth

  6. DirkH says:

    And Breitbart has this about Greenpeace’s genocidal war against Golden Rice

    Couldn’t someone sue Kumi for crimes against humanity?

  7. Latitude says:

    ok, where did the little “Like this” stars come from??
    my screen is jumping all over the place because it’s loading each one…one at a time!

  8. DirkH says:

    Obama is a great leader.

  9. PhilJourdan says:

    Russia is granting Kumi’s wish.

  10. Greenpeace in action = honest day’s work in a Gulag

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