LastFirst Lunatics Discover Ice Free Arctic Not Really Ice Free!!



From their last post…..

The planned crossings have not been possible because of the ice coverage and the danger of ending up in a soup of massive icebergs. To avoid this we have had to stay much closer to the shore and skirt around the bays like one would in a smaller craft. The difficulty with this is that the ocean rowing boat is much more susceptible to wind. So the danger is that we are blown away form the shore out to the ice that lurks off shore. This is absolutely not an option as the boat would be destroyed and we would be in serious danger.  ……  That is why we dragged the boat along the shore for nearly 100k,…..

You see, I believe the problem was that they believed the lunatics hype about an ice free or nearly ice free Arctic. 

If you read the post, you’ll also see some troublesome bravado.  The wind and sea and ice up there is unpredictable.  Yes, they came through some very dangerous situations.  But, after a couple of more weeks, what is the fatigue condition they’ll be in?  And, even if they are on the top of their game for the entire journey, there are times that nature, regardless of your preparedness and abilities, can and will overwhelm you. 

The desire to be used as a propaganda tool is outweighing their senses.  I would joke about Darwin candidates, but, I believe the danger they’re putting themselves in is too perilous for jokes. 

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33 Responses to LastFirst Lunatics Discover Ice Free Arctic Not Really Ice Free!!

  1. Gary in Ridgecrest. CA says:

    So, what are these guys trying to prove anyway?

    • suyts says:

      Heck Gary, sorry about the wait in moderation. Strange, I thought you had already commented at this site before. At any rate, you’ll now be able to comment freely without the wait.

      Laughably, they’re out to prove the demise of the arctic ice!

  2. miked1947 says:

    They are maybe 2 days out of Paulatuk and their last best chance to end the coming disaster. The Firefighters are closer and they have a better overall chance with their sea kayak.

  3. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings and commented:
    “The desire to be used as a propaganda tool is outweighing their senses. “

  4. PhilJourdan says:

    Man is crawling around on the sidewalk. A second man walks up to him and asks him what he is doing First man says he is looking for his wallet as he accidentally dropped it. So the second man starts helping him look. After half an hour, the second man asks the first if he is sure he dropped it in that area. The first says no, he dropped it around the corner, but the light is better here.

    Last first proves an old joke.

  5. miked1947 says:

    The firefighters are in Paulatuk!

  6. Latitude says:

    is that the ocean rowing boat is much more susceptible to wind….

    who in this world designed this boat…….they can’t even row in a 10mph head wind…what? there’s no wind in the ocean?…ocean rowing boat??

    …they’re loons

  7. imagine if that land / water on the picture was in the tropical / warm paradise – with coconut palms – would have being much more pleasant for the bigoted adventurers.

    what do we want? GLOBAL WARMING! When do we want it? NOW!!!.

  8. Bone Idle says:

    If they strike out straight across the sea to Paulatuk they could cut off a great distance instead of hugging the coast. Unless of course there is too much global warming material on the direct route.

  9. Latitude says:

    I took a min to read their blog….they did two of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen…
    One anchor…..they didn’t even take a single spare
    They surfed into that small island….you never go into land you don’t know with a tail wind…especially in a boat you can’t row in 10 mph headwinds …and you know it’s rocks and ice

    • Me says:

      They probably never heard of a killick, but they used enough material up there to cook with and warm them selves, but never thought of making a killick with it! 😆

  10. DirkH says:

    “To avoid this we have had to stay much closer to the shore and skirt around the bays like one would in a smaller craft. ”

    Well doesn’t that mean they’ve lost; the NW passage is not passable? NW passage does not mean walking on the beach, towing a boat, in my book.

  11. Me says:

    I see they are in the southeast wind now, but it died down to 4 km\h so they are lucky, but it still looks like they are struggling. Maybe 2 hrs still till they reach Paluatuk, unless they get a tow. I wonder why they didn’t make a bee line straight south to Paulatuk when they could? Did their last trip\shortcut 17 hrs ago out in the deep waters scare them?

  12. Me says:

    Hope this isn’t your end.

  13. Herny says:

    They should have Al Gore along ………
    like HE is going to leave his mansion and actually GO OUTSIDE!

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