A Repost ….. White People Rioting!!!!


If you missed the news coverage we’re here to fill you in.

A neighborhood watch man, an adult carrying a concealed weapon, shot and killed an unarmed teenage boy and was just found not-guilty by a jury after two days of deliberations.

“I just want to say thank you to the people who believed in me, who stood by me,” [the shooter] said following the verdict. “I still have my regrets for the [young boy’s] family; it’s still an unfortunate situation for them. I am happy that at least this chapter is over.”

As deliberations dragged on over two days and the jury asked for testimony to be read back, [the shooter] admits he didn’t know how it would all turn out.

“I was nervous of course,” he said. “You never know what direction this whole thing is going to turn, so I have no idea. But it worked out and I feel that justice (was) served today.”

[The boy’s] family members say justice wasn’t served. They say [he] was murdered in cold blood, that he’d never been in trouble and [the shooter] acted as judge, jury and executioner.

“The message is that we can all go out and get guns and feel anybody that we feel is threatening us and lie about the fact,” said [the boy’s] father. “My son never threatened anybody. He was a gentle child, his nature was gentle, he was a good person and he was never, ever arrested for anything, and has never been in trouble. He was 16 years and four months old, and he was slaughtered.”

[The shooter] says he acted in self defense when he confronted [the boy]…

Perhaps the reason you missed the story is because here are pictures of the shooter and the victim…

Scott RoderickDead White Kid

The one on the left, in the hoodie, is Roderick Scott, the shooter. The one on the right is the dead kid, Christopher Cervini.

I’m shocked you missed President Obama’s statement when he found out about the shooting, “If the white half of me had a son he would have looked like Christopher Cervini.”

You might have even missed the uproar surrounding the Department of Justice having their Community Relations Services group in Rochester, NY organize demonstrations of white upstate New Yorkers demanding a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate this cold blooded murder of a gentle white boy by a black man wearing a hoodie.

Actually, I’m not shocked that you missed all that news since it wasn’t really news outside of Rochester, NY. Here’s a summary of what happened.

Scott says he acted in self defense when he confronted Cervini and two others saying they were stealing from neighbors cars. He told them he had a gun and ordered them to freeze and wait for police.

Scott says he shot Cervini twice when the victim charged toward him yelling he was going to get Scott.

Based on what I’ve been able to find, the jury reached the correct verdict in Scott’s case just as they did in the Zimmerman trial.

I can understand how Christopher Cervini’s dad could say what he said just like I can understand how Trayvon Martin’s parents can say what they say. It’s called “grief”. It’s also called “denial”.

I also understand why we haven’t heard a word from President Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP or anything about expanded investigations from the Department of Justice.

That is called “hypocrisy”.

Some of my words……

So, against my better judgment, I checked out what Zero had to say.  I was disappointed, but, not surprised.

Are Black people the only ones to be followed in a store?  Well, no.  From personal experience, they are not.  Quit crying, you bitches.  Yeh, I’ve been profiled, too.  But, so has everyone else in this world.  You’re not special.  You’re not unique.  You’re not anything but people, just like the rest of us.

If that offends, sorry, that’s the cold, hard truth.  You’re not entitled.  No one is.  We have circumstances and we deal with them accordingly.

Back to profiling …..  I can grow a beard and people look at me like I’m Charles Manson.  The clothes I wear causes different reactions by different people.  The way I speak causes different reactions.  My posture, my conduct.  All of this causes people to look at me in ways I don’t believe they should.

Currently, I’m unemployed.  If and when I go to apply for a job, I’m going to dress like I believe they wish me to dress.  I’m going to shave.  I’m going to get a respectable haircut.  I’m going to speak like I’m not a damned inbred redneck.  I’ll even leave my moonshine in the truck.  I’d advise for people to leave their 40 in their car, and their blunts.  WTF?  You’re the only ones?  Let me wear my overalls in certain places.  How’s that gonna turn out for me?  Well, pretty damned well, if I’m packing.  But, I don’t wear certain clothes when I’m at certain places.  Because, I know it elicits a certain response from certain people.  This isn’t unique to people of color.  Quit crying.  For other dumbasses, quit apologizing.  Unless you’re going to apologize to people like me, screw you.

Is it right?  Heck, I don’t know.  Someone rolls up on me with a bunch of tats, I’m not sharing a bottle with him or her.  Is that wrong?  As a manager, would I advance a person with good posture and diction over someone who doesn’t employ such?  Absolutely.  Is that wrong?  It doesn’t have anything to do with the color of the skin.  It has to do with personal conduct and expectations.

Yes, I hate the fact that people work off of appearances.  But, that’s what people do.  But, let’s get real, again.  If we’re to try and judge people on their abilities, then we should give everyone an IQ and aptitude test and just wear badges accordingly.  Wouldn’t that fix it?  Well, no.  Of course, not.

Sick of the crying.  In case people haven’t noticed.  There’s still slavery in this world.  But, there hasn’t been in the US for over 150 years.  There’s no apologies from me.  Neither, do I expect apologies to me.  What I do expect is that we view this world in an equal manner.  Don’t tell me you have it harder than me.  You’ve never walked in my shoes.  And, I?  I’ve never walked in yours.  It is hard.  It is suppose to be.  It is what makes us better.

So, some jackass followed me around in the store today, but, he’s from a small town and they don’t know me, yet.  But, they will.

Truly, Trayvon could have been me.  It is by the grace of God, that I’m not dead because of prejudice and stereotypes.  But, that’s the way I chose to roll, back then.  Give me my hoodie!!

Apologies … it didn’t source this.  Here.

h/t Lat

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65 Responses to A Repost ….. White People Rioting!!!!

  1. Me says:

    Maybe Bloomberg will charge someone for having too many sodas soon and not a big gulp because it’s the same err something.

  2. Me says:

    And yeah every case is different, is there a stand your groung law in NY?

  3. Me says:

    And if so do you have to be grounded and pounded before the unthinkable can happen?

    • suyts says:

      It depends on your race. If you’re white, you should be unconscious before you pull your gun. Else-wise, people will hate on you and threaten to kill you anyway. If you’re black, you’re good. If you’re hispanic….. well, that depends.

  4. Me says:

    And if so will the DOJ come after you later disreguarding the 5th ammendment, while the IRS takes full advantage of it? Enquiring Minds want to know except for a few posters here……

    • suyts says:

      LOL!!!! I’m not big enough, yet …. 😉 But, we are getting bigger, and bigger.

      In about 3 months I’ll give an update. It’s still a train leaving the station. Slow, but, picks up speed! And, wow! We are!

    • Me says:

      I see as far as I can tell, I was the first to post that 5th thing here on your site. 😉 others have followed. or have you noted that? 😆

      • Me says:

        In reality, I was looking at the Double Jeopardy thing and the 5th Ammendment jumped out.

      • suyts says:

        I did note. Mostly, though, I just let things go through. 😉 I don’t keep up.

        • Me says:

          It seems there are more reading suyts space. 😉 than you know, err something!

        • Me says:

          Also the only reason I was looking at the Double Jeopardy thing was because of CNN! 😆 I got a bit of flack about that before but I said if you don’t watch what they are doing how are you going to know what is going on.

        • Me says:

          Notthat you want to watch them but when there is something big, ya need to look at what they are all saying, and what they are not saying.

        • suyts says:

          What they’re not saying is more telling than what they are.

        • suyts says:

          Err something. …. Me, I’m very glad you have read….. but, not just read. You’ve been a great contributor to this blog. Your unique perspective, along with others, is what makes this thing go.

          I can throw something out, but, that’s not how we learn, and that’s what people read.

        • Me says:

          Yep, I believe I said here before that when you south of our border go down so does we all!

        • suyts says:

          Indeed. It’s too true. I don’t know what’s to be done about it. We’re tied at the hips.

        • Me says:

          And I said before I always read here, but don’t always comment, there are others more fluent on topics than Me, and as I told Anthony Watts about Me posting there using an anonymous addy I supported what he was saying, and still do, and you are right about you seeing Me posting there years back but I don’t post there often. mostly because of the moderation thing. I still look at Goddards site and read the comments there, but now I even if he will let me post there I won’t even bother, and I haven’t since. It’s only the warming alarmist that have to do that because they have stick their heads in to try and save their necks, since they won’t let us sceptics post on their sites. But you gave Me my limits, and I was kinda pissed but accepted it and played by your rules here, 😆 Maybe I have bend them at times, I don’t know, but somewhere I read someone saying fight fire with fire if they want to use that and from what I’ve seen with climate gate they deserve it.

        • Me says:

          I must say I’ve read a couple of Willis last few post and it’s better, it’s not the Willis I did this and been there kind of thing. Not that it matters much but he said something that I never heard anyone ever use here but Me, and another. Yowza! I guess, makes ya wonder?

  5. Mike Bushman says:

    At 18, a group of friends and I went digging for golf balls in the Fox River aside a golf course in St. Charles, Illinois. When we returned to our cars with buckets and boxes of wet, muddy golf balls, a half-dozen police cars came screaming around the corner and officers came running out of their cars with guns drawn, throwing us up against the cars. Only after substantial discussion and dumping all our golf balls did the police realize that we were not really in the neighborhood to burglarize homes. We had cut through a yard on our way to the river. The owner had called police. But we were teenagers in dark clothes and fatigues. Our dress helped make the owner and police nervous. Since the war-game arrest and golf-ball gun in my back, I’ve been careful to avoid unnecessary conflict and tried to be aware of when others might see me as threatening, crossing the street if necessary to allow others to feel comfortable that they are safe. I don’t know if race played any role in the Zimmerman/Martin confrontation. But I do know that conflicts can develop, impressions can be inaccurately created and situations can go wrong even when everyone involved is of the same race. I recently posted a longer version of this story to my blog at mbushman.com, but thought it fit perfectly as another example from a reader that supports your point.

  6. ThePhDScientist says:

    LOL I find interesting how completely clueless you are on social issues.

    Are Black people the only ones to be followed in a store? Well, no. From personal experience, they are not. Quit crying, you bitches. Yeh, I’ve been profiled, too. But, so has everyone else in this world. You’re not special. You’re not unique. You’re not anything but people, just like the rest of us.

    Really? No actually this is totally and completely wrong. I have black colleagues that have far more education and probably far higher salaries than most of the people on this board and yet they are frequently profiled like a common criminal because of the color of their skin. No I have never experienced anything like that as a white man, nor have you. GET OVER YOURSELF. Jack-ass.

    • DirkH says:

      I admire the vocabulary you acquired during your doubtlessly incredibly thorough scientific education. Say, science man, do all science people use those big words?

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Why don’t we see you scientists doing some science on such an issue. I’m sure Suyts went trolling for hours to find this one instance as evidence where he could try to make his Republican conservative case that our justice system works perfectly and there is absolutely no bias. Except real scientists no conservative science is frequently just “junk science” and has no basis in reality.

        So now Suyts go back and calculate a large series of these cases and tell us how many times a white man is granted innocence based self defense vs a black man.

        • ThePhDScientist says:


        • suyts says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          July 20, 2013 at 7:18 am (Edit)
          So now Suyts go back and calculate a large series of these cases and tell us how many times a white man is granted innocence based self defense vs a black man.
          Actually, I’ve quite a set of data to sift through. Sadly, because people don’t want to know the truth, they do a very good job of tangling such data.

          No one said our justice system works perfectly and without bias. I’d be the first to say it does not. But, as far as we can tell, in the case above, the system did work. And, with the Zimmerman case, it worked again. I get the feeling people would have been happy if we had just convicted Zimmerman based on emotions instead of the facts of the case. The system is not perfect. It’s administered by humans. Perfection is unattainable.

          But, you need to watch and/or read Larry Elder. Or, listen to a comedy routine of Chris Rock, when he was funny. Or, just read what Jesse Jackson had to say…..


          “There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

          – Jesse Jackson

          Harvard’s ‘Talented Tenth’ – US News and World Report

          A question for you racially obsessed people ……. how is it that race and ethnicity is so important, but, you all stripped Zimmerman of his ethnic identity? He self-describes as an Hispanic.

        • DirkH says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          July 20, 2013 at 7:18 am
          “Why don’t we see you scientists doing some science on such an issue.”

          You da Big Phd Science Man, not me, Doctor-Scientist. Me just stoopid climate denier, you forget?

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Yes when appropriate!

    • Lars P. says:

      Well PDS in the Zimmerman case we have Trayvon attacking Zimmerman, knocking him down:
      s explained by mbecker908:
      If Trayvon was “just heading home from buying skittles and a drink” why did he circle back and attack Zimmerman? Why did he spend the four minutes between the time Zimmerman lost track of him and he attacked Zimmerman stalking Zimmerman instead of taking about 30 seconds to continue his walk home since he was only about 50 yards from his father’s condo?
      Whereas in the Scott case we have:
      March 23, 2012 at 12:32 pm kristine cervini responds:
      “Roderick Scott left his property and shot and killed Christopher Cervini, for what he thought was a crime. looking for a cigarette in an unlocked car does not warrant a death sentence. The only person that committed a crime that night was Roderick Scott. Christopher Cervini, does not have a criminal record and was an innocent boy shot to death in his own neighborhood where he lived all of his life. He was attacked and held against his will unarmed and shot to death. Chris, was shot in his back and that bullet is the one that killed him.
      Now explain why the Trayvon case is used as racial motivated case? What would have happened if the cases would have been reversed? Would have Zimmerman had any chances to avoid jail in that case, if he would have been in New York, not Florida (see law differences below) shooting a black kid in the back, that would have just looked for cigarettes in unlocked cars? This looks very weird to me.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      MOre racism from popeye. It boggles my mind that liberals are so stupid and racist. But I guess the first follows the second.

      Nice going Kleagle popeye.

  7. DirkH says:

    Another thought. Maybe the unruly kids these days do not grasp that a gun can kill them because they watched too many stupid Hollywood movies where the hero invariable ducks an oncoming (very slow-moving) bullet or where one of those lightsabre wielding Jedi knights deflects an oncoming shot from a laser gun with his shiny stick thing.

    Maybe Phd Scienstist, if he actually knew anything about science, should protest about that, and demand that his fellow liberals in Hollywood depict gun violence realitstically so the moviegoing kids get a clue.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Haha yeah that’s what it’s about! George Zimmeran watched too many Hollywood movies.

      • DirkH says:

        I’m not astonished that you couldn’t follow my thought. But I have time; I’ll happily explain it to you again. Trayvon Martin thought he could win against a guy who just might have a gun with his ass whooping MMA skills. He was mistaken in his belief.

        • dan says:

          Trayvon should have paid attention to the westerns that showed that it isn’t cool to hit a man when he’s down….and that a shootin’ iron settles all bets.

  8. Latitude says:

    anyone else find it “amusing” that blacks are rioting, trashing stores, and theiving….
    …because they were profiled as criminals

    • suyts says:

      And, encouraged by the very people proclaiming that they’re profiled. Leftards have no sense of irony.

      • Latitude says:

        hey, if the shoe fits…
        …I’m sick and tired of it

        that’s like of Islam is a religion of peace…..then stop rioting and killing people

        • DirkH says:

          a) “The House Of Peace” in Islam-speak means the Umma; the land in which Islam rules.
          “The House Of War” is the countries of the infidels. “Peace” is only possible in the Umma.
          b) For a sunni, a shia is an infidel and vice versa (due to slightly different interpretation of Islam); this gives them an excuse to bomb the others while still being convinced that there is “peace” in what they themselves see as the Umma.

          When they proclaim “religion of peace” to outsiders, that’s just to lure people into conversion; because the “peace” is only offered to the converts anyway.

        • miked1947 says:

          There are also sub sects in both those sect that think all other sub sects are infidels. They fight together against a common enemy then fight among them selves because only one interpretation can be correct.

        • DirkH says:

          Yeah, I was simplifying. It’s amazing how they can splinter. According to wikipedia there are currently 3,000 people in Iranian jails claiming to be the Mahdi (the last Kaliph who will guide the believers into the final Jihad).

        • DirkH says:

          Well, maybe not so amazing. Every founder of a splinter group gains control of his followers and can become a successful warlord. It’s a kind of breeding ground for small dictators; every one of them claims to be the one true interpreter of Islam and tries his luck. Which leads to a logical selection of the most ruthless rising to the top.

        • DirkH says:

          Each one of them can use the readymade bed of the Quran’s instructions as a battle plan to achieve first domination over his fiefdom, then larger areas.

  9. Latitude says:

    Salon Writer Asks if Eric Holder Is Obama’s ‘Inner N****r’

    “Some of us have an Inner Child. Others have an Inner N-gger. Is Holder the president’s conscience? Or his Inner N-gger?”


  10. Latitude says:

    ” I’m sure Suyts went trolling for hours to find this one …..”

    ………..h/t Lat

  11. Latitude says:

    I’m sick and tired of this BS..and lying

    Martin did not have iced tea and skittles…
    …he had Arizona watermelon and skittles

    That’s used to make “lean”…..drugs

  12. leftinbrooklyn says:

    I get more confused everyday.

    Is it more absurd to:

    A. Allow your skin color to define you.

    B. Allow how you perceive someone else defines your skin color to define you.

    C. Allow someone else’s skin color to define you.

    D. Allow how you perceive someone else defines someone else’s skin color to define you.

    It must be such a burden to bear a Phd in the science of skin color.

    • Latitude says:

      I just want to know…what’s the acceptable skin color for rioting and looting stores

    • suyts says:

      It’s why I tan before my rioting and looting. The Indian part in me darkens me up pretty well, to where you really can’t tell about me. ….. 😉 I’ve been mistaken for all sorts of different ethnicities .

      • dan says:

        me too….but the blond beard and hair kind of give it away

      • suyts says:

        Heh, before I turned grey, I had very dark, very curly hair. Once, I tried to grow it long …… turns out, I can’t have long hair. Just big hair.

      • leftinbrooklyn says:

        It’s time the victims of male pattern baldness took to the streets. Captain Picard could have been me.

      • HankH says:

        I went bald in my mid 20’s. I have curly hair that is light brown with a tinge of red. I tried growing the patch of hair that went from ear to ear in my 30’s because I thought it would be stylish to try a ponytail. Before I could grow it long enough people started to mistake me for Bozo the clown and Ronald McDonald.

        Talk about profiling!

  13. Lars P. says:

    I googled about Roderick Scott and several links were dead, but here is what I found:
    When I compare the 2 cases I find some huge differences.
    Roderick Scott has no scratches. He was not even touched. He declared the 17 year boy ran at him. And he shot him dead.
    Well what would have happened with Zimmerman if he would have shot his opponent before even having been hit? Did he shot him in the back?

    Reading through the comments there give some troubling details. Here an example:
    March 23, 2012 at 12:32 pm kristine cervini responds:
    “Roderick Scott left his property and shot and killed Christopher Cervini, for what he thought was a crime. looking for a cigarette in an unlocked car does not warrant a death sentence. The only person that committed a crime that night was Roderick Scott. Christopher Cervini, does not have a criminal record and was an innocent boy shot to death in his own neighborhood where he lived all of his life. He was attacked and held against his will unarmed and shot to death. Chris, was shot in his back and that bullet is the one that killed him.

    Furthermore the comments explain also why Scott was charged for crime
    March 28, 2012 at 12:25 pm john responds:
    Basically, if you kill someone in new york and they ask “did you try to run away?” and the answer is “no”, that’s a crime. Not in florida. That difference means everything. And, scott answered “no” he was charged criminally. Even so, we wasn’t convicted. And, by the way, scott only suspected cervini committed a crime. Since it wasn’t his car, he had no way to know cervini wasn’t permitted in to it….for all he knew cervini was an out of town guest getting his smokes from his cousins car. Both victims were merely “suspicious” at the time of death.

    Zimmerman has in no case been shown to be a racists, so I see the race discussion totally unjustified and a very sad part of the story.

    • DirkH says:

      “Zimmerman has in no case been shown to be a racists, so I see the race discussion totally unjustified and a very sad part of the story.”

      It’s always sad when a state destroys one of his citizens.
      But that’s what states do. They’re basically armed gangs of thugs. And put you in a cage if you don’t pay your pizzo.

  14. kelly liddle says:

    I have a question for you. Is there any suburb in a Texas city that you would not walk around by yourself at night time?

  15. cdquarles says:

    Amen, James, amen. The key point is that ‘suspicious’ is subjective. We can all be ‘profiled’ and where appropriate, *should* be profiled. Common things occur commonly. Black folk commonly commit crimes. It is sad, but there you go. Leftists have told them that it is okay to commit them because ‘da Man’ held you down. That was somewhat true in the past, but back then, folk tried to teach the youth to not take the easy path to destruction. Better yourself was the word 60 years ago. Now-a-days it seems that the word is ‘you owe me’. Not.

  16. kelly liddle says:

    I was just looking to find out what Australia’s demographics are in relation to race and reliable information does not exist. With our census they ask this “For the 2011 Census, as with 2006, respondents were asked to mark the ancestries they most closely identified with and to consider their ancestry back as far as two generations (i.e. their parents and grandparents).” They do have another question relating to if you are indigenous though.

    Using this methodology migrants or children of migrants from South Africa or England for example might put English or South African but as we know the migrants from these areas would be racially diverse. I am pretty sure I would have just put Australian.

    Although we did have a terrible white Australia policy some years ago it seems we have stepped ahead in taking race out of government at least.

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