What Happened To Catastrophic Global Warming?



I had started out to write about James Taylor’s piece in Forbes,

The Skeptics Are Thrashing The Alarmists In The Global Warming Debate

We’re not just thrashing them, we’ve destroyed them.  Long time readers will note that I post about climate considerations less and less often.  As I’ve pointed out several times in the past, and as Steve Goddard recently pointed out, there simply isn’t anything new to refute. 

As Steve recently posted, the alarmists have become so ridiculous that any weather event and any state of the climate is claimed to be proof of CAGW.  A warm wet winter?  CAGW.  A cold dry winter?  CAGW.  And anything in between.  I’ve even seen the lunatics claim that the less frequent hurricanes is proof that humans are altering the climate. 

Consider Mike Mann’s latest blathering…….

In the wake of last month’s discovery that the extent of Arctic sea ice coverage hit a record low this year, climate scientist Michael Mann told the Guardian that “Island nations that have considered the possibility of evacuation at some point, like Tuvalu, may have to be contending those sort of decisions within the matter of a decade or so.”

And so the response should be something along these lines……

Poor devils never really did get that Archimedes’ principle thingy.  Tricky that displacement stuff. 

This was one of the preeminent climate scientists of his time.  He’s the inventor of the Hockey Stick temp graph.  But he spews inanities which I know if he’d think about it for a second, he’d know how stupid he sounds.  But, they’re desperate.   Their cause is dead. 

It isn’t so much that people don’t believe them, (they don’t) but it’s more that people are tired of hearing them. 

One reoccurring theme we hear with leftists is “think of the children!!!”  And, I do.  I consider how it would be to grow up under such duress.  I can, because I grew up under similar duress.  When I was a child, we practiced hiding in the hall and memorizing signs which showed us where fallout shelters were.  We were all going to die because of the impending nuclear war.  It turns out, the impending nuclear war, while a higher probability than Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming would ever be, never materialized. 

Likewise, my children grew up with the impending doom of CAGW, their entire lives.  And, in spite of my efforts to prevent such nonsense, they were taught all of the right things according to Gaia and Earthday birthday and whatnot.  It’s just that after a while, they couldn’t care anymore.  As our children grew, they went from ardent believers to acceptance, to weariness.   And, then the realization that none of their garbage ever came true. 

And this is what happened.  Years back, we’ve seen that there has been discussions wondering if they should be dispassionate and articulate the uncertainty or simply utter hyperbole.  They chose hyperbole. 

Fifteen to twenty years ago, teachers who couldn’t spell physics or fluid mechanics were telling our children that their evil parents were polluting the world and we were all going to die from an overheated planet.  To this day, people can’t differentiate CO2 from soot because this stupidity.  CAGW was to cause an overheated planet, then a drowned planet, then a drought stricken planet, then a cold planet……..  what?  A cold planet?  Yes, recall the very wickedly cold winter we had a couple of years ago, we were told this was because of the CAGW.  Last winter was mild here, but other parts of the world weren’t so lucky, but the simultaneous warmcold was caused by …….. you guessed it, CAGW.  Now, it can be all at once!  And, why not?  If we’re playing lunatic fantasy games, why couldn’t we have simultaneous droughts and floods and hot and cold and  ……  oh, yes, we already had those, only we called it weather back when.  It was weather back then only now it’s worse because of mankind, except it’s exactly the same as it was.  How stupid is that?

Today these people are reduced to contriving lunatic solutions to this imaginary problem such as the asteroid we can use to dust our atmosphere with.  Or as shown above, talk about melting ice in water as if that’s going to drown someone. 

They are a punch line to a joke told much too often.  It’s a sad state.  We still devote $billions to this imaginary problem which no sane person takes seriously.  They are a sad anachronism, their time came and gone and no one was there to let them know it was over.  So, they continue.  Each posit, each solution, more laughable than the last.  But, I rarely laugh anymore, I just pity them. 

The world is on the precipice of economic doom, there are wars and rumors of wars.  There are fanatics randomly killing people.  There are hoodlums and gangs like never seen before, the very question of human morality is under question.  People have chosen to worry about something more….. tangible than some dark fantasy.  And, yet, I can still hear their shout in a distance.  It comes to me in a whisper, it is all because of your SUV!”

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13 Responses to What Happened To Catastrophic Global Warming?

  1. Tom Harley says:

    Reblogged this on pindanpost and commented:
    agreed, wholeheartedly …

  2. Keith AB says:

    That is your best AGW post ever James. Good job.

    • suyts says:

      Thanks Keith, I thought it pretty good myself. Sometimes, it’s more appropriate to get more literary than simply pointing something out.

  3. jeremyshiers says:

    I don’t know if you saw Murray Salby’s July 2012 lecture at Sydney Institute. Yet another nail in th e coffin. A video has been put on youtube but as private!

    Murray clearly shows CO2 levels follow temperature not vice versa.

    The lecure is 40 minutes + 20 minutes of q&a
    For the impatient I’ve put the graphs and summary of the arguement on my blog

    Please pass the link to the lecture on, as the video can only watched by those who have the link

  4. The EPA is bypassing this generation that yawns at global warming and is going for the next:

    EPA Celebrates ‘Children Health Month,’…..Recruiting Students for ‘Energy Patrols’ at School

    ……patrol members can be provided with ID tags, vests and clipboards


  5. David says:

    Amino’s comment is cogent. The EPA, and much of what Obama does, needs neither consensous, or permission. They just act. Believe me, in Calif, CAGW is not dead. While fewer and fewer accept CAGW, the schools ( elementary to Ivy League) and the core leftist are as fanatical and pro CAGW as ever. This is about 35% to 40% of the nation, as well as most of Europe. Problem is this is the group that currently has power, along with the MSM. Most newspaper articles and the MSM do not wish to debate, but will happily trot out that ” 97% of climate scientist say” and other such rote nonsense, whenever their actions are questioned.

  6. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    “One reoccurring theme we hear with leftists is “think of the children!!!“ “

    Unfortunately these green propagandists are having a real and serious effect on children as Bishop Hill mentions today.

    If a Christian student has to choose between answering honestly only to get an E like this kid (I don’t know if he is a Christian, but he’s certainly honest) or choosing to lie to get an A, what is that doing to children?

    It disgusts me. If it’d been me I’d’ve done the same and I would have proudly gotten an E too.

    Vote these propagandists out before they do us all more harm.

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