Steve Ratner Another Lying Scumbag Obama Surrogate


Boy, they’re just not going to be honest with the American people, no matter how small the issue.

Steve Ratner, another lying scumbag for team Obama.

Steve Rat(ner) former Obama car czar demonstrates exactly how low the administration will stoop in an effort to smear Romney.

On CNN today, Rat(ner) said

If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, ‘I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge,'” Rattner said during an appearance on “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN. “I will tell you that as a private equity guy, I’m familiar with many of the things that he did. And I know many people who have done many of the things that he did. I do not know anyone who did everything that he did.”

“Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys,” Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. “None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful.”

Now first of all Rat knows damn good and well that it is the job of the tax people to find money where ever they can.  Can you imagine anything as stupid as what Rat is suggesting?  You take your taxes to a CPA or even H&R block.  They get done with them but they failed to get you all of the tax breaks and refunds available.  And, when you ask for an explanation, they’ll say “that Americans would find this distasteful.”  How stupid is that?  It speaks volumes that a member of team Obama isn’t aware of some fairly well known finance laws.  I can’t figure out why our economy is so crappy!  These maniacs don’t know jack.  What does this say about team Obama?  Yeh, we’re in charge, but we’re unaware of tax deferments on IRAs, because,…. well, because they’re imbeciles. 

But, all that aside, Rat knows that’s not how people get their taxes done.  They send them to professionals, and the professionals, without any prompting, will find the best tax breaks and returns they possibly can.  Steve Rat(ner) is lying to the American people, just like the rest of team Obama.

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8 Responses to Steve Ratner Another Lying Scumbag Obama Surrogate

  1. Dave says:

    Rat on!
    The Obama crowd will crawl through slim ball hell to power up their hateful lying message. The bottom of a septic tank is to good a place for all of them!!!!

    • suyts says:

      I can’t believe he stated, “If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, ‘I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge……. what sort of person tries to deceive like that when half the populous knows it’s an obvious lie?

  2. gofer says:

    And Obama gave his kids the maximum “tax free” money. WHY isn’t he being asked about the deductions he took and the “loopholes” he jumped through.

    The Truth is not in them. They lie with such ease. The absolute disaster of this administration has to be over-looked and all they can do is try and make Romney look like a greedy rich guy. Class warfare is all they have and they are going after the people who envy the wealthy and blame all their problems on somebody else, just like Obama. It’s disgusting.

  3. HankH says:

    Rat conveniently forgets that most business people don’t ask their “tax people” about financial planning. They ask their financial advisors, who know the loopholes and get paid to advise on using them. The fact that Rat acts like he doesn’t know this and tries to frame it as a tax issue (near and dear to liberal hearts) demonstrates that he’s just reading the script he’s been provided. He’s a dishonest shill for team Obama.

    • suyts says:

      It’s amazing the sort of stuff they’re trying to pass off as legitimate criticism. Which I find hilarious. It seems Republicans can find more legitimate criticisms than the Dems.

  4. Sal mule says:

    Don’t forget the other RATner brother, Bruce. He worked with New York’s Little King, Bloomberg to steal real estate in Brooklyn for a cheap arena and over priced apartments, I guess lying runs in the family, oh and they are friends of Kingfish Al Sharpton.

    • Vito says:

      In the 2008 campaign Hillary Clinton revealed they ( the Clintons) had in excess of $100 m in there tax returns how come no one is talking about this ?????ecpecially because when slick Bill left office before there stoled the china dishes he was $ 15 milloin in dept to his attorney so how did he accumilate 100 million in eight years and what do his tax returns look like . What about Obamas treasuer he hasen paid taxes in years…..I ‘m just saying…

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