No Love in Loony Left Land

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There’s a huge shake up in an unwatched TV channel!!!  And, the channel is replacing one unwatched has-been with another washed up never-really-was-watched, so viewers can continue to not watching the channel.

Keith Olbermann has been fired by Current TV, the network announced Friday. He will be replaced by former New York governor and CNN host Eliot Spitzer.  I’m wondering if Gore understands why Spitzer is a former host? 

Al Gore and Keith Olbermann can’t play nice together.  The channel, Current, released a statement signed by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, the founders of the network, on Friday. The statement made plain that Current’s relationship with Olbermann had devolved to an unsustainable point:

To the Viewers of Current:

We created Current to give voice to those Americans who refuse to rely on corporate-controlled media and are seeking an authentic progressive outlet. We are more committed to those goals today than ever before. Current was also founded on the values of respect, openness, collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we have ended it.

The delusional Olbermann fired back in 140-character chunks on Twitter, saying that he would be taking legal action:

I’d like to apologize to my viewers and my staff for the failure of Current TV. Editorially, Countdown had never been better. But for more than a year I have been imploring Al Gore and Joel Hyatt to resolve our issues internally, while I’ve been not publicizing my complaints, and keeping the show alive for the sake of its loyal viewers and even more loyal staff. Nevertheless, Mr. Gore and Mr. Hyatt, instead of abiding by their promises and obligations and investing in a quality news program, finally thought it was more economical to try to get out of my contract. It goes almost without saying that the claims against me in Current’s statement are untrue and will be proved so in the legal actions I will be filing against them presently. To understand Mr. Hyatt’s “values of respect, openness, collegiality and loyalty,” I encourage you to read of a previous occasion Mr. Hyatt found himself in court for having unjustly fired an employee. That employee’s name was Clarence B. Cain. In due course, the truth of the ethics of Mr. Gore and Mr. Hyatt will come out. For now, it is important only to again acknowledge that joining them was a sincere and well-intentioned gesture on my part, but in retrospect a foolish one. That lack of judgment is mine and mine alone, and I apologize again for it.

Awww, come on guys!!!  Give peace a chance!!!

You can laugh along by reading here.

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15 Responses to No Love in Loony Left Land

  1. Latitude says:

    my goodness, did they all just admit that we can’t trust their judgement………….


    • suyts says:

      lol, well, yes, there’s that, too! But, given that they’re hiring Spitzer…… well then it is a given that we can’t trust their judgement.

      Has anyone ever seen this channel?

      • Latitude says:

        not me…..
        Just imagine you got fired….and that same day they hired Spitzer to replace you

        ….I would need some serious pain killers

        • suyts says:

          LMAO, that’s got to be making Olbermann bat$hit crazy!!! He’s prolly at some bar downing doubles mumbling about how he should have stuck to sports and kept is pie-hole shut.

  2. DaveG says:

    Da Da Da Da Da -I’m Lovin Every Minute Of It – Yum Yum Yum — LOL

  3. DaveG says:

    Too GOOOOD To Be TRRRRUE – How Sweet It Is – Ha Ha Ha

  4. miked1947 says:

    When they claimed a AUTHENTIC Progressive outlet, I knew it was a BS scenario. But I knew that when Brother Al’s name appeared to be connected with the station.Look for Obambi to be a host after January.

  5. Me says:

    😆 that’s what happens when the greens play with greens, sooner or later they eat each other, and then not play nice and sue each other. Now that’s too funny, LMAO BWAAAAAAHAHAHA 😆

  6. Olbermann has a point. Everybody knows when you fire somebody the press release should be full of praise, if only so the bummer finds a job somewhere else and get the heck out of one’s business.

    CurrentTV’s childish decision to air its dirty clothes in public will come back to haunt it.

  7. Latitude says:

    I know that conservatives are retarded arrested development ignorant uneducated clingers….

    That’s why Rush Limbaugh is the #1 radio show in the world, every time a conservative writes a book it’s #1 on the NYT best seller list before it’s released, Fox news has a larger audience than all the others combined……

    Why Air America was such a success, why liberal books don’t sell, and no one can even find this station

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