Greens Cause More CO2 Emissions And Victory For The 1%

Well, the lunatic fringe has done it again. But, they’ve managed even better than a trifecta.  They’ve set events in motion which creates higher costs and higher CO2 emissions and greater odds for environmental damage.  And as a bonus, it is likely they’ve enriched a couple of the world’s richest people.


Bill Gates began buying rail stocks quite a while back, and he convinced his friend Warren Buffet to buy them as well, we also see our old friend George Soros as a holder of railroad company stocks.  You can read it here.  A simple Google shows how Buffet and Gates and their holdings have been buy railways like crazy in the last few years.


Lol, idiots.

So what does this have to do with anything?  Well, because Keystone isn’t ramping up,  they’re moving the oil sand oil by rail.  Of course, we all know the trains run on diesel, lots of diesel.    So, they’re not stopping the mining for oil, and in their efforts they will significantly increase the CO2 emissions per barrel.  Further, this adds a cost of $5-$10/barrel.  Environmentally, I think the risk of derailment and containment puts the environment at a much great risk.  If a pipe bursts, one simply shuts off the valve nearest the burst, thus containing the amount of oil spilt.  A train derailment….. well that’s limited to how much oil the train was carrying.


Well done green crusaders, you morons.  There are some other things to note as well.  While this will help the rail industry in both Canada and the U.S., there would have been more job creation with the pipeline.  There would have been a continuous supply as opposed to the intermittency of the rails.  An infrastructure upgrade has been thwarted.  And to review, we’ve also increased CO2 emissions, (which I thought the lunatics were scared of) we’ve likely made some of the richest people in the world richer, while increase the cost of our fuel and energy for the rest of us.  And, we’ve likely made the environment less safe from an oil spill.  Have I left anything out?

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There is a lesson in all of this.   We should never underestimate the depths of the lunatics’ utter stupidity.  SCoaMFs.

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11 Responses to Greens Cause More CO2 Emissions And Victory For The 1%

  1. philjourdan says:

    Never underestimate rich guys from getting richer too. They did not get rich by being stupid. Change every rule you want. They will just move their money where they will get richer.

    It is the poor and middle class that suffer. Hollywood is not full of poor people. But it is full of liberals.

  2. miked1947 says:

    WordPress, Gravatar and Yahoo are conspiring to cause us all grief. That was what was causing my problem. I had not created a WordPress account but it insisted I log in to WordPress using my Yahoo password. That is how I finally got it straightened out.

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