New Information Demonstrates Why Alarmist Scientists Can Not Be Trusted


imageWe’ve got him now!!!”

I’ve often stated, given enough time alarmists will talk themselves into a circle of fail.  They’ve done it again.  Yesterday, Latitude posted a couple of links.  One had this to say….. Ocean warming drives coral growth rates in Western Australia  This states,

Both rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidification pose serious long-term threats to coral reefs, but findings recently published in the prestigious scientific journal, Science, have helped clarify the relative impact of these two threats to date.

Then we have this…… Scientists say WA reef growth unsustainable  which states….

New research has found some coral reefs in the Indian Ocean are growing at an unsustainable rate due to warming water temperatures.  The Australian Institute of Marine Science says the most southerly reefs on the West Australian coast, have increased their growth rates by up to 23 per cent.  Principal research scientist, Janice Lough, says that’s not sustainable.  “Corals are already responding rapidly to the environmental changes that we’re imposing upon them.  “When you get unusually warm waters you can get coral bleaching events, that’s one threshold corals can reach if the water temperatures continue to warm.  “There will be a threshold beyond which the corals are not happy with and they’ll just slow their growth down.”

Ok, so warming waters causes the corals to grow at an unsustainable rate.  But, once the corals get too big, they’ll just slow their growth rate.  Here is the  abstract to the study behind the story.  So far, so good.  But, what about this coral bleaching?  It seems I recall something about that in some science journal or another…… Ahh, yes, here we see where warmer oceans leads to coral bleaching and creates massive die-offs.  Here for the Indian ocean, and here is a “World Climate Report” which explains,

The heat affects the tiny algae which live symbiotically inside the corals and supply them with food. The heat stress damages the algae and in consequence leads to coral death.

Okay, so warm temps lead to coral growth which is unsustainable.  But, it also kills our corals, even though it causes them to grow.Thinking  But, that’s not even all the story……  CO2 is going to cause ocean acidification which will kill our corals…… Ocean acidification is thought to occur because of the increase of atmospheric CO2.  The oceans absorb the CO2 which decreases its pH level.  Except, warmer ocean water out-gases, or releases CO2 to the atmosphere.  In fact, New Scientist says this is happening quicker than we thought!  So, as the oceans are outgassing CO2 it is becoming acidic because of their CO2 uptake…..Thinking   BTW, all of this talk of the oceans hotting up……. Here’s Hadley’s SST’s for both the NH and SH.


Sigh, the Southern Hemisphere’s SSTs haven’t trended different for over 15 years and the Northern hasn’t for over 10 years.

Every imbecilic uttering from the climate catastrophic sophists has been contradicted by themselves!  Their circular babbling doesn’t just indicate they are talking out of both sides of their mouth, but they are talking out of more than one orifice!  There is absolutely no compelling reason to listen to these maniacs any further.  They don’t know what they’re talking about and their simplistic views of Nature doesn’t allow for intellectual expansion.   

Change naturally occurs and change leads to more change.  This earth has never been in a static state.  Nor is the idealized static state preferred.  Humans, like all things of this earth, are part of the dynamic processes of this earth.  The babbling baboons, the climate catastrophists, much like the Keystone cops, comedic clowns of theater, have fallen into a heap from running around trying in vain to catch an imaginary villain.  With their eyes other than where they need to be, they run headlong into each other. 

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30 Responses to New Information Demonstrates Why Alarmist Scientists Can Not Be Trusted

  1. Latitude says:

    When a group like the World Climate Report…can’t get a little simple fact straight….like they are not algae, they are dinoflagellates…….then goes on to say it’s because warm water reduces oxygen…and it kills them

    It’s articles like that…..makes me want to scream

    There are hundreds of dinoflagellates that take up symbiotic positions in corals, and grouped together they are classified as zooxanthellae symbiotes. Corals do not control them, they control themselves. Too cold, too hot, pH too low or high, a few cloudy days, salinity, etc can make some or all of them jump ship. It’s a 100% natural reaction, referred to as bleaching because the tyndall effect makes some of them appear white, and does not lead to the coral dying.
    Corals can host more than one zooxanthellae at a time. Most do, because if one jumps ship, the other stands a better chance of having favorable conditions and it can dominate. If they all jump ship for some reason, the coral can be colonized by a completely different one. It is extremely rare for a coral to completely loose all of it’s zoox.

    ..more than you wanted to know……….LOL

    • Latitude says:

      Here’s my favorite picture…..Since corals are so sensitive to temps……how is this possible?

    • suyts says:

      Clearly, those corals were in their death throes.

    • suyts says:

      Actually, I’m very glad you brought that up. I was pretty sure, but not completely, that the zooxanthellae had several different types which would behave differently. I’d have to go back, and find it, but in some of the periodicals I was reading had described the bleaching process as the corals expelling the zooxanthellae. Which I thought a rather backward view of the process.

      “the coral may expel some zooxanthellae or the zooxanthellae may reduce the amount of chlorophyll within them.”

      • Latitude says:

        …don’t pay any attention to anything we write….LOL

        Corals don’t know. When the habitat becomes unsuitable for the dinos, they initiate the process.

        The different types of zoox are called clades. Clade D dominates tropical reef building corals, and is a very tough one. It’s also responsible for the color of most corals.

        Think of this. Corals growing in a lagoon. High tide/cold water, low tide/hot water, rain storm/lower salinity…..twice a day……

        Put coral in bag, ship to other side of world for some aquarium……..

        • suyts says:

          One day, you should write a post on this. But, yes, exactly like the picture you showed. They can’t be all that sensitive to because of the wild swings they have on a daily and seasonal basis.

        • Latitude says:

          and if the water warms, they move with it….if it cools, they move with it again

          Main point is, people have no idea how big an area that really is. At any one time you can find a reef going down, and another one coming up.

        • suyts says:

          Yeh, after the first couple of huge “die-offs” on such massive scales, I thought we really shouldn’t have much coral left……. turns out nothing was further from the truth.

        • Latitude says:

          I think you figured out….the die offs were not die offs at all

        • suyts says:

          Well, they couldn’t be…. 80% here, 40% there, massive this and that…. but its been occurring on a fairly regular basis…… oh yeh, they start crying and whining about this every time there’s an El Nino…..

        • Latitude says:

          Most of what they were saying was bleaching events….and those are natural

          The “coral” doesn’t care. It’s fine sitting there in 50F and 100F, it’s the dino that cares..

          Most of the time you get bleaching events when corals have changed their dinos for the winter, which is a slow process, and no one would notice. One hot day, and those winter/cooler water dinos jump ship. That’s what people notice, and that’s what a bleaching event is…….

  2. Like in a Dr Who episode, CO2 emissions make everything happen at the same time

    • suyts says:

      lol…. it’s just amazing to me how this stuff escapes their lips and the media, being ever so complicit, passes it on without considering the contradictions.

  3. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    AIMS in Townsville are professional scientists and don’t apparently see eye to eye with Prof Ove’s lot of CAGW catastrophists in UQ. Of course AIMS lives basically at the reef whereas UQ is only a short twenty hour drive south, in Brisbane. Here’s a finding from AIMS a couple years ago:

    Berkelmans and then PhD student Alison Jones found that on the Keppel reefs, corals in the last bleaching event in 2006 ejected a sensitive strain of zooxanthellae algae known as type C2. Corals that survived — about 65 per cent of the local population — were mainly recolonised by more resistant types C1 and D zooxanthellae.

    But here’s the thing. Since then there has been another change. Less resistant types of zooxanthellae have made a comeback and Berkelmans and his colleagues have been scratching their heads to figure out why.

    The answer, they believe, is elemental. Coral reefs are all about growth and while resistant algae come to the fore in times of crisis on the reef, they can’t match it when the going is good.

    In other words when the water is hot the coral kicks out the more productive C2 algae and brought in a heat tolerant type. When the temperature dropped the reverse happened.

    Funny how even corals don’t appreciate the ‘woe, all is lost’ meme, they just get on with living.

    • suyts says:

      “Funny how even corals don’t appreciate the ‘woe, all is lost’ meme, they just get on with living.”
      Indeed. The more I learn about the corals, the more I’m convinced that the best thing we can do for them is nothing. They’re fine. There isn’t anything wrong with them and we’re not harming them in any fashion. They’re just doing what corals do…….

      Well, I do recall seeing where human feces caused a strain of disease for them, so, if we modernize some coastal areas and ensure they have proper technology, we could probably stop all of that…..

    • Latitude says:

      Berkelmans and his colleagues have been scratching their heads to figure out why
      water temps cooled off…………LOL

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Are you actually using graphs?? Come on Mr. suyts, global warming isn’t about graphs!


    • suyts says:

      lol, yeh, I’m waiting for some knothead to come by and tell me I’m representing it wrong. That the oceans really are hotting up in spite of what my lying eyes are telling me.

      • Latitude says:

        James, that is the biggest lying scam there ever was.

        That’s from James Porter, UofGeorgia Athens, he’s a lying slimy crook.
        James is all for putting in central sewers in the Keys. This whole scam was designed to show some connection between septic tanks and coral disease.
        The bacteria he “found” is opportunistic and found everywhere, dirt, water, animals, plants, every where. It’s Serratia marcescens.

        James brought one of his field trips down here from the UofG in the fall. They discovered a new disease that was attacking the ends of acropora. We laughed them out of here, fireworms eat the ends off the corals every fall.

        They took their tissue samples back, and guess what, they found Serratia marcescens. So they then changed their whole story and cooked this new story up……
        This bacteria is so common, the question would have been if they didn’t find it.

        This story is as bad a global warming…We’ve been trying to stop it forever

        • Latitude says:

          ended up in the wrong place….
          was a reply to this

          “Well, I do recall seeing where human feces caused a strain of disease for them, so, if we modernize some coastal areas and ensure they have proper technology, we could probably stop all of that…..”

          I hate James Porter, can you tell!

        • suyts says:

          Lmao!! Yes….. I wished you had called him Porter instead of his given name! I should have run that one by you first.

        • Latitude says:

          I absolutely hate that snotty uppity know nothing know it all….
          Since when did the University of Athens become the world epicenter for coral research?

          almost as much as I hate Frank Millero.
          Frank wrote chemical oceanography and it’s the bible for these college kids.
          Frank has a chapter about circulation in Florida Bay. I had to explain to him that water in Florida Bay cannot flow west to east……there’s a dam there…’s called Key Largo.
          Of course I didn’t tell him that until after he was published……..LOL

          I ask him all the time where all these clean surfaces are for all these chemical reactions to take place…….his whole book is a crock!

          (thanks for getting my blood pressure up sky high! LOL)

        • Latitude says:

          I wished you had called him Porter instead of his given name!…………..

          ROTFLMAO sorry about that!

        • suyts says:

          HAHAHAHAA!!!! You started it by giving me those choral links!!!

        • Latitude says:

          I know…I have a death wish…..that’s why I read that crap

          The UofG is nothing more than some catfish farmers that branched out into coral research because of the money….from both ends….all those southern kids want to be Jimmy Buffet….so they hit them on the tuitions…and hit the gov on funding

          …it’s all one big scam

  5. Latitude says:

    But rambling on…..
    Corals and their zoox is a good analogy for plants lowering CO2 levels…. 😉

    Green’s like to set up a strawman argument by saying that C4’s couldn’t have evolved because of low CO2 levels…..because they were already here.
    That’s an easy argument for them to shoot down….and their argument is easier to shoot down

    Just like corals change their zoox/dinos, the dinos didn’t evolve because water temps went up or down. they were already here….C4 plants didn’t evolve because CO2 levels dropped, C4’s were already here…

    and just like different zoox will colonize corals under different conditions, different plants will proliferate under different conditions…

    The evolution of C3 plants brought CO2 levels down to where CO2 became limiting for them…
    ….slowed them down
    That allowed C4 plants to proliferate, which in turn lowered CO2 levels even more….
    to where we are today

    • Bruce says:

      And just to make your head explode completely, Tom Nelson picked up this one today:

      Global warming could kill off snails

      Climate change models must be reworked in a bid to save some of the world’s smallest and slimiest creatures from extinction, a Flinders University PhD candidate warns. Biological Sciences postgraduate student Coraline Chapperon says any future policies for global warming must consider mobile organisms on rocky beaches – such as snails – and their capacity to survive the predicted rise in extreme conditions such as heatwaves.

      I’m sad. She probably really believes all this.

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