Well, Keystone Passed The Senate ….. Pretty Sure Zero Will Veto

From Townhall, we have this …..

BREAKING: Keystone XL Pipeline Passes Senate, 62-36


After years of lobbying for its passage — and significant setbacks along the way — the Keystone XL Pipeline has finally passed the upper chamber: …..

… The bill needed 60 votes to pass. It is now heading to the White House. Stay tuned for updates.

UPDATE: This victory will be short-lived:

The White House promptly declared that Mr. Obama would veto the measure — which would force the approval of a proposed 1,179-mile oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico — in a stroke of the pen that is expected to be the opening shot in a series of vetoes of Republican measures.

UPDATE: The legislation earned bipartisan support:

Nine Democrats joined with Republicans to support the billdespite President Barack Obama’s promise to veto it because he thinks the decision should remain up to the executive branch.

The important issue is that congress needs a 2/3 majority to override the veto.

This is somewhat amusing to me.  Most of this is symbolism, but, it’s important symbolism.

The fact of the matter is, one way or another, this won’t make or break the oil dynamics or economics of the US or Canada.  In fact, one way or another it will have a very small impact.  Canada’s oil will continue to be extracted.  A pipeline similar to the proposed pipeline will eventually be built. 

Eventually, pragmatic rationality wins out.  We’re going to build pipelines to facilitate our own hard oil extract from the north central and west US.  It would be nice if we had a nice large pipeline in place already to move the oil.  But, if we don’t, one will be made. 

The 42,000 jobs for a couple of years would be nice, but, that won’t make or break our labor condition, either. 

Again, the price of oil, and gasoline won’t be measurably impacted, either. 

And, for the climate lunatics, the GHGs will continue to be emitted, only now, more will be emitted if Zero’s veto is sustained. 

The thing is, again, there’s absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t build it, and accept the $8 billion infrastructure upgrade.  All of the things which would come from building the pipeline will have a positive effect.  Even for the climate lunatics. 

For the Repubs.  Don’t make any stupid deals to get this past Zero’s veto.  But, force people to be very visible in their opposition to the pipeline.  Make people stand up and be counted, and put the spotlight on them.  Then find a work around, and be very visible about the work around. 

Personally, I would favor this sort of “work around”.  Have the Canadians build their own pipeline right down to the US/Canadian border.  Have the American pipeline workers build one right up to the Canadian/US border.  If necessary, truck the oil over the border.  (It’s already okay and being done.)  Highlight.  Point and laugh.  When Zero goes away, finish the pipeline’s few feet necessary.  After completion, again, point and laugh. 

Note:  Many parts of the pipeline in the US are already under construction because to build the pipeline in the US part requires no State Dept approval. 

This entry was posted in Climate, Economics, Energy. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Well, Keystone Passed The Senate ….. Pretty Sure Zero Will Veto

  1. Latitude says:

    I’m all for it….just put the pipe on the Canada side up real high…and put a big funnel on our side

  2. philjourdan says:

    The Pipeline is green. It will require less energy usage than transporting it other ways. The morons are merely being hypocrites.

    • DirkH says:

      Also, they should explain what’s so special about that one pipeline.

      • suyts says:

        Well, most are just clueless tools taking their cues from the more calculating lunatics. But, I believe there is a strategy at play here. Many of the pipelines are very old. Without the pipeline (and the subsequent upgrades to others to facilitate) then, we are sure to see more breaks in the old pipelines. Thus, giving the perception that movement by pipeline rather than rail is more harmful.

        • DirkH says:

          “Well, most are just clueless tools taking their cues from the more calculating lunatics.”

          Just show them this map and ask them what it is. Once they notice they are paraded around as the clueless tools they are they’ll start screaming at you. (I regularly manage to have leftists scream at me in real life, I can’t help it, I’m not doing it on purpose. It’s frustrating, I’d prefer reasoned exchange but there ya go.)

        • suyts says:

          Heh!!! That used to happen to me when I frequented bars. I’m a smoker and don’t like to drink where I can’t smoke, so I don’t get out as much as I used to. But, yeh, I would have that effect on them, too.

      • philjourdan says:

        It’s green – yours are red and blue. 😉

  3. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    If Obama does veto the Republicans can, and should, hammer the Dems on the Obama is against jobs for Americans line. Which is true.

    They have to get out and hammer and hammer and hammer. If they do it enough the Dems may allow the bill to pass to avoid electoral damage. That can be a repeat vote plus a large MoveOn operative holding Obama’s right hand behind his back as he signs the repeat bill into law. Or they can deliver 2/3rds in both chambers and make Obama a laughingstock.

    But the GOP has to get their media management working better. Hammer over and over. Jobs jobs jobs.

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