Fox News Question Rhetorical?

Can US Arm the ‘Right’ Syrians?


Is there some unwritten rule saying the US has to commit the same tragic mistakes over and over again?

It’s not our business!!  Guaranteed, if we arm any of them, those people and weapons will be turned against us. 

Young people won’t remember this, but, at one time Iran and the US were allies.  We supported them.  It’s worked out so well for us. 

We armed the Afghans to fight the Soviets.  We sure won their hearts and minds. 

We’re still giving aid to Pakistan, they only housed and protected Bin Laden for years.  And, they’ve imprisoned and have tortured the fellow who told us where he was hiding.  It sure feels good to help those people out!

Remember how we helped Muslims in Bosnia?  We killed a bunch of Christians to defend their sorry asses.  And they repaid us with fighting in Iraq, against the US. 

Libya?  How much money and munitions did we give those people?  Well, they only killed our ambassador and a few others.  

No, we can’t arm the “right” Syrians.  Regardless of who we arm, they will turn on us.  Our best approach is to grab some popcorn and watch despots and tyrants kill each other.  Or, don’t watch if your stomach is queasy.  Harsh?  Perhaps, but, that’s the reality.  We’ve no business picking sides or even involving ourselves in the slightest of ways.  If we do, we know it will cause the loss of American lives and treasure. 

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92 Responses to Fox News Question Rhetorical?

  1. miked1947 says:

    We should as soon as possible take a hands off approach to everything dealing with Islam! Unless it is to protect Israel!

  2. this post sounds as if it was written by me.

  3. same as in Australia; I presume they were pointing that: the Serbs should stay in Serbia, shouldn’t go to Bosnia and Kosovo… In reality, the Serbs were building churches and monasteries in Bosnia and Kosovo since before Mohamed was writing and inventing his Muslim religion and they have being there ever since.. Kosovo is the cradle of Serbia; saying: why are they occupying Kosovo, is same as saying: why are the Americans defending Philadelphia?

    nevertheless; Bin Laden’s fighters were killing civilian Christians / Serbs on the Balkans in front of the Clinton’s solders, with full approval of NATO. They were not going from Afghanistan to the Balkans to face Serbian army, but killing ladies and children. i know the correct set-up there – comparing with the propaganda that was going on the west; just to suck -up to the Arab petrol dollar (my first wife was from Kosovo)

    • suyts says:

      That is why I got out of the Army. I hated what we were doing. there.

      • i had an off-cut from Bosnian newspaper; picture of Serbian girl raped and the torso carved off with big letters: as symbol Serbian infidel not to reproduce anymore. When was showing it to locals here; they wouldn’t believe that Muslims can do such a things, when playing underdog – then when they killed 300 Russian children; he told me that; now he believes that they are not fair people…

  4. david says:

    James, a very good short summary of our involvment, and the sad results. Washingtons warning s about involvment in foreign affairs ring very loud.

  5. Richard Daniels says:

    You shouldn’t forget the tons of military supplies we handed to the Chi-coms during WW2 to help fight the Japanese that were returned to us one bullet at a time during the Korean War.

  6. miked1947 says: ”What Version of Sharia Law?”

    sory to say that you are wrong, BUT there is only one ”Sharia law” written in the Koran. they call Christians ”the Infidel” If you want 8 virgins, you must kill an infidel.

    • miked1947 says:

      Tell the Sunni and the Shiites there is only one Islam! They are still trying to decide which is the true Islam! Any other than your personal group is an infidel. With Islam this has been going on for 1300 years. They join forces against a “Common enemy” but they remain enemies with other Islamic tribes.

      • miked1947 says: ” Tell the Sunni and the Shiites there is only one Islam!”

        you are correct, there are two mobs of them, but they never call each other ”infidel” because the difference between them is insignificant – christian is the infidel AND the sharia law is same for both of them to the letter.

        to my knowledge the difference between them is: Sunnis are the original Mohammedans; Shiites have adopted some extra rules from the ”Caliph” the son-in law of Mohamed as ”amendments” don’t know more than that

        • miked1947 says:

          It is just that most of their fighting is against one another!
          All other religions are infidels! Christens should not take it personally. Islamists are just “Practicing their religious freedoms.

  7. miked1947 says: ”It is just that most of their fighting is against one another!”

    it’s their second nature, fighting; their prophet Mohamed was a warrior – BUT; i was told by one of them that: ”infidel is anybody who eats pigs”

    you be careful, now they are buying surface to air missaels from the Russians; and they hate pork

    • miked1947 says:

      No second nature about it! They live to fight those who disagree with their version of the truth!
      It will take a Thermonuclear device to take down my pet! 😉 Either that or climatologists and politicians to start telling the truth!

  8. tckev says:

    As the US has a left leaning government they should lean on the left leaning international community for assistance in resolving this nasty situation. Send in more blue helmets, more UN peacekeepers will sort it all out in a flash, just as they have always done.

    • David Appell says:

      Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

      PS: The US has a center to center-right government.

      • philjourdan says:

        Your FOS as well. Obama is not center or right. He is hard left of center.

        Regardless, you cannot point to a single left government that even CARES about the rights of the citizens. It is always about the state. A trait you share with them in your zeal to force a lie down the throats of everyone.

    • David Appell says:

      PS: We’d be a much better country if we admitted to our socialism, and rode it to its desired end.

      • suyts says:

        I think all of us here understand our economic system has a lot of socialism in it. Given the ends to the many, many examples of socialist nations, I wouldn’t suggest riding it to its ends.

        • David Appell says:

          Those countries with more socialism than we have have better lives and better societies.

          Hence, we will drift closer towards them, despite all the whining.

          Because everyone likes socialism, deep down. And more is in store.

        • philjourdan says:

          Yea, those riots in Sweden were a riot! You are an imbecile. Your problem is you are too stupid to realize it,

        • suyts says:

          Really? By what standards? Can you name the more socialist nations enjoying a better lives and societies?

        • suyts says:

          I’m wondering about your definition of a “better life” is. I’m not saying this nation doesn’t need to start moving in a different direction, but, I’d be hard pressed to find a nation better to live in.

        • David Appell says:

          The CNN article is pretty clear.

          If you’re extremely wealthy, the US will polish your knob and do whatever you want.

          If not, not so much. In America, you’re on your own. And no one else really cares.

        • David Appell says:

          I’m wondering about your definition of a “better life” is.

          This is exactly the kind of stupid question that keeps the US so low.

        • suyts says:

          Well, right, because people should just accept your ambiguous definition of a “better life” based on some selected stats from CNN. Who somehow don’t understand “aggregate”.

        • David Appell says:

          I’d be hard pressed to find a nation better to live in.

          Have you ever traveled out of whatever flat and backward redneck flyover county you grew up in?


        • suyts says:

          LOL, please David, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m well traveled.

          Do you realize you make yourself look like a complete ignorant ass when you comment here? Is that something you work on, or does it come natural?

        • philjourdan says:

          “flyover” – and thus he defines himself as an imbecilic Coastal snob. That since he lost his slaves, must create his own new lower class.

        • suyts says:

          He never ceases to amaze me about his errant assumptions about the me and the people who post here.

        • philjourdan says:

          Hence the “coastal snob”. He is totally ignorant of anything out of his circle. His imbecilic circle.

        • David Appell says:

          Better than accepting the ignorance of Americans, who miss no opportunity to get screwed. And, like you, seem proud of it.

        • philjourdan says:

          Miss the opportunity? You beg for it, imbecile!

        • kelly liddle says:

          David and Suyts according to a general definition of Socialism the US is pretty socialist. The amount of government ownership or control of economic production. Direct is around 45% then add in energy, healthcare and food you are getting pretty socialist. A very efficient democratic socialist system is not too bad and it is the best model that we have ever seen in the world (government around 20 to 30% of the economy). I question the level of efficiency in the US system currently.

        • suyts says:

          That’s true, and was referenced already.

        • philjourdan says:

          We will never agree. Socialism only works when you have OPM to play with. Capitalism is not perfect, but is the best implementation because it allows individuals to assign value to their wants and needs, both what they produce, and what they purchase. Socialism relies on the government to assign value, and invariably fails because it is but one (or a few) man’s opinion. And not the opinion of those it affects.

        • DirkH says:

          Kelly, the US has also implemented most of the demands of the communist manifesto, for instance stripping emigrants off their wealth (50% exit tax for people who repudiate their citizenship).
          Of course that’s not enough for David, ever the gradualist. Marxism works by slowly shifting the goalposts.
          US is long past optimum efficiency.

        • kelly liddle says:

          “for instance stripping emigrants off their wealth (50% exit tax for people who repudiate their citizenship).”

          If that is true it is pretty rough

        • philjourdan says:

          It is true. A founder of Facebook renounced his citizenship, but made sure his assets were already over seas. I think he was from Brazil. The left is rabid about his “defection”. I applaud it.

        • DirkH says:

          50% of all assets AFAIK. Meaning the IRS estimates your net worth and you give them half so they will leave you alone for the rest of your life.

          Turns out computing it is somewhat complicated. Well somebody said 50%, I don’t remember who.
          Funny. The Third Reich called it the Reichsfluchtsteuer. (Empire Escape Tax)

      • philjourdan says:

        Yea, the Old USSR, Nazi Germany, Cuba, North Korea – those are great ends to socialism. Imbecile.

    • suyts says:

      Naw, David….. center-right people, left leaning government.

      • David Appell says:

        Obama is at least as to the right as was Reagan.

        Nothing else makes sense. Center-right people don’t elect a left-leaning government — they elect the government they want: center-right.

        • David Appell says: ”Obama is at least as to the right as was Reagan”

          David, lets put all the cards on the table: all Pinkos .like you, prefer western socialist governments. not Cuba, north Korea, China – up there must work and they must deliver the goods.

          You prefer western socialist; spend the wealth, then borrow and mortgage the country. You all, hate people that are concerned about the future of the country, children and next generation. So get over it, stop hating and ridiculing the concerned – get over it; it’s nobody’s fault for your clitoris being deep up your arse!

        • David Appell says:

          Hey, fuck you. There are many countries, esp in Europe, that have far less debt than does the US, and far better lives that you do — universal health care, a sense of community, universal day care, no threats by terrorists, peace. Health. They don’t torture people, they aren’t continually at war, they don’t spend obnoxious amounts on offense and defense. They don’t spy on their citizens.

          But keep arguing for your limitations. You’re stuck with them, sucker.

        • philjourdan says:

          And now his school yard vocabulary comes into play. No imbecile, they do not. They do not have half the world beating at their borders to get in. They do not have a sizable percentage of the residents who came there with health problems. They do not have the opportunity that America presents itself. And they lie about their standards.

          yea, those Swedes were just having a lutefish roast.

        • suyts says:

          LOL, David, I believe Stefan is a German. Maybe, you should listen to Europeans before coming to a conclusion about how cool it is to live in Europe….. free from terrorists ….. lol.

        • suyts says:

          And, please slow down on the profanity. It isn’t necessary.

        • David Appell says:

          Threatening your precious little red state ears?

        • suyts says:

          No, it’s unnecessary and shows and difficulty of properly expressing one’s self.

        • philjourdan says:

          It also demonstrates both a decided lack of knowledge about the English language, and your mental maturity. Both of which show you at about a 2nd grade level.

        • David Appell says:

          Nothing less gets through the conservative stupor….

        • suyts says:

          You don’t really say anything. So, I’m not sure what you’re wanting to get through. That you think the US is a shitty place to live? That in your world Zero is conservative?

        • David Appell says:

          I’m the writer here. I’ll decide which words are necessary.

        • suyts says:

          No, really, here, I’m the arbiter of that.

        • philjourdan says:

          😆 You are no writer. A clown yes, but no writer.

        • philjourdan says:

          Now I know you are a effing moron! Obama is so hard left, he has to look right to talk to Mao! he is in the process of nationalizing over 25% of the US economy. Reagan NEVER did that. Nor did Reagan enact not 1, not 2, not 3, but over 20 new taxes, the majority of which hit the middle class.

          What an imbecile! A cowardly imbecile.

        • cdquarles says:

          Are you crazy?

      • suyts says:

        Obama is as right as Reagan? LOL, never heard that one before. I’m looking for those “soak the rich” quotes from Reagan.

        It could be they elected Zero because the public was tired of Bush and Repubs…… and that Romney was a terrible candidate. We see the public is reaping what they sowed.

  9. DirkH says:

    David Appell says:
    June 11, 2013 at 12:06 am
    “Those countries with more socialism than we have have better lives and better societies.

    Hence, we will drift closer towards them, despite all the whining.

    Because everyone likes socialism, deep down. And more is in store.”

    Thanks David for coming out as a Hard left socialist. Now, I’ve seen the DDR after it collapsed. During its entire existence of 40 years the DDR never created substance but only drew from the substance that was left over. Socialism does not create capital stocks but depletes it. Cuba is another good example of the end stage of this drawdown.

    Do I have to mention Bautzen or Castro’s political prisoners ? Yeah you gotta prod the population along lest they all leave your desolate socialist end stage sh*thole.

    Your NSA Stasi regime is a good first step to break the population, David.

  10. DirkH says:

    David Appell says:
    June 11, 2013 at 12:51 am
    “There are many countries, esp in Europe, that have far less debt than does the US, and far better lives that you do — universal health care, a sense of community, universal day care, no threats by terrorists, peace. Health. They don’t torture people, they aren’t continually at war, they don’t spend obnoxious amounts on offense and defense. They don’t spy on their citizens.”

    You are living in your own make belief world, David. Please google TkÜV or Telekommunikationsüberwachungsverordnung
    or try to translate this
    This is a telecom surveillance law. It requires telecom and internet providers to install hardware that allows several different services to access the routers at the same time without interfering with each other. The TKÜV is as usual a law that Germany was required to have after EU decisions, so other EU countries have them as well.
    Every EU citizen is spied upon by all services of all EU countries and by the EU services.

  11. david says:

    David Appell says

    “There are many countries, esp in Europe, that have far less debt than does the US, and far better lives that you do ”
    There are many in Europe with higher debt to GDP

  12. ”Can US Arm the ‘Right’ Syrians?” They are all right Syrians; there are no wrong Syrians. More of them are joining the fight from the neighboring countries.

    West should arm both sides; otherwise is not a fair fight. Sell all the weapons they need, and for the money buy popcorn

  13. jimash1 says:

    If we all claim to be Syrian Rebels, can we then get some free rocket launchers, mortars, sniper rifles and automatic weapons ?
    That might be a plan.

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