Anti-Bullying Bigot Bullies Christian Children


Speaker Dan Savage, founder of the “It Gets Better” project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars, decided to be a bully with Christian children. 

It isn’t that this is a shocker, Savage is a bigoted, agenda pushing SOB.  Savage also writes a sex advice column called “Savage Love.”  He happens to be a homosexual.  He has many anger issues because there are people who don’t agree with the lifestyle he has. Savage, and his husband, were also guests at the White House for President Obama’s 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception. He was also invited to a White House anti-bullying conference.

Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. But it turned into an episode of Christian-bashing.

The first thing he told the audience was, ‘I hope you’re all using birth control,’” she told CitizenLink. “he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the (expletive deleted) in the Bible.”

Students were expecting him to talk about bullying. But they also got an earful about birth control, sex, and Savage’s opinions on the Bible.

You can read more here and here.

Here are my comments……. Savage showed himself to be what he is, a bully.  Children are easy to pick on.  Thanks, Dan for showing the way.  The thing is, I can accept that people live differently than what I believe people should.  Most rational people come to understand this shortly after they turn 12y/o or so……. 

This child in a man’s body chose to berate children because of their beliefs.  He mocked and ridiculed their beliefs and upbringing.  He didn’t engage in thoughtful contemplation nor discussion.  He bullied children.  He explicitly stated, “there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying …..”  Yes Dan, we know this……  people have used the Bible for many things.   But, if he’d bother to take the time to read the Bible, he’d know this isn’t the teaching of the Bible nor Christianity.

I’ll try my best to not discuss the merits of this bigoted stupidity.  But, here are my thoughts……..  I don’t agree with that particular lifestyle.  But, it isn’t for me or anyone else to judge him.  Savage chose his path, he lives with his choice, I don’t.  Or, if it was nature, as many propose, then that’s what happened, it still isn’t my burden and I still don’t agree with it. 

It boils down to this….   there isn’t a person out there who can tell me what I need to believe or not.  There is no authority which could or should do so, save for the God Almighty.

If Dan Savage wants to show me the people who used the Bible as an excuse to bully him or anyone else, I’d be more than happy to show them the errors of their ways.  If Dan Savage wants to cry about people not liking what he does, then I’d say he needs to quit bitching and get over it. 

I smoke, I drink, people whine, people are aggressively angry towards me for doing so.  I do a lot of other things which cause very angry reactions.  You don’t fix the problem by bullying children.

Dan Savage is an asshole.  Not because he’s gay, but, because he likes to bully children and Christians….. making him no better than the people he hates.  Actually, it probably makes him a worse person, because he should know better.  What a scumbag. 

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337 Responses to Anti-Bullying Bigot Bullies Christian Children

  1. Pingback: Anti-Bullying Bigot Bullies Christian Children | suyts space | Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

  2. HankH says:

    Dan Savage fails to realize that there are some principles of the Bible that are based in practicality and very applicable in everyone’s life. For example, you reap what you sow. When Savage sows hatred then he should expect that’s what he’s going to receive in return. He needs to stop his whining and grow up.

    • suyts says:

      Exactly… his hate spewing rhetoric does what?….. Creates hate. He can only spew his nonsense because western society is based upon Christian-Judea ethos. His madness harms everyone.

  3. Latitude says:

    Well, so much for giving gays a good name………….LOL

    Some people………..sheesh

    • suyts says:

      Yeh, it drives me insane…. anti-bullying… and he’s got to mouth Christians?

      I’m starting to think the Soviets planted some gene altering “imbecile something” in our water supply just as soon as the wall came down.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m religious myself, but you guys are making a big hoohah about nothing. Dan Savage has the right to say what he likes, and if you don’t agree, don’t listen. Simple as that.

    • Latitude says:

      An….I think you missed this part……they didn’t have a choice

      Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association.

    • suyts says:

      Bullshit. Sure he has the right to say whatever….. and I support his right. But, I’ll call out….. every time…… bigoted haters who bully children….. every time. He doesn’t like the Bible or Christians…. that’s fine. God and him can work it out. But, let’s not pretend its OK to lure young Christians into a place where they will be spoke down to because of their religious beliefs.

      You’re absolutely right, “Dan Savage has the right to say what he likes, and if you don’t agree, don’t listen. Simple as that.” But it isn’t right to lure and then attack children because of their beliefs. And, that is exactly what that scumbag did. As did the organizers. It isn’t ok… not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

    • philjourdan says:

      Sorry Anon – you are correct he has the right to say what he wants. So does a bully. And that is all he is – a bully and a hypocrite. He is the same vile creature he is supposed to be campaigning against.

  5. ThePhDScientist says:

    It’s funny that you say you don’t agree with that “lifestyle” as if homosexuality is a choice and someone makes a conscious decision to be gay. Now I know a lot of fundamentalists don’t believe in science, but we in the scientific community generally conclude it is not a lifestyle “choice”. What if I said I generally don’t agree with the Christian lifestyle choice? Well not the Chrisianity so much as the picking of which morals from the bible we happen to decide we want to enforce this year. Where are the mass outcries against divorce and infidelity? Leviticus 20:10 “and the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife…shall surely be put to death”.

    Pretty strong wording!!! But politically tough to pick on straight men who commit adultery so the Christian majority stays mostly silent on this atrocity! Oh the hippocricy!

    • suyts says:

      PhD, was your selective use of my post intentional? My full quote…..

      I don’t agree with that particular lifestyle. But, it isn’t for me or anyone else to judge him. Savage chose his path, he lives with his choice, I don’t. Or, if it was nature, as many propose, then that’s what happened, it still isn’t my burden and I still don’t agree with it.

      I agree, there should be a louder outcry against infidelity, and there should be much more consideration going into the decision of marriage. But, if you were to attend some of the services in churches nearby my home, you’d hear condemnation of such actions. And, then you’d hear the message of redemption. (post Old Testament) It’s just that those messages don’t reach the front page.

      When you stated, “What if I said I generally don’t agree with the Christian lifestyle choice?” That would be fine. And, that would be fine if Savage had stated such. But, that’s not what occurred. Like a predator, he lured young Christians into an area in which he felt comfortable in bullying these young children about their lifestyle and choices. You use the word hypocrisy, I find that’s an apt description of Savage’s act.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Nothing selective about it. I disagree with the word lifestyle as I wouldn’t say I live the straight lifestyle, I would say that’s the way I was born (I don’t ever remember making a conscious “choice”, perhaps you do?)

        My general problem with using the bible to legislate morality is that it’s often wrong. Man wasn’t created from Adam and Eve and the earth is certainly not several thousand years young. You can believe the overall guiding message but to attempt to legislate the specifics is lunacy.

        • suyts says:

          Sigh….. you believe that was my invention? Take it up with the G&L lifestyle advocacy groups. I borrowed it from them.

          PhD, I don’t really have any rules about being topical, but, typically its customary to at least give a passing nod to the subject matter.

          There are problems with attempting to legislate certain specifics from the Bible. OTOH, some aren’t so difficult, such as murder and what not. I certainly can’t speak for all Christians, but other than ensuring a free functioning society, we should leave the choices to the individuals as best we can.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I don’t believe so. “gay lifestyle” is generally meant to imply choice and most often used by anti-gay family groups. I believe most gay advocacy groups would say its life not lifestyle.

          In regards to murder etc those are generally golden rules irrespective of religion and we can those social rules in many higher mammals.

        • suyts says:

          You don’t believe that’s where I got the term? You’re a funny person. Do you need links to the groups who use the word? Your objection is noted, you should note that I allowed that it could be nature.

          As to the laws, what can I tell you? I have a libertarian bent. I’ve no interest in yours or anyone else’ bedroom habits, as long as they don’t negatively impact society.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Typically, yes, as a scientist I love references. (see here

          And so you would argue gay marriage would negatively impact society? If so, Massachusetts, the state that has gay marriage for longer than anyone (almost 1 decade) would suggest you are wrong. The divorce rate among heterosexuals in Massachusetts is the lowest in the nation (see here: Perhaps suggesting an inclusive society that values and encourages fair and equitable treatment for all partnerships actually has a POSITIVE effect on marriage? That’s of course hard to prove, but equally hard to disprove!

        • suyts says:

          PhD, I made no such claims. Please don’t put words in my mouth in such a manner. You may not believe this, but homosexuality isn’t something that most Christians obsess over. The issue doesn’t rate in my top 100 things to think about during the day. I’ve no interest in discussing the issue. My position on the issue is clearly stated in the post.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Well you made the implication of negatively impacting society. That said, i’m glad you support fair equitable treatment of marriage for all couples! If couples want to marry the state has no right not to grant them a marriage license, if the church doesn’t want to perform the ceremony – FINE BY ME!

    • philjourdan says:

      You are hardly in the scientific community, nor do most of the scientific community have an opinion since they are not qualified (and rightly admit it) to state what the case is.

      But you are great at non-sequiturs. Savage is a Bully. Period. His sex or race or gender does not matter. A bully is a bully. He is what he rails against. And no amount of excusing will change that.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Did you read in the bible that I was unqualified. My PhD in biomedicine would disagree with your idiotic statements. Regarding homosexuality just read a little of the current psychology literature – that’s the stuff from real academics not a staff member at focus on the family.

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          May 8, 2012 at 2:58 pm

          “My PhD in biomedicine would disagree with your idiotic statements.”
          Then you should understand the difference between Normal Science i.e biomedicine…which depends on facts. And Psychology a post-normal science which is governed by whims / feelings / whatever rocks the boat at that time.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Haha still laughing! Dear Kim – surgery and engineering are often considered post-normal science. Do you refer to those as “whims” and “feeling”. Just because we can’t prove how the earth came into existence doesn’t mean we don’t have overwhelming evidence for evolution.

          But really it doesn’t take rocket science to answer the human sexuality question. Just answer me, when in your sexual development you were 50:50 gay:straight and then you decided you were going to choose the, presumably, “straight lifestyle”.

        • philjourdan says:

          Sorry, I do not do the bible. And you apparently do not do science. You fail science 101. You can have a PhD in phrenology for all I care. But if you are going to make stupid statements about science, no one is going to believe you “do” science.

    • kim2ooo says:

      ThePhDScientist says:
      May 8, 2012 at 1:56 pm
      “It’s funny that you say you don’t agree with that “lifestyle” as if homosexuality is a choice and someone makes a conscious decision to be gay.”

      It’s funny, to me, that you can’t distinguish “life” from “life choices”…I thought you labeled yourself as an intellectual?

      Having Same Sex Attractions [SSA] is not the same as ACTING ON THOSE ATTRACTIONS. ,

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Kim you’re absolutely ridiculous! To the point i’m laughing out loud! Are you acting on those heterosexual attractions you’ve been having? LoL And you think you have a brain!

        • kim2ooo says:

          Ohhhh my my my…. I do believe ThePhDScientist living in mommy’s basement has been outed.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          When you say something intelligent you can out me! I’m still waiting! Now tell me about your sexual choice and when you made that?

        • philjourdan says:


          No, Kim is being scientific. Unlike you. You can be homosexual, but not practice the act. So you are not living a homosexual lifestyle, regardless of your inclination.

          You failed Logic 101, didn’t you?

      • suyts says:

        PhD, for a scientist, you’re making some huge leaps. Insults are rarely convincing argument tactics. And, why do you bring up irrelevant subjects such as the origins of the earth and evolution?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Suyts, Kim is attempting to discuss science of which s/he has very little knowledge. The point of origin of earth and evolution are very relevant to that discussion. What Kim is referring to as “post-normal” science is a methodology whereby some facts may be uncertain say psychology, but even surgery and evolution can be considered post-normal science. My point is that just because we can’t say for sure how the earth came into existence does not mean the overwhelming proof for evolution is invalid. You see creationist/intelligent design “pseudoscience” typically doesn’t involve any real inquiry, it merely attempts to poke holes in any are of real science that is incompletely understood. The old “well you can’t prove that;therefore, i’m right.”

        • suyts says:

          I think you’d find the evolution discussions here a bit more advanced than that. As for post normal science, you may be surprised by the knowledge of many commenters here. Most are regulars at WUWT, as well. Jerome Ravetz used to make guest posts there.

          While I can see a value of the concept, I think applying it tends to lead to “cargo cult science.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I don’t doubt that’s true, but Kim is not saying anything to suggest s/he is anywhere near that league.

        • suyts says:

          I don’t know. Kim made an accurate observation that attractions aren’t the same as actions, and you kinda went all over the board from there.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Because Suyts that’s a ridiculously stupid statement from someone with a bigoted Christian agenda who says that homosexuality is wrong and therefore women should not be with women and men with men. Turn those sentences around and say them about heterosexuals – you would think i was completely crazy, no?

      • philjourdan says:


  6. kim2ooo says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    When you say something intelligent you can out me! I’m still waiting! Now tell me about your sexual choice and when you made that?

    Ohh my my my…now ThePhDScientist outs themselve as a perv.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Haha oh i’m sorry you’re still a virgin! I’m sorry that science keeps getting in the way of your Christian dogma – hard to espouse your bigotry in the name of faith when those pesky scientists keep getting in the way!

      • suyts says:

        Scientists can’t be chaste? How does science get in the way of Christian dogma?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          If science points to homosexuality as having a largely genetic or physiological cause it makes it much harder for the people wanting to use their bible as a weapon of discrimination against gays/lesbians to have any legitimacy. This is why I say people should enjoy and use the lessons of the bible in their own lives, but not try to legislate morality from the specifics of what was written.

          In the 1800s there was ample evidence cited by pro-slavery advocates in the South that the bible supported/endorsed slavery (fortunately opponents of slavery also used the bible towards more desirable ends). Of course today we don’t judge others by the color of their skin, knowing this is not something one can change at will and therefore we (mostly) forbid discrimination on this basis. As science progresses the specifics of the bible often become less believable…Adam and Eve?

        • suyts says:

          Adam and Eve? I wonder how many people are familiar with what the Bible actually states about them? Sure, why can’t there be an Adam and Eve? The first cogent couple? Of course, that assumes you believe in the common ape ancestor.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Well the Bible’s time scale of Adam and Eve is several million years off, but ummm….

        • suyts says:

          The first modern humans appeared several millions of years ago? Are you sure?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Strong evidence for “evolution” of modern man 2-3 million years ago, fossils of modern man 200-400,000 years ago.

        • Latitude says:

          As science progresses the specifics of the bible often become less believable…Adam and Eve?
          Well what do you expect….they didn’t have microscopes and Hadron Colliders

          They were trying to tell a moral story……it’s the greatest story ever written

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Sure, I can agree with that. What I can’t agree with is the thumpers wielding their bible telling people who they can love because passage 22.5.1 explicitly forbids it! Meanwhile they ignore most passages that deal with the multiple sins they’re generally committing!

      • kim2ooo says:

        Actually, I’m a kid

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Then go to bed and let the adults debate.

        • suyts says:

          PhD, if you can’t discuss with kids in an articulate manner, how can you expect to make serious discussion points with adults. It is possible to have adult conversations without specifically addressing personal sexuality.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Try to folllow along. All adults who have went through puberty understand they don’t get to make a choice on who they’re attracted to. When you get to a certain age you will have attractions to one sex or the other that are largely beyond your control. You can choose to abstain from sex for some time, but eventually for a healthy fulfilling life – you will find a partner to be intimate with. Again this will be largely out of your control. Adult men understand this – we don’t get to decide what/who stimulates us.

      • kim2ooo says:

        Actually, I didn’t express any dogma – Christian or otherwise.
        I didn’t express any bigotry.

        I corrected you on your statement concerning “life” and “life choices” – try to follow along.

      • philjourdan says:

        Haha oh i’m sorry you’re still a virgin! I’m sorry that science keeps getting in the way of your Christian dogma – hard to espouse your bigotry in the name of faith when those pesky scientists keep getting in the way!

        BAAP! Another error in scientific reasoning. Actually 2.

        #1 – kim2ooo has not indicated her chaste state. Scientists do not make such childish assumptions
        #2 – Religion and Science are not mutually exclusive. Many Competent scientists are very religious as well. And many religious are competent scientists.

        You assume too much, state facts not at all, and want us to believe you are a scientist? If you are, you are the poster child for what is wrong with education in America.

  7. Vickie Bush says:

    I found this banter between all of you quite interesting… A Bully is a Bully ! I personally don’t know if you are born gay or straight. But you do have the choice to pick which one you want. Just don’t force it on me. 🙂 Because I too have the same choices.

  8. Latitude says:

    I just figure God made us all…and sent his only kid to show us how to fix our mistakes….
    ….because God didn’t make any of us perfect….that way we would learn something

  9. ThePhDScientist says:

    Under the argument that you have a choice, what if we said all heterosexuals can no longer have sexual relationships – does that sound like an acceptable request/choice? (adults only please)

  10. kim2ooo says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    Try to folllow along. All adults who have went through puberty understand they don’t get to make a choice on who they’re attracted to. When you get to a certain age you will have attractions to one sex or the other that are largely beyond your control. You can choose to abstain from sex for some time, but eventually for a healthy fulfilling life – you will find a partner to be intimate with. Again this will be largely out of your control. Adult men understand this – we don’t get to decide what/who stimulates us.
    So adults can’t control themselves?
    Processed Chesses….you sound like a rapist trying to convince the jury.
    Maybe, you act like an an animal in lust

    • suyts says:

      Kim, if you’re going to address him in that manner, then “I’m a kid” doesn’t count toward moderating content. I understand what you’re saying, and as long as you’re good with it, I’m good with it…… depending upon your age.

      • kim2ooo says:

        Stimulation is “life” Acting on that is a “life choice”. Is what I’m saying. ThePhDScientist is saying because “life” stimulates you – you can’t control “life choices”

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          No! What ThePhDScientist is saying is we don’t get conscious control over whether our mind/body chooses to be attracted to men or women. And sex, whether we like it or not is a normal, healthy and instrumental part of life. To suggest a gay person abstain from sex because they are gay is both bigoted and idiotic!

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          May 8, 2012 at 8:17 pm

          No! What ThePhDScientist is saying is we don’t get conscious control over whether our mind/body chooses to be attracted to men or women. And sex, whether we like it or not is a normal, healthy and instrumental part of life. To suggest a gay person abstain from sex because they are gay is both bigoted and idiotic!

          It is idiotic for someone labeling themselves as an intellectual – to think any place here that I suggested gays should abstain.
          Reading comprehension is an acquired skill.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Oh yes your comments were merely an observation with no judgement attached. GMAFB.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          And claiming to be a “kid” is a nice way to get out of answering the thing all adults know…they didn’t get to choose the sex they were attracted to.

        • kim2ooo says:

          REPEATING for the impaired:

          kim2ooo says:
          May 8, 2012 at 7:51 pm

          Actually, I didn’t express any dogma – Christian or otherwise.
          I didn’t express any bigotry.

          I corrected you on your statement concerning “life” and “life choices” – try to follow along.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          And for the IMPAIRED you’re wrong. Being gay is no more a life “choice” than is being straight. Neither one is a choice, can you get that through your thick (old) skull.?

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          May 8, 2012 at 8:29 pm

          And claiming to be a “kid” is a nice way to get out of answering the thing all adults know…they didn’t get to choose the sex they were attracted to.

          Ha ha ha ha….REPEATING ANOTHER POST:
          It’s funny, to me, that you can’t distinguish “life” from “life choices”…I thought you labeled yourself as an intellectual?

          Having Same Sex Attractions [SSA] is not the same as ACTING ON THOSE ATTRACTIONS. ,

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Stop being an idiot! There is no thing on which to act on. You are either gay or you are straight. Would you say a straight person is making a choice when they choose to marry their partner? Could I easily make a straight person choose a person of the same sex as a partner? That is clearly what your terminology implies – that a gay person chooses to act on these indiscretions and that they could easily choose to be straight. Stop playing GAMES!

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Kim is not a good and contributes nothing useful to this debate.

      • philjourdan says:

        No, kim is a person, not a good. And she contributed a lot. She showed you up for the faux person you claim to be.

  11. ThePhDScientist says:

    (not a kid)

  12. suyts says:

    It’s interesting that you’d bring this up. I recently had a similar discussion with a fellow believer. While I’m a literal translationist (to an extent) I also understand that time coming from God to a man writing for others may have lost something in translation. It is interesting to note that earliest civilizations date 12,000-8,000 B.C.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      That could be true. It could also be true that the Bible was simply a collection of stories created by and penned by men that reflected the socially evolving morals of the day – hence the drastic change in tone from the old testament to new testament.

    • suyts says:

      Well, Christians assign a different reason for the change in tone. The books of laws were to bare witness to the fact that mankind is imperfect an incapable of perfection. They lived under the perfect law, but were incapable of abiding in it. Christ fulfilled the law and brought redemption. He bears our imperfections.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        I know I attended a Catholic school, but I can’t find any evidence as to whether your version or mine is more accurate.

      • suyts says:

        If you attended Catholic school, then you know this isn’t a belief derived from evidence. Though, I see evidence of God all around me.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Maybe you do, I see evidence for a devil when I see the fundamentalists preaching prejudice and hate in the name of faith.

        • suyts says:

          People often use the Bible for things it wasn’t intended.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Of course. Have to be off to bed, so let me give you a final thought. For me here’s what it boils down to. I have a gay cousin (who’s more like a brother) and two great gay neighbors (northeastern liberal city ;).

          As a scientists (who’s a former Catholic schoolboy) I have a very difficult time believing any literal interpretation of the bible as many of the literal tenets have already proven untrue. However my Christian friends, who are also scientists, reconcile these differences by not taking such a literal approach to the Bible, but having faith in a higher power and the bigger picture stories that the bible tells.

          The problem for me ensues when people start telling my cousin and gay neighbors that they don’t have the right to the same happiness I have because they are gay and the bible specifically says that’s wrong. This is when I feel I need to point out that much of what is written in the bible and what is extrapolated from the bible is in fact wrong (science has proven so). Wielding the bible as a weapon of prejudice is something I find wholly unconscionable and leaves me with a bad taste for religion.

          Good night, good debate!

        • suyts says:

          Good night PhD. I’ll debate with you about what science has and hasn’t proven at a later date.

  13. kim2ooo says:

    suyts….Nite 🙂

  14. HankH says:

    The best definition of marriage, which comes from anthropology, would have it as “a union between a man and a woman such that children born to the woman are the recognized legitimate offspring of both partners.” Notes and Queries on Anthropology (1951)

    Marriage was a human construct that originated when peoples started to develop greater social connections that extended beyond the immediate family – when social groups, tribes, and villages formed and people started to trade and own things they wanted to pass on to their children. The marriage ceremony was a conspicuous and sacred declaration before the community that the woman and future children were to be recognized by the community as having rightful inheritance of all possessions gained by the family unit and more in particular the man. Because the purpose of marriage was all about bearing children and inheritance most cultures provided a means to end the marriage in the case of infertility – some means nicer than others.

    This concept predates written history so it is no big surprise to see the Bible frame it as a union between a man and a woman. The authors are simply stating the obvious as it was understood by anyone at the time. The Bible simply re-affirmed and upheld the sacredness of marriage. So, contrary to belief, marriage was not instituted by the Bible. It existed long before. As such, we can dispense with the Bible trashing. If you want to trash, you’ll need to go much further back into human history and trash the early nomads.

    The question of why someone is gay is immaterial. What is the justification for anyone demanding that the definition of marriage now be change after thousands of years of it having a very definite meaning and purpose? How far do we take these demands? Do we include interspecies unions under the definition next? I think we need to leave the original meaning in place and, if it is felt to be necessary, create new constructs that better defines the purpose and need.

    • miked1947 says:

      Yes! Marriage is all about creating families. The masculine and feminine heads of the household that lead to a balanced rearing of their children.
      The original legal definition of marriage was to protect the family. The current corrupted definition actually destroys the institute of the family.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Looks like President Obama and the rest of the individuals in the intellectual or thinking class agree with me. So do a vast swaths of under 40 and under 30 Americans. The tide is turning, the boomers are dying – nothing you can do to stop it. You can kick and scream all you want now, but the younger generations are always more progressive, more fair…

        • miked1947 says:

          The younger generation are being trained to be Puppets.
          You display the puppet mentality, and that of the mental myopic.
          The form of progression you promote is regression of true intellect.
          You would not know FAIR if it kicked you in the teeth.
          You are quite right though, intelligence is a dying art. Your pseudo Intelligence thinking class is the antithesis of critical thinking. There is a name for what you display and that is Group Think!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Whatever you say…I’ll accept it happily because at least i’m not a bigot in the name of Christ!

        • suyts says:

          PhD, we don’t know the status of everyone’s faith here. I’m a professed Christian, but not everyone who comments here are.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I’ll give you that. Bigotry rears it’s ugly head in all faiths…

        • kim2ooo says:

          Hmmmm…I don’t think it’s logical to use Mr Obama as a reference – is he gay? There is some question on his intellectual skills as his records are sealed.

        • kim2ooo says:

          ThePhDScientist says:
          May 10, 2012 at 2:03 pm

          Whatever you say…I’ll accept it happily because at least i’m not a bigot in the name of Christ!

          No, you are bigotted in the name of Gays.

          Check it out : Reverse discrimination.

        • miked1947 says:

          You want to know something? Neither am I!
          I have the advantage of not being Brainwashed but also the advantage of helping those that were to learn critical thinking skills, so they they could reenter the real world as productive citizens.
          GLBT is a lifestyle choice that we all made at some time during the period we were growing up. True some were guided in their choice by their parents and peers, but it is still a choice that everyone has or will make at some point in their life. Some even change their mind later in life. Some can never decide and swing from one position to the other.
          Of course that is only based on 50+ years of observational evidence.
          You however have probably found the Gene that causes sexuality! 😉 BS!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          That’s the biggest load of garbage I’ve ever heard and none of the science or psychiatric data supports – just because you’re old doesn’t make you right. Maybe a bit out of touch, definitely not right. Who you going to ask to fix your iPhone your grandpa or grandson..?

          Sorry the tides are changing…get on board or drown!

        • miked1947 says:

          That reference to O’Bambi made me smile! 🙂

        • miked1947 says:

          Who the F do you think fixed the phones and helped develop the technology that lead to the Iphones. It was the old farts like myself that were the analysts in the communications industry.
          I have forgotten more about human interactions than you will ever know, Sonny!
          The university that gave you that sheepskin should sue you for discrediting their name, or you should sue the university for false promises, because it is obvious you did not learn Jack $hit at that school.

        • miked1947 says:

          I will fix my own as I am overqualified in that field.

        • suyts says:

          Nice to see everyone getting along so smashingly.

        • miked1947 says:

          I certainly would not trust the repair to the snot nosed kids, like you.

        • philjourdan says:

          The grreatest stupidity is thinking you know when you actually know not. And yet a supposed PhD makes that same mistake – because he is too ignorant to know that he knows not.

          Obama was running low on funds, he merely RESTATED his position – the same one he had 6 years ago. The same one he has always had. And it was an EMPTY statement since he has NO POWER to force states to do a diddly damn thing. He suckered you and the rest of the “thinking class” and it was easy. Why? Because you are too stupid to know that you know not.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Oh Phil you’re so childish. Does it really make you feel good to hurl insults at people who don’t agree with you? I don’t know how old you are, but by your board posts it appears 12 or 13. Really when you get the urge to just post something useless, why not go out for a walk or run. Help fight the obesity epidemic that’s destroying America.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      That’s lovely conjecture based on some random anthropology. But you’re leaving so many important details out!… Anthropology also shows us in the late 19th and early 20th century many states (especially our friends in the South) also made it a crime for interracial couples to be married or even have sex. And this just wasn’t our favorite states of Alabama and Virginia, this even happened in the wild west of California (see Estate of Monks – San Diego).

      You see Hank, in the great country of America we don’t look backwards and say that’s how it was and that’s how it always will and should be. We look back and recognize our mistakes, our prejudice, our discrimination. We own up to it. And, we say, in this great country every person has certain inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – WITH WHOMEVER THEY CHOOSE.

      • HankH says:

        Conjecture? Are you saying there is no understanding of the origins and purpose marriage based on Anthropological studies? Random? Hardly. Notes and Queries on Anthropology (1951) is one of the most authoritative books on modern Anthropology. It is required reading by many universities. I referenced it because it is a credible source.

        You confuse anthropology with law history. Why study artifacts and ancient writings to find their meaning when you can go to the state library and look it up verbatim in state archives?

        Also, you confuse acts of current law with the origins and development of human behavior, which is specifically what I was addressing. In that context, I did not leave anything out. Had I attempted to address law history, then you might have a valid point.

        You also didn’t read my comment in its entirety. Where did I say gays don’t have the right to be happy? Read the last sentence in my comment and don’t be so quick to assume something other than what I said.

        • philjourdan says:

          Spot on! It seems the PhD is getting Pwned by many in areas he is in over his head.

      • philjourdan says:

        Baap! Anthropology shows us no such thing. HISTORY does. Anthropology would have shown us WHY such laws were created. You really do know a lot about nothing, and nothing about a lot.

        Please continue to post. Your ignorance is making us all laugh.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I love your use of the word Baap! LOL. It makes you sound so intelligent!

          You dimwitted old fool. Anthropology = the science of humans; especially : the study of humans in relation to distribution, origin, classification, and relationship of races, physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.

        • philjourdan says:

          From Dictionary dot com: “the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.”

          You apparently do not know what you are talking about PhD, but then you have proven that. HISTORY shows us about the facts. Anthopology tries to determine the WHY (for the second time, want to make it 3 times you show your ignorance?).

  15. philjourdan says:

    @ThePhDScientist says: May 8, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    Your problem is you do not know what intelligence is. Like many PhD (alleged), you stopped thinking and learning once you got the sheep skin. Kim is using a critical skill – it is called thinking, and is foreign to you apparently.

  16. philjourdan says:

    @ThePhDScientist says: May 8, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    BAAP! You are showing your own prejudices and ignorance. Kim2ooo made no value judgement about the act or inclination of homosexuality. Apparently, critical thinking is NOT one of your assets.

    • kim2ooo says:

      @ philjourdan says:
      May 9, 2012 at 6:03 am
      Thank you!

      ThePhDScientist has no idea if I even go to Church….Or if gay.

      • philjourdan says:

        The worst enemy the gay community has is ignorant arrogant people like this clown. My Brother is gay, and fundamentalists do not threaten him. He KNOWS where they are coming from. But ignorance and arrogance of supposed learned people scare the hell out of him, because he knows they can and do perform the greatest damage.

        You debated him excellently. Only showing up his own prejudices and ignorance.

  17. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    I don’t believe so. “gay lifestyle” is generally meant to imply choice and most often used by anti-gay family groups. I believe most gay advocacy groups would say its life not lifestyle.

    Exhibit 1: Assuming facts not in evidence is NOT scientific. It is very prejudicial. My statement stands. You are no practicing scientist. Did you get your title through an honorarium?

  18. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    …If couples want to marry the state has no right not to grant them a marriage license,

    Gross mis-assumption, and mis use of words does not lend itself to your claims of grandiosity.

    Marriage is not a right. Rights do not come with restrictions. Marriage comes with restrictions and costs. Brothers cannot marry sisters (both consenting adults). People are not allowed to marry multiple partners (all consenting adults). Adults are not allowed to marry children. And those do not even get into the gay versus straight argument. So marriage is not a right, and the state is depriving no one of rights.

    Where did you get your degree? I want to make sure my grand kids do not waste their time and money going to that shyster outfit.

  19. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    Haha still laughing! Dear Kim – surgery and engineering are often considered post-normal science

    Maniacal laughter is not a sign of a well adjusted individual. And neither surgery NOR engineering are considered post normal. Both are hard sciences. They are reproducable as far as results, and thus follow a normal scientific method (unlike the art sciences that are not testable using normal means).

    So you now admit you are clueless on what PNS is? You sure are making a case for revocation of any degree you have.

  20. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    Because Suyts that’s a ridiculously stupid statement from someone with a bigoted Christian agenda who says that homosexuality is wrong and therefore women should not be with women and men with men

    No, kim2ooo made a statement of fact. Facts are neither pro or con anything. They exist as facts because they are proven to be true. What is DONE with a fact can be positive or negative. Kim2ooo did nothing with the fact other than to point out your error. You misassumed (again) and made a fool of yourself. Basically defending something that was not under attack.

    Again, your logic is a total fail. You have yet to use any.

  21. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    Then go to bed and let the adults debate.

    That would preclude you apparently based on behavior.

  22. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    Try to folllow along. All adults who have went through puberty understand they don’t get to make a choice on who they’re attracted to.

    “have went”? I take it your degree is not in English?

    And you are making assumptions not shared by the body scientific (as you claim). For indeed, some have already defended the mother who dresses her 8 year old son as a girl, and is trying to force the girl scouts to allow him to join. He has not “went” through puberty yet.

  23. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:56 pm

    You’re a fool there is no difference. You’ll understand that when you hit puberty.

    Your descent into childish ad hominems indicates a clear win for kim2ooo. You were bested in a scientific debate by a child. I suspect you are a child yourself, and no PhD. For you clearly lack both the discipline and knowledge to hold such a title.

  24. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 8:00 pm

    Well the Bible’s time scale of Adam and Eve is several million years off, but ummm….

    BAAAP! Wrong answer. SCIENCE tells us it is only a couple hundred thousand off. Using Mitochondrial DNA, SCIENCE has told us that Eve lived in Sub Saharan Africa about 250k years ago.

    And you pretend to know science?

  25. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    To suggest a gay person abstain from sex because they are gay is both bigoted and idiotic!

    You are the only one making that suggestion.

  26. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 8:26 pm

    Oh yes your comments were merely an observation with no judgement attached. GMAFB.

    Unless you are claiming clairvoyant powers, you can only go on what Kim said, not what you WANTED her to say. Ergo, since you have not demonstrated any clairvoyant abilities, you got beaten by an admitted child. And she gave you an effing break. You used it to hang yourself.

  27. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    And claiming to be a “kid” is a nice way to get out of answering the thing all adults know…they didn’t get to choose the sex they were attracted to.

    In your rush to judgement, jumping to conclusions, and foaming at the mouth – YOU NEVER ASKED HER THE QUESTION. Do not blame her for not answering an unasked question.

  28. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 8:35 pm

    And for the IMPAIRED you’re wrong. Being gay is no more a life “choice” than is being straight. Neither one is a choice, can you get that through your thick (old) skull.?

    For the Science IMPAIRED – it is not a fact. It is a working hypothesis, yet unproven. Generally accepted, but still ONLY a working hypothesis.

    No scientist would make the gross error of stating it as a fact.

  29. ThePhDScientist says:

    Phil does anyone take you seriously? You have nothing to contribute but your limited knowledge of Latin phrases and unrelenting dogma with the inability to consider any opinion that’s not your own. Now scurry along and let the adults have reasoned debate.

    • philjourdan says:

      I am laughing my head off at your pathetic attempt to rationalize your own ignorance and arrogance. Kim played you like a harp from hell, and it was easy. She merely remained logical and factual, and allowed you to make a fool of yourself.

      Your petty ad hominems make no difference to me. I have actually been insulted by competent people before. Your pathetic attempts are an amusing aside, nothing more.

    • kim2ooo says:

      Might I suggest

      Reasoned debate requires knowledge and command of these logic fallacies.

  30. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 8:39 pm

    Stop being an idiot!

    Kim made an idiot out of you. She is not being one.

    You are either gay or you are straight.

    And both the LGBT and Science says you are wrong. Since the B stands for BI.

    That is clearly what your terminology implies

    Kim made no implication. You made a stupid assumption.

    Stop playing GAMES!

    Perhaps that is your problem after all. You seem to be playing games, and so you are clueless about science. Kim made a very valid and logical statement. You have yet to do so.

    • miked1947 says:

      The Game Players think the games are reality and those that live in the real world are the ones playing the games.
      The PHD whatever should learn the lesson of not trying to Bull$hit a Bull$hitter.
      I and other logical persons that visit this site know the difference between games and reality and we tend to participate in both from time to time, however when an outsider comes in with their version of the GAME we can easily spot their illusion.
      Life experience has taught us much and it is refreshing to see some of the youth are learning the lessons we share.

  31. miked1947 says:

    Kim and Phil:
    It was a pleasure reading statements from rational individuals.
    I am glad to see you both hung in there with your myopic opponent.
    Age nor so called education attainment determine the ability to think logically.
    If we were British I would say “Good Show! Being a redneck I will say thanks.

  32. miked1947 says:

    Now you are stooping to age discrimination to add to your religious discrimination and your display of mental myopia.
    Maybe you should visit your proctologist for your vision exam. How is that window in the belly button working out.

  33. HankH says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 8, 2012 at 7:46 pm

    If science points to homosexuality as having a largely genetic or physiological cause it makes it much harder for the people wanting to use their bible as a weapon of discrimination against gays/lesbians to have any legitimacy. This is why I say people should enjoy and use the lessons of the bible in their own lives, but not try to legislate morality from the specifics of what was written.

    PhD, there is no gay gene. We’ve searched for it for decades and haven’t found it. That is not to say that it can’t exist but it is to say that medical research does not offer much support to the argument that being gay is genetic. I’ll be careful to point out that I’m not referring to congenital conditions that result in atypical genital development. That’s a different discussion.

    Exposure to various drugs, toxins, and various gestational anomalies can affect brain development and chemistry, possibly affecting sexual orientation but so far any studies focused on this possibility are correlational, problematic, and inconclusive. That said, I think it plausible that some form of gestational anomaly could be in play for some individuals but not all. We should not overlook emotional, relational, or cultural influences which predispose.

    But, since you brought science into the mix, what if science were to find a genetic or gestational cause for gayness? And what if there were a cure for that anomaly? Should parents seek that cure for their children while in gestation or would you find such action bigoted and insensitive? If so, why?

  34. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 10, 2012 at 2:03 pm

    Whatever you say…I’ll accept it happily because at least i’m not a bigot in the name of Christ!

    No, you are worse. You are an ignorant fool that is smug in his ignorance and bigotry.

  35. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 10, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    That’s the biggest load of garbage I’ve ever heard and none of the science or psychiatric data supports – just because you’re old doesn’t make you right. Maybe a bit out of touch, definitely not right. Who you going to ask to fix your iPhone your grandpa or grandson..?

    Sorry the tides are changing…get on board or drown!

    I am going to get the experienced technician, not some kid who has no sense of value or worth. And the reason I am going to get the experienced technician, is they practice a modified Hypocratic oath, while the kid has not even heard of a hippo.

    The difference between you and I, is that I have wisdom with age, you just have age, and no wisdom. And that is why a self professed child can Pwn you.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      The difference between you and I, is that I have wisdom with age, you just have age, and no wisdom. And that is why a self professed child can Pwn you.

      (and if you really believe Kim is a child…then let me tell you about this deal I have for you. A free Caribbean vacation for you and your entire family, you just need to provide me your social security number, address, and major credit card number!)

      • philjourdan says:

        More childish ad hominems. YOu have no wisdom, and your posts reek of a child. SO I doubt you have any age. I on the other hand, learned from life. I know enough to spot a phony juvenile ad hominem spewing immature child when I read one.

        When you can rationally and logically discuss the issue (which you have no clue on), try again. Until then, stop with the stupidity. I can see why your alma mater is embarrassed you attended (I wonder if they would back up your claim of a doctorate?).

  36. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 11, 2012 at 6:43 am

    Oh Phil you’re so childish. Does it really make you feel good to hurl insults at people who don’t agree with you? I don’t know how old you are, but by your board posts it appears 12 or 13. Really when you get the urge to just post something useless, why not go out for a walk or run. Help fight the obesity epidemic that’s destroying America.

    YOur arrogance prevents you from both admitting you are wrong, and recognizing when you are. I made an observation. I hurled no insults. Calling a skunk a skunk is not an insult, it is an observation. When you learn to think again, you will realize how childish and foolish you are behaving. But no one can make you think.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Oh Phil

      It’s not me who’s the arrogant one…it’s he who looks out the window and will endlessly proclaim its still 1950. Have you seen the polls on gay marriage Phil? You don’t need a science PhD to understand the tide is changing. It’s just a big issue. And if you look at the under 40 crowd those numbers become even more pronounced. So it seems to me it’s largely members of the 40 and over crowd, those traditionally most resistant to change that want to impede progress on marriage equality….

      Ok didn’t like what I said…hurl those insults my way (it’s like being back in the sandbox)!

      • philjourdan says:

        Sorry, arrogance is creating strawmen for your own jollies, and then running off to crow about how you “bested” someone. When in reality you got your arse handed to you on a platter.

        What has polls to do with anything that was discussed? I did not mention them. I do not believe your owner mentioned them (perhaps I missed where Kim2ooo brought them up). All your bringing them up at this point does is prove 2 things.
        #1 – You are an ignorant and lost the debate
        #2 – You love to appeal to authority when no authority is needed, just the facts.

        You are so blinded by your own self perceived brilliance that you do not even realize your own ignorance. But that is to be expected from what I term the “illiterate literati”. Those who know so much about nothing.

        So go for it! Tell me about the 1950s (when you were not even a sparkle in your grandparents eyes), tell me about the polls of today, which have no bearing on the debate whatsoever. And tell us why being homosexual gives one the extra right of bullying when no one else is afforded that pleasure.

        Please, enlighten us with your magnificent ignorance. And please! Do not stop accusing others of your own tactics. Calling you ignorant and arrogant are not pejoratives, they are descriptive. If I had called you stupid and smug, those would be pejoratives.

        I would suggest for your next accomplishment, passing an English Comprehension class would do you a world of good.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          What the polls show, my childish boy Phil, is that people holding the bigoted opinions of some of the posters on this board are fastly becoming a minority. American’s are for marriage equality. And please, don’t tell me I lost the debate, when you don’t even know what the debate is.

          Here’s the facts Phil…The first state in the union to legalize gay marriage – Massachusetts. The state in the union with the lowest overall divorce rate…Massachusetts! Seems that marriage equality has an overall positive effect on marriage. So those lame, lame arguments that somehow gay marriage is going to destroy the sanctity of marriage is pure, bigoted B.S. You know what’s destroying the sanctity of marriage. Those drive-by weddings among heterosexual couples that stay married for 3 or 4 months and then move on to the next – Newt Gingrich. Here’s another interesting tidbit…You know those Southern Bible Thumping states? The one’s where they believe marriages is defined as the union of one White male property owner, with one barefoot and pregnant female…Yeah divorce rate in those states – HIGHEST in the nation!

          Interesting how those statistics all work out huh? Well just think 50 years ago blacks couldn’t sit at the same lunch counter with whites, progress moves fast…not matter who’s trying to impede it!

          Suck on dem apples!

        • Me says:

          I think your Full Of Shit here!

        • Me says:

          That was for Mr PHD Bullshitter.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Read it and weep! So sad how the truth works out in inconvenient ways. Makes the bigotry so much harder, when there’s no evidence to back it up, huh?

        • Me says:

          Are you a Gay? Are you a Warming Alarmist?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          LoL no i’m not “a Gay”. Are you a straight? I’m recently married to a wonderful woman and have an awesome gay cousin who is more of a brother to me and two really cool gay neighbors. Are you someone who follows the pseudoscience of the Republican party?

  37. Me says:

    😆 that took you long enough to answer.

    • Me says:

      Yes I am “A Heterosexual” not “a Gay”. As I never put that in quotation marks like you did untill now. Sounds like you have issues?

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Please explain the “warming alarmist” I’m fascinated!

        • Me says:

          Yeah, Now I know your FOS. Or you have been living in fantasy land too long.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Well please, you called BS on my marriage stats, but never even attempted to refute them. I’m waiting!

        • Me says:

          Please explain the “warming alarmist” I’m fascinated! to Well please, you called BS on my marriage stats, but never even attempted to refute them. I’m waiting!

          Exaclty, and it proves Me point you are FOS!

        • Me says:

          Sorry, it proves everyone elses point here too.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Baahahaha! Your out of your league junior. Get back outside and finish milking the cows!

        • suyts says:

          Lol, Hey! People of the rural community are offended! This thread is getting a bit fatigued.

          But, Fellows, I’ve got a new post coming up which may give us something else to discuss. 🙂

          PhD, I’d be particularly interested in your point of view. Just bear with me for a moment.

        • Me says:

          you say I called BS on my marriage stats? where did I state that, because that is where I say your FOS.

        • Me says:

          Sorry suyts, but you see where this went before I got into it. And Sorry again.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          You are hysterical! Your apology should be accept, after all you made such a valiant attempt to bring something worthwhile to the discussion!

      • Me says:

        PHD, your singing to your own tune doesn’t change what you said here. It isn’t me that thinks your FOS here everyone else thinks so too and you done this all by your self. ya can try to spin it how you like, but it is what it is.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          ME just look at what you’ve posted here…. Not one single piece of fact, evidence, or any sort of reasoned debated. You’re as worthless here as a fly on the wall – only slightly more annoying since you’re one of those flies that makes a bit of an irritating buzz from time to time.

        • Me says:

          So tell me where I called BS on my marriage stats? tell ME!

        • Me says:

          your marriage stats?

    • Me says:

      As for the Republican party, as I see it is not permissable of someone like me to vote in your elections but but maybe for the Democrats it would be ok. So please let me know.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      I don’t refer to people as “a gay”. I’m pretty sure we would say he is straight, not he is “a straight”? Maybe that’s just my understanding of English. It seems people are either gay, straight, or bisexual? The only issues I have are with some of the bigots who post on this board.

  38. miked1947 says:

    There are only two sexual preferences, Straight or Confused.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Now isn’t that a bit like me saying there are only two types of Americans. Liberal intellectuals or bigoted, clueless rednecks?

      • miked1947 says:

        At least you got one out of five right! reverse thought patterns are a common trait of Liberals, they see their faults in their opponents.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          And yet they’re so much more accepting and so less bigoted. Interesting huh? Do you think that’s because they understand the world at a greater level so they have less innate fear of something different or unknown. There’s actually some interesting science to support that theory.

        • Me says:

          Do tell this interesting science to support that hypothesis.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Oh not it’s you again….LoL…I’m very happy to! It seems that many posters on the board could benefit from some more education! Foremost among the uneducated would be the mystery man “ME”!!! (Although I guess if it’s not spoken by some misogynistic holy figure then they won’t believe any of it.)

        • miked1947 says:

          It is because they are Bigoted and suffer from mental myopia which leads them to only be able to see their own faults in others while fantasizing that the have acquired the attributes of those they disagree with.
          It was conservatives that ended slavery and promoted civil rights.
          It was Democrats that formed the KKK.
          It is the Democrats that are promoting modern day slavery through Welfare and other government programs. The country is becoming a group of mental slaves like you. You even admit it. The only progress the Progressive party wants is to enslave the minds of the populace.
          You have been brainwashed.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          If you really believe that and aren’t even smart enough to consider where the other side is coming from then you’re a complete moronic idiot.

          You see I can at least understand the bigotry born out of religion. I just don’t buy it. Especially when the tenets deemed so important to follow are usually the ones where a minority group ate the target. Do u see the evangelicals calling for laws against all the gluttons in the US. No since 2/3 of the country are fat, that’s a tough sell.

          How many gluttons do we have as posters?? Hmmmm….

        • Me says:

          So how does that link you provided pretain to Me?

      • philjourdan says:

        Only if you are an ignorant self pretending PhD that is as clueless as a lobotomized child.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          At least I don’t require two seats on an airplane while clinging to my fanciful belief that gay marriage is destroying society! Proof please!!!!

        • Me says:

          Wow,now you are showing yourself to be the peice of crap we thought you to be. But you did that earlier didn’t you…… I don’t know but maybe the majority here thinks so! But hey that’s a consensus and we all know what it means!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          And hey the Klan had a consensus when they were hanging a single black man from a tree! What’s a consensus worth with a few homophobic fools that think alike…not much!

  39. miked1947 says:

    Hope you had a good lunch with the food I provided! 😉
    Feeding the trolls is so much fun when you can observe them going into a blind rage! 🙂 🙂

  40. ThePhDScientist says:

    As a scientist I’ll give u that. Now are u mature enough to admit u detest these statistics as they go against the bigoted narrative you wish to sell?

  41. miked1947 says:

    There are Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics.
    If you need statistics to support your theory you are promoting a fantasy.
    But then You are a typical Pathological wanna be scientist so that is expected. You should sue the school that granted that degree because they did not teach you anything for all the bucks you spent.

  42. ThePhDScientist says:

    What that you’re overweight? Probably the statistical likelihood is high! That at best you have a college education but possibly not even that….based on your comments and world view that seemsost likely. Certainly no higher education. That you probably fit in best around a trailer park in the deep south? ABSOLUTELY!

    • Me says:

      Why do you say that, are you trying to project your superiority because you believe you are better than everyone else?

  43. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 6:03 am

    And please, don’t tell me I lost the debate, when you don’t even know what the debate is.

    You are still clueless of what the debate is. And I am not you boy, sorry, I do not take kindly to racists bigots who try to make points with not so subtle racist epithets.

    Here’s a clue for you – you are trying to be a bully as well. Here is a fact for you. You are a failure. I am not intimidated by your faux degree or your bellicose racism. So take your “boy” back to your home and diddle with him. That appears to be your strong point.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Phils a bigot! Hes afraid of the big bad lesbian! LOL

      • philjourdan says:

        How about you come to Watts. And then call me boy. Try it little man. If you have a death wish.

        You are a sad pathetic fool who does not even know how ignorant you are.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Gladly! I’m sure I’ll find an old, obese, misogynistic bigot waiting there! Any time big boy!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          By the way Phil…Would that be Watts, Oklahoma population 316? LoL….!!!
          Just let me know so I can book my ticket, or perhaps I could hang glide in as I’m sure there isn’t airport around for miles and miles!

  44. ThePhDScientist says:

    Oh here it comes again. Please tell me who I’m racist against? Lol!

    Go back to your hole gluttonous sloth!

    • Me says:

      Don’t tell Me I am a racist you pig voment wanna be.

      • philjourdan says:

        Racists always accuse others of their sins to deflect the criticism they justly deserve. phD has already demonstrated he is a racist.

    • philjourdan says:

      Blacks for one apparently. Want to use the N word next? Go ahead, we know you want to.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Yes i’ve made so many racist statements against blacks! Nice one fool!

        • Me says:

          You really don’t shut up do you?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I love agitating fat homophobes!

        • Me says:

          And by that I mean you don’t know when! well it’s a good thing we still have demorcracy, and I am all for you having your say too. because it is the lesser of the evils. 😆

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Well great I wish I could be happy for you and Phil and Mike but really I feel sorry or you all. Such pathetic lives that you have to actually spend all day protesting against the happiness of gay Americans.

          Let’s imagine I did the same thing against gluttonous fat Americans. I mean my arguments would certainly be more valid. It’s a fact that Americans are obese fatties. It’s a fact that two obese Americans are hundreds of times more likely two give rise to obese children. It’s a fact that obesity is now the number one health problem in the USA. So how about I take your lead. NO marriage for Obese folks! After all the bible said gluttony was a sin and we clearly know marriage is defined as one normal weight man and one healthy weight woman!

        • Me says:

          Democracy, I guess I misspelled it earlier but hey, nobody is perferct, except for DAPhDouchebag here 😆

        • Me says:


        • philjourdan says:

          Yes you have. That I pointed it out makes me the fool? You are a laugh riot. so the newspeak is those pointing out racism are the racists! Only a liberal tool could believe that contorted logic.

          Not even a nice try mr. grand kleagle.

  45. Me says:

    DAPhDouchebag here, all fer you!

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Oh child you still have yet to post anything that says anything. Really go back and read your posts. I mean Phil and Mike are bozos but at least they try. You haven’t even given it that much. Might I recommend an education?!???!!

  46. Me says:

    Anyway, sorry again suyts, if you don’t allow Me to post here again I would understand.
    got to go, other things to do.

    • suyts says:

      Me…… what on earth would make you think I wouldn’t allow your comments?
      Honestly, you guys were so busy on this post, I didn’t have time to read what was stated.

      I’ll read the whole silly thing tomorrow. Everyone here is welcome to comment again. I wish the conversation had a more reasonable tone about it, but …. it didn’t. I tried to steer the conversation to different posts, but you guys weren’t having it.

      As far as I can tell, everyone got their say and had ample opportunity to state what they had on their mind and make the points they wished to make. I suppose that’s progress.

      On a bright note, this and one other post basically broke the record for views today. Sadly, neither one was a current post…. which I thought would have held more attention. You never know…… ttyl.

  47. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 1:52 pm

    Sorry when did I say i was Christian? There ate thousands of Gods out there. Are you an atheist against those Gods?

    “ate” Gods? Do they taste like chicken?

    Apparently our esteemed guest is ESL and not very knowledgeable. You cannot be “atheist” on some gods. You are either Atheist or a Theist. Period. (Theist does not preclude Polytheism for the slow learner with the fancy title).

  48. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 2:14 pm

    At least I don’t require two seats on an airplane while clinging to my fanciful belief that gay marriage is destroying society! Proof please!!!!

    Proof of what? That I am not fat? Sorry, I never claimed not to be (and I do not care if you think I am). Proof of what? That you are a failure at debating, and do not even know who you are talking to? The proof is in the comments above.

    Proof that you still are clueless on the debate topic? Again see above. For the slow learners here (PhD), the topic is NOT Gay Marriage. The topic is not who or what they are. The Topic is B-U-L-L-I-E-S. And the fact that Savage is one.

    And guess what clueless? Gays can be bullied or bullies. They can be Christians, or Atheists. They can be smart or stupid. They can be kind or vindictive. They can be just like anyone else. And only a closet homophobe like you would think they can only be pigeon-holed into a stereotype that is totally off subject, off topic, and off your rocker. I feel sorry for your cousin. He has the worst kind of homophobe in the family. A condescending ignorant one.

  49. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    Gladly! I’m sure I’ll find an old, obese, misogynistic bigot waiting there! Any time big boy!

    What you will find is your worst nightmare. Men who do not like to be called boys because of the racial stereotyping. And what you will also find is your worse ass whooping you have imagined. But then a racist bigot like yourself has no clue on what the hell you are talking about, so you regularly insult others with your bigotry. So far, on this thread alone, you have insulted blacks and gays. If you keep posting, I am sure we will see Hispanics, Asians, native Americans and women added to the list.

    You are are sick puppy. All you have is hate. You are a sad pathetic little man, a racist homophobic bigot.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Oh big boy all that blood supply to your fat cells is cutting off the flow of oxygen to your brain. I’ve not once made a racist comment against any ethnic minority which is precisely why you can’t cite one. Furthermore it is you who wishes to deny gays the right to marry because of your steadfast belief in the passages of fairy tales. And yet those same tales rebuke gluttony, where’s your action there?

      • philjourdan says:

        More mindless racism and bigotry from the king of ad hominems. You have no clue what you are saying, or even why you stuck your head into the meat grinder. That would require an intelligence you have yet to demonstrate.

        You are a poster child for what is wrong with education in America. I am not talking on the doctorate level since it is clear you do not have one (or even a college education), but on the grade school level. You cannot maintain a constant thought, nor profer one coherent idea without resorting to senseless and useless pejoratives and ad hominems.

        The ony down side to your lack of intelligence is your ability to vote. Alas, there are enough shills out there to guide your hand, since you lack the brain power to do so, to vote for whomever will allow you to suckle at the government teat.

  50. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    And hey the Klan had a consensus when they were hanging a single black man from a tree! What’s a consensus worth with a few homophobic fools that think alike…not much!

    And you know this first hand no doubt. Since you are both a racist bigot and a homophobic jerk. Please keep painting yourself with your petty tirades that reveal the true racist homophobic bigot you are.

  51. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 3:01 pm

    By the way Phil…Would that be Watts, Oklahoma population 316? LoL….!!!
    Just let me know so I can book my ticket, or perhaps I could hang glide in as I’m sure there isn’t airport around for miles and miles!

    Please – do not try to play dumb. You do it so naturally.

    There is also a Watts Texas. But then you would not know that, being the racist bigotted tool you are.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Actually I lived in a major Texas city for years and never heard of Watts. I imagine it’s a real cultural Mecca of booming diversity?!!!

      • philjourdan says:

        Yes, and I am sure you knew ever corner of the state. Just as you do Oklahoma. You know so much that is not true, that it is difficult to find any truth in any of your postings. Seeing that you are so ignorant, the correct address is Watts Los Angeles, California.

        But since you cannot find your way out of a paper bag, I doubt you can find that place either.

  52. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    I love agitating fat homophobes!

    Given the only homophobe here is you, I guess we now know that you are also fat. And yes, we know about your love of masturbation since no sane women would ever spend a night with you – not even for a high price.

  53. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 14, 2012 at 3:13 pm

    Well great I wish I could be happy for you and Phil and Mike but really I feel sorry or you all. Such pathetic lives that you have to actually spend all day protesting against the happiness of gay Americans.

    Ok, so you are trying to paint me with your bigotted brush. So I will challenge you. I know you will not respond with anything resembling an answer (just more senseless homophobic racist diatribes), but I want it written for all to see the sad pathetic container of hate you are.

    Show me where I have stated anything about gays. Not A GAY (Dan Savage, a pathetic little bigot like you – well not little since you have admitted you are obese), but GAYS. Go ahead, we will wait.

  54. Pingback: Wow! Retirement In My Future? | suyts space

  55. ThePhDScientist says:

    Hi Suyts

    Was reading some news and came across this video. Strangely, made me think of this thread. I hope some of the anti-gay bigots on your site watch this and see the way they directly contribute to destroying the lives of people. I found this so touching and so awful!

    I wonder if this story makes them feel proud, like they’ve accomplished something?

    • suyts says:

      PhD, What the hell? What does this have to do with anything on this blog? I know you and some other commenters argued, but, I didn’t see anything stated related to this video. Though, this is a long thread…..

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Come on Suyts, really? All of these bigoted, bible-thumping asses who post on your board need to see this and realize what they do to people’s lives. The issue of gay marriage most certainly came up and this video is one big reason why EVERYONE should agree with President Obama!

        • philjourdan says:

          I see you are still deficient in both debating techniques and logic. No facts, just ad hominems right out of the gate. You have proven one point. The only people voting for Obama are racists and bigots. And that is the best reason not to be associated with him.

      • suyts says:

        “bigoted, bible-thumping asses”………. doesn’t that statement say more about your bigotry than anything else?

        PhD, I don’t think you understand the nature of the people, here. Most, of course, are conservative to libertarian and many practice a traditional Christian faith. But, if you look at the issues covered here, the issue you’re obsessed with, gay marriage, isn’t something we concern ourselves with. But, as you can see, some of the commenters do enjoy a raucous dialogue from time to time. BTW, most people here have agreed with President Obama in that it is a question for the various states. I did write about the political implications of Obama’s statement.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          You’re right! I’ll admit it, I am blatantly Christian-o-phobic when it comes to matters of religion being used as justification for discrimination. When the bible is used as rationalization for legislating against some carefully chosen sins, while willfully ignoring all of the others. Guilty!

          I am curious to see what you wrote about the political implications of Obama’s statement, I must have missed that one.

          But no I don’t see this as a state’s issue. Any more than biracial marriage being a state’s issue. If we can’t get past this then the government needs to not offer any form of marriage license to anyone. All couples regardless of race, creed, orientation can be given civil union papers with identical rights and privileges and “marriages” can be left up to the church to preside over. I think that is the only fair and equitable solution.

        • suyts says:

          “The appeals court agreed with a lower court judge who ruled in 2010 that the law is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define marriage and denies married gay couples federal benefits given to heterosexual married couples, including the ability to file joint tax returns.”

          The wonderful document our founding fathers gave us, called the U.S. Constitution has worked well for a couple hundred years, and it continues to do so as long as fealty to it continues.

    • philjourdan says:

      YOu are projecting your own bigotry again.

  56. kelly liddle says:

    “All couples regardless of race, creed, orientation can be given civil union papers with identical rights and privileges”

    How about the government does not consider your status and treats everyone the same?

    • suyts says:

      Lol, will never happen in the U.S….. too many would lose their victim status!!!!

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Works for me, but when have you ever known the masses to be happy when they can’t discriminate against someone? It’s engrained in our history.

      • philjourdan says:

        And institutionalized in the democrat party. Yes, we know of the racism that seeks to divide and conquor. It has been used effectively by the likes of Robert Byrd and now Barack Obama. While the rest of the nation tries to live a life without it, the democrat party constantly pushes it back by exhibiting it.

      • philjourdan says:

        BTW – the word is “ingrained”. I would think a PhD would know the difference between an adjective and a noun. Or at least how to use them.

  57. kelly liddle says:

    It is engrained in everyones history. You only have to look at stories in the Bible about the Barbarians. Effectively we still discriminate against Barbarians and as an ethnic group they were wiped out because I don’t know anyone who calls themself a Barbarian. Maybe I should claim to be one and say I have been persecuted by the English speaking world. I have never read the Bible but as it is a common saying, so guessing that the story about this ethnic group or tribe is not good.

    Suyts and PHD I think you both seem to overeact. Attacking when it may be better to defend. You both seem to be concerned that others (especially government) will tell you what to do. When 2 countries become very fearful of each other they will then start a war when just a little more understanding may have prevented it.

  58. suyts says:

    Lol, Kelly, thank you for making my point for me. 😉

    For reference, ….. Barbarian is of Greek origin. A biblical word analogous to barbarian would be
    gentile. Ironically, the term “Philistine”, which has biblical origins specifically relating to one group of people, was adapted to English as a word which holds a meaning much closer to “barbarian”. 🙂

  59. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    May 31, 2012 at 7:41 am

    But no I don’t see this as a state’s issue.

    Of course you do not. YOu are the Napoleon of this animal farm. You abhor individual rights, and only look to the collective to impose YOUR will. You come in here making false and even libelous allegations – sans any shred of proof – and then propose a totalitarian dictatorship to fix the problems that do not exist. You leave all facts at the door, descend into petty ad hominems at the get go, and then expect people to buy into your hatred and racism.

    The problem with you is that these are not sheep here. They know that there is only one Napoleon, and they look at you and shake with fear that such a person would ever gain total control. Pol pot was very similar to you. A man of high ideals who knew how to fix everything. A quarter of the Cambodian Population later, the sheep finally got rid of the mass murderer.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Oh poor Phil, I see you’re still a big, fat twat. To “fix the problems that don’t exist”. Please take your big butt to all of the gay and lesbian couples in America who’ve banned from their partner’s funeral or who’ve been restricted from seeing their partner in the hospital, or who’ve been denied benefits and tell them there are no problems here, none at all. Just make believe. You’re a complete fool.

      • DirkH says:

        They have been “denied” benefits, you say; meaning, they were legally ENTITLED to them but didn’t get them? Why didn’t they sue?

        Words mean things. I don’t think that word means what you think.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Ooh here it comes in the style of the global warming argument. Let’s split hairs to detract from the big picture! Sorry, you lose!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Well thankfully the young people of America agree with me. We don’t find it necessary to discriminate against couples because of carefully chosen passages from a book of fairy tales. We believe in equal rights for all couples. So as soon of the oldies die off, progress happens. It’s the way it’s always been and the way it shall continue to be…Pretty soon those boomers will be too old and decrepit to make it to the polls and vote for bigotry.

        • DirkH says:

          It’s legit to fight for a political goal. I don’t wish you luck, though – I still have problems with gay couples adopting children, something that you imply as desirable with “equal rights for all couples”; and would rather let that woman who married herself adopt one.

          BTW, ain’t all this a little bit discriminating against threesomes? I see the next protest movement already. Why limit to two?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          That slippery slope argument is so tired Dirk! Really you should know that by now! Polygamy and gay marriage are not the same thing. When you deny gay marriage you deny one class of people the ability to marry the person they love. You can’t force a gay person to go straight and then marry someone of the opposite sex. That has nothing to do with marrying two people – no they’re not even close to similar please don’t even try that lame B.S.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          I also find it intriguing that you would apparently rather keep a child in an orphanage or bounced around in foster care than be adopted by two loving parents, regardless of their sexual orientation. Especially in light of all the psychiatric and psychological data showing a child does much better raised in home with 2 parents (of any orientation), than in a single parent home or living in the foster system.

        • DirkH says:

          I find it intriguing that you speak of data that allegedly exists yet you can’t find it.
          I heard the moon is made of green cheese.

      • philjourdan says:

        Non Sequitur. You again stand on your soap box, creating fairies that do not exist, and fail to address the points raised. You are your own worst enemy.

        Perhaps when you actually do get an education, you can address the issues I raised, and (in your own warped way) quote where I have even touched on the subject of gay couples. But alas, you instead run off on your own bigotry.

        By any objective standard, you clearly are not smart enough to hold the title you seem to want everyone to believe you have. But then I have seen enough stupid PhD’s in my lifebelieveieve that yes, there are enough idiots out there that you actually managed to get one (ala the Biden method).

        You call me a fool because you have yet to best me in a battle of wits. You cannot even best a child. So your petty ad hominems are amusing at most, and just a sad testament to your lack of rational thought in all probability.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          No big boy it’s not a non sequitur. It’s yours and people like you who think that their own bigotry and “ickyness” toward gays should stop them getting married and adopting kids.

          Imagine if we did the same for fat people! I find fats icky. Gluttony is a sin

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          And from a public health issue fats are way more of a problem then gays. Costing billions of dollars in health care raising fat kids. Obesity is now a bigger problem than smoking in terms of public health. So really my argument against fats adopting would be stronger than your argument against gays. Should I seek to get a ballot initiative to stop this atrocity? Or would people think I’m a crazy bigot?

  60. suyts says:

    “Words mean things.”

    DIrk, thank you for pointing this out. I don’t moderate this blog. I feel a free flow of communication is essential for understanding.

    I’ve no objection to use of colorful language, a pejorative, here or there, or blunt statements. However, for the people here, on this blog, devolving the exchange to simply hurling insults(you know who you are), it doesn’t speak well for the position one holds. If there’s an argument to make, make it. But, let’s clean up the juvenile name calling.



    • ThePhDScientist says:

      I’d like to apologize, but it wouldn’t be genuine. I find my disdain for Phil so hard to control. People like him epitomize what’s wrong with this country…

      • DirkH says:

        ThePhDScientist says:
        June 2, 2012 at 1:51 pm
        “Ooh here it comes in the style of the global warming argument. Let’s split hairs to detract from the big picture! Sorry, you lose!”

        You really have a chronic problem with logic.

      • philjourdan says:

        I find that an honor. That you so hate me you have yet to understand a single post I have made, or even to read what I have stated. I represent the hope for this country. But in your unbridled hatred (for the sake of hating), you do not even know what I stand for. All you know is that you hate, and so have no conception of what you are talking about. You are indeed what is wrong with liberalism. A total lack of comprehension of the issues, or even of the any discussion you partake in.

        I do not hate you. I do not pity you. I see you for what you are. A sad bent man who flails at windmills not knowing why, just trying to feed the hate that burns within you.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Hmm maybe you’re right. It’s been a long while since you’ve actually shown that you have a high school level of understanding on any topic. You seem to believe your sole purpose is to spit out your limited knowledge of Latin phrases (ad hominem) while not actually making any useful points.

        • philjourdan says:

          Gee PhD, I did not know you were ignorant of common phrases. So in the future, instead of saying “ad hominem”, I will merely point out that your second grade insults are non sequiturs and destroy any credibility you may have.

          Or do I need to use single syllable words so you can take them to your kindergarten teacher for translation?

          As for Points, as I said, had I known you were mentally handicapped and incapable of understanding the written word, I would have tried single syllable words instead. In the future, I will try to do so. However, you lack of reading comprehension does not negate any of the points I have made.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Ok big boy, let me try again…

          Here’s what I wrote: Well thankfully the young people of America agree with me. We don’t find it necessary to discriminate against couples because of carefully chosen passages from a book of fairy tales. We believe in equal rights for all couples. So as soon of the oldies die off, progress happens. It’s the way it’s always been and the way it shall continue to be…Pretty soon those boomers will be too old and decrepit to make it to the polls and vote for bigotry.

          And here’s what you wrote: And where did you come up with this delusion that anyone agrees with you? From the 32 states that have voted against it? Or maybe all the states that have voted for it (0 to date, only legislatures have). I really do not expect a response, just more petty ad hominems, but thought I would give you at least an oppotunity to use your grey cells for something other than basic animal instincts…

          So apparently it is you who is unable to comprehend an argument. Big boy, let me ask you this. In those 32 states where bigotry prevailed, was the vote 100% to 0% in favor of homophobia? Or was it often a reasonably close vote or something in the neighborhood 60:40 etc.? Now Phil, hold onto your big pants, it gets complicated here. If we look into the statistics a bit, what do the numbers tell us about the people voting in favor of homophobia and those voting in favor of equality? Ahh that’s right – they tell us that the younger the voter the more likely they are to favor equality. They also tell us those oldies who sit at home with little to do and who are most likely to make it to the polls generally vote for homophobia. Now if you can hold onto that thought, please reread my original post…

  61. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 2, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    Ooh here it comes in the style of the global warming argument. Let’s split hairs to detract from the big picture! Sorry, you lose!

    He is not splitting hairs. He made a valid point which you seem to fail to grasp (not uncommon in your case). Instead of address his point, you once again, descend into your petty ad hominems, admitting defeat without even a meager attempt at a rebuttal.

    You are indeed the poster child for “Why Johnny Can’t Read”.

  62. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 2, 2012 at 10:26 pm

    Well thankfully the young people of America agree with me. We don’t find it necessary to discriminate against couples because of carefully chosen passages from a book of fairy tales. We believe in equal rights for all couples. So as soon of the oldies die off, progress happens. It’s the way it’s always been and the way it shall continue to be…Pretty soon those boomers will be too old and decrepit to make it to the polls and vote for bigotry.

    And where did you come up with this delusion that anyone agrees with you? From the 32 states that have voted against it? Or maybe all the states that have voted for it (0 to date, only legislatures have). I really do not expect a response, just more petty ad hominems, but thought I would give you at least an oppotunity to use your grey cells for something other than basic animal instincts.

  63. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 4, 2012 at 7:36 am

    No big boy it’s not a non sequitur. It’s yours and people like you who think that their own bigotry and “ickyness” toward gays should stop them getting married and adopting kids.

    Imagine if we did the same for fat people! I find fats icky. Gluttony is a sin

    I tire of your stupidity – and no, that is not an ad hominem. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, and stupidity is the refusal of knowledge. YOu have refused to learn. So I will make it simple for you.

    It is indeed a non sequitur. I challenge you to find any bigotry of mine, other than against stupid people such as your self, to any group of people, gays, blacks, greens or sheep.

    So Mr. faux PhD, quote where I have demonstrated bigotry against anyone except yourself. I freely admit I am very intolerant of stupid people. And you are king of that group.

  64. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 4, 2012 at 7:39 am

    And from a public health issue fats are way more of a problem then gays. Costing billions of dollars in health care raising fat kids. Obesity is now a bigger problem than smoking in terms of public health. So really my argument against fats adopting would be stronger than your argument against gays. Should I seek to get a ballot initiative to stop this atrocity? Or would people think I’m a crazy bigot?

    When you are in a hole, common sense says to stop digging. You have already proven your bigotry, along with racism and homophobia. Now we can add Obesophobia. Should we just say you are Panphobic?

    As for what you should do – perhaps that hole you crawled out of needs you back.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Haha so are your saying you don’t believe fat marriage and fat adoption should also be put up for state ballot initiative like gay marriage?

      • philjourdan says:

        For the v-e-r-y s-l-o-w l-e-a-r-n-e-r.

        I do not share your hates. I do not share your fears. I do not share your love of a lack of learn-ing.

        There, all in single syllables. Are you happy now?

  65. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 4, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    Ok big boy, let me try again…

    Here’s what I wrote: Well thankfully the young people of America agree with me. We don’t find it necessary to discriminate against couples because of carefully chosen passages from a book of fairy tales. We believe in equal rights for all couples. So as soon of the oldies die off, progress happens. It’s the way it’s always been and the way it shall continue to be…Pretty soon those boomers will be too old and decrepit to make it to the polls and vote for bigotry.

    And here’s what you wrote: And where did you come up with this delusion that anyone agrees with you? From the 32 states that have voted against it? Or maybe all the states that have voted for it (0 to date, only legislatures have). I really do not expect a response, just more petty ad hominems, but thought I would give you at least an oppotunity to use your grey cells for something other than basic animal instincts…

    So apparently it is you who is unable to comprehend an argument. Big boy, let me ask you this. In those 32 states where bigotry prevailed, was the vote 100% to 0% in favor of homophobia? Or was it often a reasonably close vote or something in the neighborhood 60:40 etc.? Now Phil, hold onto your big pants, it gets complicated here. If we look into the statistics a bit, what do the numbers tell us about the people voting in favor of homophobia and those voting in favor of equality? Ahh that’s right – they tell us that the younger the voter the more likely they are to favor equality. They also tell us those oldies who sit at home with little to do and who are most likely to make it to the polls generally vote for homophobia. Now if you can hold onto that thought, please reread my original post…

    Oh, I used multisyable words and you got scared again! Sorry, you do not comprehend a debate. You can say you are gods gift to stupidity, but without sources or facts, that is just your idle boast. You made a statement, with no facts to back you up, that contradicts the facts I presented. However, my facts are sourced – are you really google impaired? I guess so.

    You really are a bore. If you could at least try to learn that would be different. But you take it as a badge of honor that fact that you refuse to learn! And that little man, is stupidity. Yes, you are still stupid. You do not know what a fact is. You do not know how to source any statements you make (commonly referred to as ignorant opinions), you assume facts not in evidence, you use racist epithets, homophobic slurs, and not fat jokes as well. Quite simply, you are the perfect liberal – ignorant, bigoted, opinionated and wrong.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Haha you fat idiot. You can’t refute anything I’ve written can you? So you say i’ve used racist epithets and homophobic slurs. THAT’S FUNNY! Show me one of my posts where i’ve done that. NO, WE KNOW YOU CAN’T! Stop projecting onto me Big Boy. Just because you’re fat, homophobic, and racist doesn’t mean I am!

      • philjourdan says:

        Still stuck on your stupid ad hominems (oops! There goes those multisyllable words again). But to answer your childish challenge, yes I can.

        You called me “boy”. A racist term to denigrate a black man. You are a racist, even when it was pointed out to you your racism, you doubled down on it.

        You have used the term teabagger as a pejorative. A practice commonly associated with Gay sex. Using the term is not homophobic, using it as a pejorative is. (Just as using queer is not necessarily a homophobic term, unless used as a pejorative).

        You are a childish racist homophobic bigot. Who has no clue when he has been pwned.

        you have been pwned.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Wow you’re an idiot. First of all tea bagging is not specific to gay sex ( but you wouldn’t know since it’s unlikely you’re having gay or straight sex! Secondly your grasping at six degrees of separation to come up with this stuff is even more hilarious!!!

      • philjourdan says:

        BTW: I played your silly game, and sucessfully answered your challenge. Now answer mine. You will not however for 2 reasons.

        #1 – you are a coward
        #2 – You cannot.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      But here you go big boy. Since you obviously don’t keep up with any current events, see what Gallup says about these voting trends…

      • Latitude says:

        I don’t think they polled “oldies”, said it was 35-54 age group…that polled 47%

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          And take notice which geographic region of the US is most homophobic…Is anyone surprised that it’s the South? Aren’t these Southern states generally the poorest and lowest educated ones as well?

        • Latitude says:

          I thought it was Iran and the Saudis……..

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Wow so that’s where your setting the bar for our Southern brothers huh? Better remind those Southern girls to cover their face and hair!

        • Latitude says:

          you’re giving me a headache again….I’m out

      • philjourdan says:

        I am well aware of the polls. I am also well aware of 32 states voting records. I am also well aware of the Bradley/Wilder Effect. All of these things are totally foreign to you. Since you live in a child’s world where Critical thinking is not an option.

        If you ever did have an original thought, it would die of loneliness in that cavern upon your shoulders.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Oh ok big boy there you go again with that all important 32 states! How many states voted for slavery? (how many southern states?) did you forget that part of the job of the constitution is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority? Oh but a slight majority of people in 32 states are homophobes so that makes it ok…Great argument!

  66. DirkH says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 4, 2012 at 1:50 pm
    “Just because you’re fat, homophobic, and racist doesn’t mean I am!”

    No, because you’re a scientist, and a PhD, right? This is starting to get funny.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Lame. Everyone afraid to address my points about how arbitrary it is to discriminate against gays and not fats? Or all the psychological data showing children do better in 2

      • DirkH says:


        I see you’re using all those academia words.

      • philjourdan says:

        YOu have made no challenge. You have simply tried to bully your way to a point with childish ad hominems and juvenile pejoratives. You are incapable of even posting a coherent thought with out either of them.

        I have answered every challenge you have made. You have made no points. And you have ducked every challenge I have made, answering with racist epithets, homophobic slurs, and school yard taunts.

  67. ThePhDScientist says:

    Lame ^ 2 = you’re right it’s impossible to justify one form of bigotry over another.

    • DirkH says:

      Did you have to look up “bigotry”?

      • philjourdan says:

        Of course he had to – it has more than 1 syllable.

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Haha I guess we can assume Dirk and Big Boy Phil don’t agree with discriminating against fat people, but dont really know how to then justify their discriminatory beliefs against gays!?!! Come on guys lets just say in US fat people are the majority therefore we can’t discriminate???!!

        • philjourdan says:

          I guess we can see that your bigotry is not limited to just gays and blacks. Keep posting. We are enjoying seeing you wrap yourself in your ugly racism and pretending you are somehow englightened.

    • philjourdan says:

      Yet you try. Maybe that is why you have no accomplishments to speak of. You think that a brick wall is a butting block for your head. That would explain your apparently lack of intelligence as well.

  68. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 4, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    And take notice which geographic region of the US is most homophobic…Is anyone surprised that it’s the South? Aren’t these Southern states generally the poorest and lowest educated ones as well?

    Yea, like California. They are one of those ignorant southern states as well. Polls showed massive support for gays. They have Milk, Feinstein (both gay opportunists), Boxer and Moonbeam.

    And they are one of the 32. As I said, you have yet to post a fact, or use critical thinking skills. Instead you appeal to authority, and use racist and homophobic slurs to try to bully others into getting your way. Unfortunately for you, this is not some ignorant college campus where you are surrounded by a bunch of empty headed children who look upon you as some sort of god because you got letters behind your name.

    Nor do those letters mean a diddly damn here. I have far more letters behind my name than you ever will, but you do not see those letters in my name. Because they are not who I am. They are merely some of the accomplishments I have made in my life time. You do not know the difference. I guess you are so bereft of any real accomplishments, you have to invent phony ones.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Clearly you’re so important and influential big boy. That’s why you live in a town in Texas no one has ever heard of and spew your homophobia online….

      • philjourdan says:

        #1 – I never claimed influence – so that is a lie on your part
        #2 – I never claimed to live in Texas, so that is another lie on your part
        #3 – I have yet to utter one word associated with homophobia on line. YOu are free to quote anything I have said, anywhere I have said it. Maybe chasing your tail will keep you from practicing your bigotry.

        In summary, you lied 3 times in 2 sentences. Going for a record?

  69. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 4, 2012 at 3:56 pm

    Wow so that’s where your setting the bar for our Southern brothers huh? Better remind those Southern girls to cover their face and hair!

    I can see where your confusion lies. Poor Latitude used a multi-syllable word.

  70. ThePhDScientist says:

    Keep living that fantasy big boy. You can’t defend your position because there is no defending one form of good ole Southern bigotry over another!

    • philjourdan says:

      The only defense i see here is your defense of your racist homophobic bigotry. Ugly as it is, you are free to be one. But that does not mean anyone here has to agree with you (they do not) or even like it.

  71. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 5, 2012 at 6:13 am

    Wow you’re an idiot. First of all tea bagging is not specific to gay sex ( but you wouldn’t know since it’s unlikely you’re having gay or straight sex! Secondly your grasping at six degrees of separation to come up with this stuff is even more hilarious!!!

    YOu apparently cannot read either. I did not say ‘specific” as everyone can see (except you), I said “commonly associated with”. Which means it is practiced and ASSOCIATED with. It is not specific to.

    And I am grasping at nothing. I used your own words to show you are a racist homophobic bigot. And you offered no credible rebuttal. You did not even deny that you are.

    It is indeed funny, but a sad funny, that such a racist homophobic bigot like you can pretend they have some letters behind their name.

  72. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 5, 2012 at 6:37 am

    Oh ok big boy there you go again with that all important 32 states! How many states voted for slavery? (how many southern states?) did you forget that part of the job of the constitution is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority? Oh but a slight majority of people in 32 states are homophobes so that makes it ok…Great argument!

    How many states voted for slavery? I bet you do not know. I will bet you have no clue. But that is a non sequitur in any event, since no one is enslaving anyone (other than you wishing to enslave those you hate).

    Second, show me where all who voted are homophobes. I am sure there are some. But I want to see some factual data on the number. Provide it or withdraw your lie.

    And third, the constitution is amended with the consent of 75% of the states. That is not unanimity. That is a super majority. And nothing, not even the SCOTUS can stop the constitution. So your “tyranny of the majority” is another non sequitur, since you do not know what you are talking about.

    Fourth, 60% is not a “slight majority”. You failed math I see.

    So why are you a racist bigoted homophobe? Did a gay black man make a pass at you?

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      It’s hysterical that you call me a bigoted homophobe. Phil do you support equal rights for all couples? Do you support gay marriage? How many gay weddings have you been to? All respond to the rest of you nonsensical Southern hogwash when I get more time…

      • philjourdan says:

        How many black “friends” do you have? See how stupid your statement is? But I will not answer because you refuse to answer my challenge, and I have answered one of yours. So until such time as you answer my challenge, find your own puppet to dance with.

        And my Southern Hogwash? LOL! I have not made any declarative statements about the south – YOU HAVE! Are you getting senile and do not remember what YOU SAID?

        So Mr. Racist homophobe – answer my challenge. Or continue to prove to everyone that those letters behind your name are either honorary or stolen.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      By the way you slothy bloviating ignoramus – what kind of support have you ever seen in the US for passing a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. It seems while there are the gay bigots like you then there are the equality supporters like me and then the Americans who are on the fence but uncomfortable with a constitutional amendment. Sorry fatty this isn’t 1950 there is no chance in hell of passing that kind of bigotry in a federal amendment – no matter how badly you want it. Check latest Fox News Polls! 53% against and 38% for such a bigoted federal amendment. And that number is dropping as people like you get old and drop off due to obesity related diseases..

      • philjourdan says:

        Ah, the smell of defeat in the morning! More ad hominems from the small minded racist bigot that cannot discuss or debate issues on their merits and must resort to childish school yard taunts. I love to smell burning bigot in the morning!

        Any more non sequiturs? Or just more racist homophobic rants?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Dear Big Boy Phil

          You deciding something is “non sequitur” doesn’t make it so. Just like you saying your big boned doesn’t mean that you are not clinically obese. You understand?

          You’re going to call me a homophobe and yet you’re afraid to expressly share your views on the subject? Anyone reading this knows who supports equal rights for all couples and who is the homophobic bigot…!

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          P.S. The smell of burning flesh…? Did you try roasting and eating your own rump again?

      • ThePhDScientist says:

        Check the polls Phil! Read em and weep!

        • philjourdan says:

          What polls would that be? YOur imaginary ones that say you have a PhD? If I want a poll, I will ask Suyts to create one. If I want to see what is going on in the country, I am certainly not going to your poll. I will look at the ballot box.

          What is that I hear? 0-32? That poll?

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Haha yes we know you would. We know you will only listen to people who think like you and ignore all other scientific evidence. Because that’s what you do! After all it’s the science that should be working to support your notions!

          But, perhaps you would believe the FOX NEWS POLL????

          In case you can’t figure out how click on a hyperlink it says “A small majority still support anti-gay bigotry, but don’t want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage”…

          Now let’s talk about all the ways FOX NEWS got this poll wrong. It must have been those liberal, lefty, leftists who actually conducted this poll and then somehow snuck it onto Fox News website, RIGHT!!!????!!!!!!?????

  73. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 5, 2012 at 12:52 pm

    Dear Big Boy Phil

    You deciding something is “non sequitur” doesn’t make it so. Just like you saying your big boned doesn’t mean that you are not clinically obese. You understand?

    You’re going to call me a homophobe and yet you’re afraid to expressly share your views on the subject? Anyone reading this knows who supports equal rights for all couples and who is the homophobic bigot…!

    Since you do not even know what a non sequitur is, we can discount your objection. Especially since it is a non sequitur. And just because you are a homophobic racist bigot does not mean you do not have views. It just means they are wrong. So keep it up! I love the smell of toasted bigot at sunrise! Keep boiling bigot. YOu are doing fine all by yourself.

    p.s. For the slow learners, let me repeat: But I will not answer because you refuse to answer my challenge, and I have answered one of yours. So until such time as you answer my challenge, find your own puppet to dance with.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      You certainly are a puppet – I just can’t tell whether it’s of Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck!
      Good Day Big Boy!

      • philjourdan says:

        Ah yes, the mighty favad has spoken! Can’t fulfill a simple request, so has to continue to lie. And of course merely spew ad hominems.

        Perhaps the reason you do not know if it is hannity or beck is because you have never met a thinking person before? Certainly not in any imaginary education you have claimed.

        • ThePhDScientist says:

          Does it make you that upset that I have a PhD? Perhaps knowledge is what makes me less afraid of gay people… The reason why allowing them to get married or adopt children doesn’t frighten me?

  74. PhDs_Mum says:

    Dad and I are so proud of our little sonny.

  75. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 5, 2012 at 3:38 pm

    Does it make you that upset that I have a PhD? Perhaps knowledge is what makes me less afraid of gay people… The reason why allowing them to get married or adopt children doesn’t frighten me?

    Since you hide your real name, I only conclude that your title is simply another make believe one that is so prevalent on the Internet. So no I am not upset. I know people like to play pretend, and that is all you are doing.

    And with friends like you, gay people need no enemies. I am sure your friendship will result in many backstabbings as you have demonstrated your hatred of them. Thank god you are no one’s friend.

  76. philjourdan says:

    ThePhDScientist says:
    June 5, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    Haha yes we know you would. We know you will only listen to people who think like you and ignore all other scientific evidence. Because that’s what you do! After all it’s the science that should be working to support your notions!

    But, perhaps you would believe the FOX NEWS POLL????

    In case you can’t figure out how click on a hyperlink it says “A small majority still support anti-gay bigotry, but don’t want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage”…

    Now let’s talk about all the ways FOX NEWS got this poll wrong. It must have been those liberal, lefty, leftists who actually conducted this poll and then somehow snuck it onto Fox News website, RIGHT!!!????!!!!!!?????

    Really? A show of hands from everyone who asked about a poll. Let’s see – 1 – you. So your delusion affects me not at all. Congratulations! YOu are a majority of one in your make believe world.

    You do not appear to be able to discuss or debate any issues as you cannot stay on TOPIC. Again, so what? The poll I quoted is not some beauty pagent. It is also the only binding one. 0-32. Care to comment on that? Do you even know what the Bradley/Wilder Effect is? Apparently not.

    So please post as many polls as you want. They are all non sequiturs. We were not talking about what OTHER people think. We were talking about your homophobic racist bigotry.

    • ThePhDScientist says:

      Fade back into obscurity big boy – no one cares what you have to say! But here’s an idea! I can help you build an executable file which simply responds to all posts here using your favorite 2 phrases (ad hominem and non-sequitur). Since you generally have no actual point to make besides throwing out these 2 words, wouldn’t such a simple program save you a lot of time? Perhaps give you more time for something else? Like say, exercise!?!

      • philjourdan says:

        Anyone reading my posts can see i rarely use those 2 phrases – except in your case. Because that is all you post! And like the coward you are, you are slinking off again, without answering my challenge. Fine by me. It just shows that you are a liar, and you are a coward. And that is what everyone is seeing.

        I made my points. basically they destroyed your feeble opinion. Your lack of English comprehension is not my problem.

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